
371 lines
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""" Aggregation classes used by the collector and monstatsd to batch messages sent to the forwarder.
import logging
from time import time
from monagent.common.metrics import Gauge, BucketGauge, Counter, Histogram, Measurement, Set, Rate
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# This is used to ensure that metrics with a timestamp older than
# RECENT_POINT_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT seconds (or the value passed in to
# the MetricsAggregator constructor) get discarded rather than being
# input into the incorrect bucket. Currently, the MetricsAggregator
# does not support submitting values for the past, and all values get
# submitted for the timestamp passed into the flush() function.
# The MetricsBucketAggregator uses times that are aligned to "buckets"
# that are the length of the interval that is passed into the
# MetricsBucketAggregator constructor.
class Aggregator(object):
Abstract metric aggregator class.
def __init__(self, hostname, interval=1.0, expiry_seconds=300, recent_point_threshold=None): = []
self.total_count = 0
self.count = 0
self.event_count = 0
self.hostname = hostname
self.expiry_seconds = expiry_seconds
self.interval = float(interval)
recent_point_threshold = recent_point_threshold or RECENT_POINT_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT
self.recent_point_threshold = int(recent_point_threshold)
self.num_discarded_old_points = 0
def formatter(metric, value, timestamp, dimensions, hostname,
delegated_tenant=None, device_name=None, metric_type=None,
""" Formats metrics, put them into a Measurement class
(metric, timestamp, value, {"dimensions": {"name1": "value1", "name2": "value2"}, ...})
dimensions should be a dictionary
if dimensions is None:
dimensions = {}
if hostname:
dimensions['hostname'] = hostname
if device_name:
dimensions['device_name'] = device_name
return Measurement(metric, int(timestamp), value, dimensions,
def packets_per_second(self, interval):
if interval == 0:
return 0
return round(float(self.count) / interval, 2)
def submit_metric(
""" Add a metric to be aggregated """
raise NotImplementedError()
def event(
event = {
'msg_title': title,
'msg_text': text,
if date_happened is not None:
event['timestamp'] = date_happened
event['timestamp'] = int(time())
if alert_type is not None:
event['alert_type'] = alert_type
if aggregation_key is not None:
event['aggregation_key'] = aggregation_key
if source_type_name is not None:
event['source_type_name'] = source_type_name
if priority is not None:
event['priority'] = priority
if dimensions is not None:
event['dimensions'] = dimensions
if hostname is not None:
event['host'] = hostname
event['host'] = self.hostname
def flush(self):
""" Flush aggreaged metrics """
raise NotImplementedError()
def flush_events(self):
events = = []
self.total_count += self.event_count
self.event_count = 0
log.debug("Received %d events since last flush" % len(events))
return events
class MetricsBucketAggregator(Aggregator):
A metric aggregator class.
def __init__(self, hostname, interval=1.0, expiry_seconds=300, recent_point_threshold=None):
super(MetricsBucketAggregator, self).__init__(
hostname, interval, expiry_seconds, recent_point_threshold)
self.metric_by_bucket = {}
self.last_sample_time_by_context = {}
self.current_bucket = None
self.current_mbc = None
self.last_flush_cutoff_time = 0
self.metric_type_to_class = {
'g': BucketGauge,
'c': Counter,
'h': Histogram,
'ms': Histogram,
's': Set,
def calculate_bucket_start(self, timestamp):
return timestamp - (timestamp % self.interval)
def submit_metric(self, name, value, mtype, dimensions=None,
delegated_tenant=None, hostname=None, device_name=None,
timestamp=None, sample_rate=1):
# Avoid calling extra functions to dedupe dimensions if there are none
# Note: if you change the way that context is created, please also change create_empty_metrics,
# which counts on this order
if dimensions is not None:
new_dimensions = dimensions.copy()
context = (name, tuple(new_dimensions.items()), hostname, device_name)
new_dimensions = None
context = (name, new_dimensions, hostname, device_name)
cur_time = time()
