import json import logging import time import requests from requests.packages.urllib3 import exceptions import six import warnings import monasca_agent.collector.checks as checks LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SolidFire(checks.AgentCheck): """SolidFire plugin for reporting cluster metrics. Reference the general plugin documentation for metric specifics. """ def __init__(self, name, init_config, agent_config): super(SolidFire, self).__init__(name, init_config, agent_config) self.sf = None self.instance = None self.cluster = None def check(self, instance): """Pull down cluster stats.""" self.cluster = instance.get('name') dimensions = {'service': 'solidfire', 'cluster': self.cluster} data = {} num_metrics = 0 # Extract cluster auth information auth = self._pull_auth(instance) self.sf = SolidFireLib(auth) # Query cluster for stats data.update(self._get_cluster_stats()) # Query for active cluster faults. data.update(self._list_cluster_faults()) # Query for cluster capacity info data.update(self._get_cluster_capacity()) # Dump data upstream. for key, value in data.items(): if data[key] is None: continue self.gauge(key, value, dimensions) num_metrics += 1 LOG.debug('Collected %s metrics' % (num_metrics)) def _pull_auth(self, instance): """Extract auth data from instance data. Simple check to verify we have enough auth information to connect to the SolidFire cluster. """ for k in ['mvip', 'username', 'password']: if k not in instance: msg = 'Missing config value: %s' % (k) LOG.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) auth = {'mvip': instance.get('mvip'), 'port': instance.get('port', 443), 'login': instance.get('username'), 'passwd': instance.get('password')} auth['url'] = 'https://%s:%s' % (auth['mvip'], auth['port']) return auth def _get_cluster_stats(self): res = (self.sf.issue_api_request('GetClusterStats', {}, '8.0') ['result']['clusterStats']) # Cluster utilization is the overall load. data = {'solidfire.cluster_utilization': res['clusterUtilization']} return data def _get_cluster_capacity(self): res = (self.sf.issue_api_request('GetClusterCapacity', {}, '8.0') ['result']['clusterCapacity']) # Number of 4KiB blocks with data after the last garbage collection non_zero_blocks = res['nonZeroBlocks'] # Number of 4KiB blocks without data after the last garbage collection zero_blocks = res['zeroBlocks'] # Number of blocks(not always 4KiB) stored on block drives. unique_blocks = res['uniqueBlocks'] # Amount of space the unique blocks take on the block drives. unique_blocks_space = res['uniqueBlocksUsedSpace'] # Amount of space consumed by the block services, including cruft. active_block_space = res['activeBlockSpace'] # Maximum amount of bytes allocated to the block services. max_block_space = res['maxUsedSpace'] # Amount of space consumed by the metadata services. active_slice_space = res['usedMetadataSpace'] # Amount of space consumed by the metadata services for snapshots. active_snap_space = res['usedMetadataSpaceInSnapshots'] # Maximum amount of bytes allocated to the metadata services. max_slice_space = res['maxUsedMetadataSpace'] # Volume provisioned space prov_space = res['provisionedSpace'] # Max provisionable space if 100% metadata space used. max_prov_space = res['maxProvisionedSpace'] # Overprovision limit. max_overprov_space = res['maxOverProvisionableSpace'] # Number of active iSCSI sessions. iscsi_sessions = res['activeSessions'] # Average IOPS since midnight UTC. avg_iops = res['averageIOPS'] # Peak IOPS since midnight UTC. peak_iops = res['peakIOPS'] # Current IOPs over the last 5 seconds. current_iops = res['currentIOPS'] # Theoretical max IOPS max_iops = res['maxIOPS'] # Single-node clusters can report zero values for some divisors. thin_factor, dedup_factor, comp_factor = 1, 1, 1 # Same calculations used in the SolidFire UI. if non_zero_blocks: # Thin provisioning factor thin_factor = ((non_zero_blocks + zero_blocks) / float(non_zero_blocks)) if