import unittest import logging import subprocess from tempfile import mkdtemp import time import socket import pymongo from tests.common import load_check from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest PORT1 = 37017 PORT2 = 37018 MAX_WAIT = 150 class TestMongo(unittest.TestCase): def wait4mongo(self, process, port): # Somehow process.communicate() hangs out = process.stdout loop = 0 while True: l = out.readline() if l.find("[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port") > -1: break else: time.sleep(0.1) loop += 1 if loop >= MAX_WAIT: break def setUp(self): self.agent_config = { 'version': '0.1', 'api_key': 'toto' } # Initialize the check from checks_d self.check = load_check('mongo', {'init_config': {}, 'instances': {}}, self.agent_config) # Start 2 instances of Mongo in a replica set dir1 = mkdtemp() dir2 = mkdtemp() try: self.p1 = subprocess.Popen(["mongod", "--dbpath", dir1, "--port", str(PORT1), "--replSet", "testset/%s:%d" % (socket.gethostname(), PORT2), "--rest"], executable="mongod", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Sleep until mongo comes online self.wait4mongo(self.p1, PORT1) if self.p1: # Set up replication c1 = pymongo.Connection('localhost:%s' % PORT1, slave_okay=True) self.p2 = subprocess.Popen(["mongod", "--dbpath", dir2, "--port", str(PORT2), "--replSet", "testset/%s:%d" % (socket.gethostname(), PORT1), "--rest"], executable="mongod", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.wait4mongo(self.p2, PORT2) # Waiting before all members are online time.sleep(15) c1.admin.command("replSetInitiate") # Sleep for 15s until replication is stable time.sleep(30) assert pymongo.Connection('localhost:%s' % PORT2) except Exception: logging.getLogger().exception("Cannot instantiate mongod properly") def tearDown(self): try: if "p1" in dir(self): self.p1.terminate() if "p2" in dir(self): self.p2.terminate() except Exception: logging.getLogger().exception("Cannot terminate mongod instances") def testMongoCheck(self): raise SkipTest('Requires MongoDB') self.config = { 'instances': [{ 'server': "mongodb://localhost:%s/test" % PORT1 }, { 'server': "mongodb://localhost:%s/test" % PORT2 }] } # Test mongodb with checks_d self.check = load_check('mongo', self.config, self.agent_config) # Run the check against our running server self.check.check(self.config['instances'][0]) # Sleep for 1 second so the rate interval >=1 time.sleep(1) # Run the check again so we get the rates self.check.check(self.config['instances'][0]) # Metric assertions metrics = self.check.get_metrics() assert metrics self.assertIsInstance(metrics, list) self.assertTrue(len(metrics) > 0) metric_val_checks = { 'mongodb.connections.current': lambda x: x >= 1, 'mongodb.connections.available': lambda x: x >= 1, 'mongodb.uptime': lambda x: x >= 0, 'mongodb.mem.resident': lambda x: x > 0, 'mongodb.mem.virtual': lambda x: x > 0 } for m in metrics: metric_name = m[0] if metric_name in metric_val_checks: self.assertTrue(metric_val_checks[metric_name](m[2])) # Run the check against our running server self.check.check(self.config['instances'][1]) # Sleep for 1 second so the rate interval >=1 time.sleep(1) # Run the check again so we get the rates self.check.check(self.config['instances'][1]) # Metric assertions metrics = self.check.get_metrics() assert metrics self.assertIsInstance(metrics, list) self.assertTrue(len(metrics) > 0) for m in metrics: metric_name = m[0] if metric_name in metric_val_checks: self.assertTrue(metric_val_checks[metric_name](m[2])) def testMongoOldConfig(self): raise SkipTest('Requires MongoDB') self.agent_config1 = { 'mongodb_server': "mongodb://localhost:%s/test" % PORT1, 'version': '0.1', 'api_key': 'toto' } conf1 = self.check.parse_agent_config(self.agent_config1) self.agent_config2 = { 'mongodb_server': "mongodb://localhost:%s/test" % PORT2, 'version': '0.1', 'api_key': 'toto' } conf2 = self.check.parse_agent_config(self.agent_config2) # Test the first mongodb instance self.check = load_check('mongo', conf1, self.agent_config1) # Run the check against our running server self.check.check(conf1['instances'][0]) # Sleep for 1 second so the rate interval >=1 time.sleep(1) # Run the check again so we get the rates self.check.check(conf1['instances'][0]) # Metric assertions metrics = self.check.get_metrics() assert metrics self.assertIsInstance(metrics, list) self.assertTrue(len(metrics) > 0) metric_val_checks = { 'mongodb.connections.current': lambda x: x >= 1, 'mongodb.connections.available': lambda x: x >= 1, 'mongodb.uptime': lambda x: x >= 0, 'mongodb.mem.resident': lambda x: x > 0, 'mongodb.mem.virtual': lambda x: x > 0 } for m in metrics: metric_name = m[0] if metric_name in metric_val_checks: self.assertTrue(metric_val_checks[metric_name](m[2])) # Test the second mongodb instance self.check = load_check('mongo', conf2, self.agent_config2) # Run the check against our running server self.check.check(conf2['instances'][0]) # Sleep for 1 second so the rate interval >=1 time.sleep(1) # Run the check again so we get the rates self.check.check(conf2['instances'][0]) # Metric assertions metrics = self.check.get_metrics() assert metrics self.assertIsInstance(metrics, list) self.assertTrue(len(metrics) > 0) for m in metrics: metric_name = m[0] if metric_name in metric_val_checks: self.assertTrue(metric_val_checks[metric_name](m[2])) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()