# Check to make sure that the timestamp that is passed in (if any) is not older than
# recent_point_threshold. If so, discard the point.
if timestamp is not None and cur_time - int(timestamp) > self.recent_point_threshold:
log.debug("Discarding %s - ts = %s , current ts = %s " % (name, timestamp, cur_time))
self.num_discarded_old_points += 1
timestamp = timestamp or cur_time
# Keep track of the buckets using the timestamp at the start time of the bucket
bucket_start_timestamp = self.calculate_bucket_start(timestamp)
if bucket_start_timestamp == self.current_bucket:
metric_by_context = self.current_mbc
if bucket_start_timestamp not in self.metric_by_bucket:
self.metric_by_bucket[bucket_start_timestamp] = {}
metric_by_context = self.metric_by_bucket[bucket_start_timestamp]
self.current_bucket = bucket_start_timestamp
self.current_mbc = metric_by_context
if context not in metric_by_context:
metric_class = self.metric_type_to_class[mtype]
metric_by_context[context] = metric_class(self.formatter, name,
new_dimensions, delegated_tenant,
hostname or self.hostname, device_name)
metric_by_context[context].sample(value, sample_rate, timestamp)
def create_empty_metrics(
self, sample_time_by_context, expiry_timestamp, flush_timestamp, metrics):
# Even if no data is submitted, Counters keep reporting "0" for expiry_seconds. The other Metrics
# (Set, Gauge, Histogram) do not report if no data is submitted
for context, last_sample_time in sample_time_by_context.items():
if last_sample_time < expiry_timestamp:
log.debug("%s hasn't been submitted in %ss. Expiring." %
(context, self.expiry_seconds))
self.last_sample_time_by_context.pop(context, None)
# The expiration currently only applies to Counters
# This counts on the ordering of the context created in submit_metric not changing
metric = Counter(self.formatter, context[0], context[1], context[2], context[3])
metrics += metric.flush(flush_timestamp, self.interval)
def flush(self):
cur_time = time()
flush_cutoff_time = self.calculate_bucket_start(cur_time)
expiry_timestamp = cur_time - self.expiry_seconds
metrics = []
if self.metric_by_bucket:
# We want to process these in order so that we can check for and expired metrics and
# re-create non-expired metrics. We also mutate self.metric_by_bucket.
for bucket_start_timestamp in sorted(self.metric_by_bucket.keys()):
metric_by_context = self.metric_by_bucket[bucket_start_timestamp]
if bucket_start_timestamp < flush_cutoff_time:
not_sampled_in_this_bucket = self.last_sample_time_by_context.copy()
# We mutate this dictionary while iterating so don't use an iterator.
for context, metric in metric_by_context.items():
if metric.last_sample_time < expiry_timestamp:
# This should never happen
log.warning("%s hasn't been submitted in %ss. Expiring." %
(context, self.expiry_seconds))
not_sampled_in_this_bucket.pop(context, None)
self.last_sample_time_by_context.pop(context, None)
metrics += metric.flush(bucket_start_timestamp, self.interval)
if isinstance(metric, Counter):
self.last_sample_time_by_context[context] = metric.last_sample_time
not_sampled_in_this_bucket.pop(context, None)
# We need to account for Metrics that have not expired and were not
# flushed for this bucket
del self.metric_by_bucket[bucket_start_timestamp]
# Even if there are no metrics in this flush, there may be some non-expired counters
# We should only create these non-expired metrics if we've passed an
# interval since the last flush
if flush_cutoff_time >= self.last_flush_cutoff_time + self.interval:
self.create_empty_metrics(self.last_sample_time_by_context.copy(), expiry_timestamp,
flush_cutoff_time - self.interval, metrics)
# Log a warning regarding metrics with old timestamps being submitted
if self.num_discarded_old_points > 0:
log.warn('%s points were discarded as a result of having an old timestamp' %
self.num_discarded_old_points = 0
# Save some stats.
log.debug("received %s payloads since last flush" % self.count)
self.total_count += self.count
self.count = 0
self.current_bucket = None
self.current_mbc = None
self.last_flush_cutoff_time = flush_cutoff_time
return metrics
class MetricsAggregator(Aggregator):
A metric aggregator class.