unique_blocks: # Data deduplication factor dedup_factor = non_zero_blocks / float(unique_blocks) if unique_blocks_space: # 4096 constant from our internal block size, pre-compression # Compression efficiency factor comp_factor = (unique_blocks * 4096) / float(unique_blocks_space) # Overall data reduction efficiency factor eff_factor = thin_factor * dedup_factor * comp_factor data = {'solidfire.num_iscsi_sessions': iscsi_sessions, 'solidfire.iops.avg_utc': avg_iops, 'solidfire.iops.peak_utc': peak_iops, 'solidfire.iops.avg_5_sec': current_iops, 'solidfire.iops.max_available': max_iops, 'solidfire.provisioned_bytes': prov_space, 'solidfire.max_provisioned_bytes': max_prov_space, 'solidfire.max_overprovisioned_bytes': max_overprov_space, 'solidfire.max_block_bytes': max_block_space, 'solidfire.active_block_bytes': active_block_space, 'solidfire.max_meta_bytes': max_slice_space, 'solidfire.active_meta_bytes': active_slice_space, 'solidfire.active_snapshot_bytes': active_snap_space, 'solidfire.non_zero_blocks': non_zero_blocks, 'solidfire.zero_blocks': zero_blocks, 'solidfire.unique_blocks': unique_blocks, 'solidfire.unique_blocks_used_bytes': unique_blocks_space, 'solidfire.thin_provision_factor': thin_factor, 'solidfire.deduplication_factor': dedup_factor, 'solidfire.compression_factor': comp_factor, 'solidfire.data_reduction_factor': eff_factor } return data def _list_cluster_faults(self): # Report the number of active faults. Might be useful for an alarm? res = (self.sf.issue_api_request('ListClusterFaults', {'faultTypes': 'current'}, '8.0') ['result']['faults']) data = {'solidfire.active_cluster_faults': len(res)} return data def retry(exc_tuple, tries=5, delay=1, backoff=2): # Retry decorator used for issuing API requests. def retry_dec(f): @six.wraps(f) def func_retry(*args, **kwargs): _tries, _delay = tries, delay while _tries > 1: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except exc_tuple: time.sleep(_delay) _tries -= 1 _delay *= backoff LOG.debug('Retrying %(args)s, %(tries)s attempts ' 'remaining...', {'args': args, 'tries': _tries}) msg = ('Retry count exceeded for command: %s' % (args[1])) LOG.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) return func_retry return retry_dec class SolidFireLib(object): """Gutted version of the Cinder driver. Just enough to communicate with a SolidFire cluster for POC. """ retryable_errors = ['xDBVersionMismatch', 'xMaxSnapshotsPerVolumeExceeded', 'xMaxClonesPerVolumeExceeded', 'xMaxSnapshotsPerNodeExceeded', 'xMaxClonesPerNodeExceeded', 'xNotReadyForIO'] retry_exc_tuple = (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) def __init__(self, auth): self.endpoint = auth self.active_cluster_info = {} self._set_active_cluster_info(auth) @retry(retry_exc_tuple, tries=6) def issue_api_request(self, method, params, version='1.0', endpoint=None): if params is None: params = {} if endpoint is None: endpoint = self.active_cluster_info['endpoint'] payload = {'method': method, 'params': params} url = '%s/json-rpc/%s/' % (endpoint['url'], version) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) req =, data=json.dumps(payload), auth=(endpoint['login'], endpoint['passwd']), verify=False, timeout=30) response = req.json() req.close() if (('error' in response) and (response['error']['name'] in self.retryable_errors)): msg = ('Retryable error (%s) encountered during ' 'SolidFire API call.' % response['error']['name']) raise Exception(msg) if 'error' in response: msg = ('API response: %s') % response raise Exception(msg) return response def _set_active_cluster_info(self, endpoint): self.active_cluster_info['endpoint'] = endpoint for k, v in self.issue_api_request( 'GetClusterInfo', {})['result']['clusterInfo'].items(): self.active_cluster_info[k] = v # Add a couple extra things that are handy for us self.active_cluster_info['clusterAPIVersion'] = ( self.issue_api_request('GetClusterVersionInfo', {})['result']['clusterAPIVersion'])