# (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP """Parses the response from zookeeper's `stat` admin command, which looks like: ``` Zookeeper version: 3.2.2--1, built on 03/16/2010 07:31 GMT Clients: /[1](queued=0,recved=12,sent=0) /[1](queued=0,recved=53613,sent=0) /[1](queued=0,recved=57436,sent=0) /[1](queued=0,recved=16,sent=0) /[1](queued=0,recved=55011,sent=0) /[1](queued=0,recved=19431,sent=0) Latency min/avg/max: -10/0/20007 Received: 101032173 Sent: 0 Outstanding: 0 Zxid: 0x1034799c7 Mode: leader Node count: 487 ``` Tested with Zookeeper versions 3.0.0 to 3.4.10 """ import re import socket from StringIO import StringIO import struct from monasca_agent.collector.checks import AgentCheck class Zookeeper(AgentCheck): version_pattern = re.compile(r'Zookeeper version: ([^.]+)\.([^.]+)\.([^-]+)', flags=re.I) def check(self, instance): host = instance.get('host', 'localhost') port = int(instance.get('port', 2181)) timeout = float(instance.get('timeout', 3.0)) dimensions = self._set_dimensions({'component': 'zookeeper', 'service': 'zookeeper'}, instance) sock = socket.socket() sock.settimeout(timeout) buf = StringIO() chunk_size = 1024 # try-finally and try-except to stay compatible with python 2.4 try: try: # Connect to the zk client port and send the stat command sock.connect((host, port)) sock.sendall('stat') # Read the response into a StringIO buffer chunk = sock.recv(chunk_size) buf.write(chunk) num_reads = 1 max_reads = 10000 while chunk: if num_reads > max_reads: # Safeguard against an infinite loop raise Exception( "Read %s bytes before exceeding max reads of %s. " % (buf.tell(), max_reads)) chunk = sock.recv(chunk_size) buf.write(chunk) num_reads += 1 except socket.timeout: buf = None finally: sock.close() if buf is not None: # Parse the response metrics, new_dimensions = self.parse_stat(buf) if new_dimensions is not None: dimensions.update(new_dimensions.copy()) # Write the data for metric, value in metrics: self.gauge(metric, value, dimensions=dimensions) else: # Reading from the client port timed out, track it as a metric self.increment('zookeeper.timeouts', dimensions=dimensions) @classmethod def parse_stat(cls, buf): """`buf` is a readable file-like object returns a tuple: ([(metric_name, value)], dimensions) """ metrics = [] buf.seek(0) # Check the version line to make sure we parse the rest of the # body correctly. Particularly, the Connections val was added in # >= 3.4.4. start_line = buf.readline() match = cls.version_pattern.match(start_line) if match is None: raise Exception("Could not parse version from stat command output: %s" % start_line) else: version_tuple = match.groups() has_connections_val = map(int, version_tuple) >= [3, 4, 4] # Clients: buf.readline() # skip the Clients: header connections = 0 client_line = buf.readline().strip() if client_line: connections += 1 while client_line: client_line = buf.readline().strip() if client_line: connections += 1 # Latency min/avg/max: -10/0/20007 _, value = buf.readline().split(':') l_min, l_avg, l_max = [int(v) for v in value.strip().split('/')] metrics.append(('zookeeper.min_latency_sec', float(l_min) / 1000)) metrics.append(('zookeeper.avg_latency_sec', float(l_avg) / 1000)) metrics.append(('zookeeper.max_latency_sec', float(l_max) / 1000)) # Received: 101032173 _, value = buf.readline().split(':') metrics.append(('zookeeper.in_bytes', long(value.strip()))) # Sent: 1324 _, value = buf.readline().split(':') metrics.append(('zookeeper.out_bytes', long(value.strip()))) if has_connections_val: # Connections: 1 _, value = buf.readline().split(':') metrics.append(('zookeeper.connections_count', int(value.strip()))) else: # If the zk version doesn't explicitly give the Connections val, # use the value we computed from the client list. metrics.append(('zookeeper.connections_count', connections)) # Outstanding: 0 _, value = buf.readline().split(':') metrics.append(('zookeeper.outstanding_bytes', long(value.strip()))) # Zxid: 0x1034799c7 _, value = buf.readline().split(':') # Parse as a 64 bit hex int zxid = long(value.strip(), 16) # convert to bytes zxid_bytes = struct.pack('>q', zxid) # the higher order 4 bytes is the epoch (zxid_epoch,) = struct.unpack('>i', zxid_bytes[0:4]) # the lower order 4 bytes is the count (zxid_count,) = struct.unpack('>i', zxid_bytes[4:8]) metrics.append(('zookeeper.zxid_epoch', zxid_epoch)) metrics.append(('zookeeper.zxid_count', zxid_count)) # Mode: leader _, value = buf.readline().split(':') dimensions = {u'mode': value.strip().lower()} # Node count: 487 _, value = buf.readline().split(':') metrics.append(('zookeeper.node_count', long(value.strip()))) return metrics, dimensions