def __init__(self, hostname, interval=1.0, expiry_seconds=300, recent_point_threshold=None):
super(MetricsAggregator, self).__init__(
hostname, interval, expiry_seconds, recent_point_threshold)
self.metrics = {}
self.metric_type_to_class = {
'g': Gauge,
'c': Counter,
'h': Histogram,
'ms': Histogram,
's': Set,
'_dd-r': Rate,
def submit_metric(self, name, value, mtype, dimensions=None,
delegated_tenant=None, hostname=None, device_name=None,
timestamp=None, sample_rate=1):
# Avoid calling extra functions to dedupe dimensions if there are none
if dimensions is not None:
new_dimensions = dimensions.copy()
context = (name, tuple(new_dimensions.items()), delegated_tenant,
hostname, device_name)
new_dimensions = None
context = (name, new_dimensions, delegated_tenant,
hostname, device_name)
if context not in self.metrics:
metric_class = self.metric_type_to_class[mtype]
self.metrics[context] = metric_class(self.formatter, name, new_dimensions, delegated_tenant,
hostname or self.hostname, device_name)
cur_time = time()
if timestamp is not None and cur_time - int(timestamp) > self.recent_point_threshold:
log.debug("Discarding %s - ts = %s , current ts = %s " % (name, timestamp, cur_time))
self.num_discarded_old_points += 1
self.metrics[context].sample(value, sample_rate, timestamp)
def gauge(self, name, value, dimensions=None, delegated_tenant=None,
hostname=None, device_name=None, timestamp=None):
self.submit_metric(name, value, 'g', dimensions, delegated_tenant,
hostname, device_name, timestamp)
def increment(self, name, value=1, dimensions=None, delegated_tenant=None,
hostname=None, device_name=None):
self.submit_metric(name, value, 'c', dimensions, delegated_tenant,
hostname, device_name)
def decrement(self, name, value=-1, dimensions=None, delegated_tenant=None,
hostname=None, device_name=None):
self.submit_metric(name, value, 'c', dimensions, delegated_tenant,
hostname, device_name)
def rate(self, name, value, dimensions=None, delegated_tenant=None,
hostname=None, device_name=None):
self.submit_metric(name, value, '_dd-r', dimensions, delegated_tenant,
hostname, device_name)
def histogram(self, name, value, dimensions=None, delegated_tenant=None,
hostname=None, device_name=None):
self.submit_metric(name, value, 'h', dimensions, delegated_tenant,
hostname, device_name)
def set(self, name, value, dimensions=None, delegated_tenant=None,
hostname=None, device_name=None):
self.submit_metric(name, value, 's', dimensions, delegated_tenant,
hostname, device_name)
def flush(self):
timestamp = time()
expiry_timestamp = timestamp - self.expiry_seconds
# Flush points and remove expired metrics. We mutate this dictionary
# while iterating so don't use an iterator.
metrics = []
for context, metric in self.metrics.items():
if metric.last_sample_time < expiry_timestamp:
log.debug("%s hasn't been submitted in %ss. Expiring." %
(context, self.expiry_seconds))
del self.metrics[context]
metrics += metric.flush(timestamp, self.interval)
# Log a warning regarding metrics with old timestamps being submitted
if self.num_discarded_old_points > 0:
log.warn('%s points were discarded as a result of having an old timestamp' %
self.num_discarded_old_points = 0
# Save some stats.
log.debug("received %s payloads since last flush" % self.count)
self.total_count += self.count
self.count = 0
return metrics