# Copyright 2017 FUJITSU LIMITED # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging from oslo_utils import importutils from monasca_setup import agent_config from monasca_setup import detection from monasca_setup.detection import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class InfluxDBRelay(detection.Plugin): """Detects influxdb-relay and sets up its monitoring Monitored items: * process * http_check """ PROC_NAME = 'influxdb-relay' """Name of the InfluxDB Relay process expected to be found in the system""" DEFAULTS = { 'bind_address': '', 'bind_port': 9096 } RELAY_NODE_ARG_NAME = 'influxdb_relay_node' def _detect(self): """Run detection, set self.available True if the service is detected. """ proc = utils.find_process_name(self.PROC_NAME) process_found = proc is not None config_file = self._get_config_file(proc) if process_found else None config_file_found = config_file is not None dependencies_installed = self.dependencies_installed() self.available = (process_found and config_file_found and dependencies_installed) if not self.available: err_chunks = [] if not process_found: err_chunks.append('\tinfluxdb-relay plugin cannot locate ' '"%s" process.' % self.PROC_NAME) elif not config_file_found: err_chunks.append('\tinfluxdb-relay plugin cannot locate ' 'configuration file.') elif not dependencies_installed: err_chunks.append('\tinfluxdb-relay plugin requires "toml" ' 'to be installed') LOG.error('Plugin for influxdb-relay will not be configured.\n' 'Following issue have to be resolved: %s' % '\n'.join(err_chunks)) else: self._config = self._load_config(config_file) def build_config(self): """Build the config as a Plugins object and return.""" LOG.info("\tEnabling the influxdb-relay check") config = agent_config.Plugins() config.merge(self._monitor_process()) config.merge(self._monitor_endpoint()) return config def _monitor_process(self): LOG.info("\tMonitoring the influxdb-relay process") dimensions = {} if self.args and self.args.get(self.RELAY_NODE_ARG_NAME): dimensions.update({self.RELAY_NODE_ARG_NAME: self.args.get(self.RELAY_NODE_ARG_NAME)}) return detection.watch_process([self.PROC_NAME], service='influxdb', component='influxdb-relay', exact_match=False, dimensions=dimensions) def _monitor_endpoint(self): config = agent_config.Plugins() http_conf = self._config.get('http', None) if isinstance(http_conf, list): http_conf = http_conf[0] if http_conf: host, port = self._explode_bind_address(http_conf) listening = utils.find_addrs_listening_on_port(port) if listening: LOG.info("\tMonitoring the influxdb-relay ping endpoint") dimensions = {'service': 'influxdb', 'component': 'influxdb-relay'} if self.args and self.args.get(self.RELAY_NODE_ARG_NAME): dimensions.update( {self.RELAY_NODE_ARG_NAME: self.args.get(self.RELAY_NODE_ARG_NAME)}) instance = { 'name': 'influxdb-relay', 'url': 'http://%s:%d/ping' % (host, port), 'dimensions': dimensions } config['http_check'] = { 'init_config': None, 'instances': [instance] } else: LOG.warning('\tinfluxdb-relay[http] is enabled but nothing ' 'could be found listening at %d port. ' 'It might have happened that process ' 'was just killed and hence port %d ' 'was released.', port, port) return config def dependencies_installed(self): return importutils.try_import('toml', False) @staticmethod def _explode_bind_address(http_conf): bind_address = http_conf['bind-addr'] path, port = bind_address.split(':') if not path: path = InfluxDBRelay.DEFAULTS['bind_address'] if not port: port = InfluxDBRelay.DEFAULTS['bind_port'] return path, int(port) @staticmethod def _load_config(config_file): """Loads toml configuration from specified path. Method loads configuration from specified `path` and parses it with :py:class:`configparser.RawConfigParser` """ try: return importutils.import_module('toml').load(config_file) except Exception as ex: LOG.error('Failed to parse %s', config_file) LOG.exception(ex) @staticmethod def _get_config_file(proc): """Tries to retrieve config file location. influxdb-relay is launched with ```-config``` flag in cmdline. That fact is used by this method. If, by any mean, that switch is not part of :py:method:`psutil.Process.cmdline`, method simply fallbacks to None :param proc: current process, :py:class:`psutil.Process` :type proc: :py:class:`psutil.Process` :return: config file path or None :rtype: str or None """ cmdline = proc.as_dict(attrs=['cmdline'])['cmdline'] config_flag = '-config' if config_flag in cmdline: pos = cmdline.index(config_flag) return cmdline[pos + 1] LOG.warning('%s switch was not found in influxdb-relay cmdline', config_flag) return None