Michael James Hoppal b2211aa0eb Add HPE copyright
Change-Id: I46efbc9be90a8415e60f3db76656e7db3d7bcb54
2016-02-02 10:34:10 -07:00

53 lines
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# (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
# Specify the path to the mk_livestatus socket
socket_path: /var/lib/icinga/rw/live
# List the service and/or host checks to query.
# Service checks:
# name Monasca metric name to use Required
# check_type "service" Required
# display_name Name of Nagios check Required
# host_name Nagios' reported host_name Optional
# dimensions key:value pairs Optional
# Host checks:
# name Monasca metric name to use Required
# check_type "host" Required
# host_name Nagios' reported host_name Optional
# dimensions key:value pairs Optional
# If 'host_name' is not specified, metrics for all hosts will be reported.
# One service on one host
- name: nagios.check_http_status
check_type: service
display_name: HTTP
# One service on all hosts
- name: nagios.process_count_status
check_type: service
display_name: Total Processes
# One service on all hosts with extra dimensions
- name: nagios.check_http_status
check_type: service
display_name: HTTP
dimensions: { 'group': 'webservers' }
# All services on all hosts
# These will be assigned metric names automatically, based on display_name
- check_type: service
# One host
- name: nagios.host_status
check_type: host
# All hosts
- name: nagios.host_status
check_type: host