# (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP init_config: instances: # The Cacti checks requires access to the Cacti DB in MySQL and to the RRD # files that contain the metrics tracked in Cacti. # In almost all cases, you'll only need one instance pointing to the Cacti # database. # # The `rrd_path` will probably be '/var/lib/cacti/rra' on Ubuntu # or '/var/www/html/cacti/rra' on any other machines. # # The `field_names` is an optional parameter to specify which field_names # should be used to determine if a device is a real device. You can let it # commented out as the default values should satisfy your needs. # You can run the following query to determine your field names: # SELECT # h.hostname as hostname, # hsc.field_value as device_name, # dt.data_source_path as rrd_path, # hsc.field_name as field_name # FROM data_local dl # JOIN host h on dl.host_id = h.id # JOIN data_template_data dt on dt.local_data_id = dl.id # LEFT JOIN host_snmp_cache hsc on h.id = hsc.host_id # AND dl.snmp_index = hsc.snmp_index # WHERE dt.data_source_path IS NOT NULL # AND dt.data_source_path != '' # # # # The `rrd_whitelist` is a path to a text file that has a list of patterns, # one per line, that should be fetched. If no whitelist is specified, all # metrics will be fetched. # - mysql_host: localhost mysql_user: MYSQL_USER mysql_password: MYSQL_PASSWORD rrd_path: /path/to/cacti/rra #field_names: # - ifName # - dskDevice # - ifIndex #rrd_whitelist: /path/to/rrd_whitelist.txt