Jui Chandwaskar c983708637 Add Apache License
Added Apache 2.0 License for missed files

Change-Id: I72217d3cf0089434a9bbe1e5dfd57224a803704e
Signed-off-by: Jui Chandwaskar <>
2018-04-14 11:50:07 +00:00

152 lines
5.1 KiB

# (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Collects metrics from the gunicorn web server.
# stdlib
import time
# 3p
import psutil
except ImportError:
psutil = None
# project
from monasca_agent.collector.checks import AgentCheck
class GUnicornCheck(AgentCheck):
# Config
PROC_NAME = 'proc_name'
# Number of seconds to sleep between cpu time checks.
def get_library_versions():
import psutil
version = psutil.__version__
except ImportError:
version = "Not Found"
except AttributeError:
version = "Unknown"
return {"psutil": version}
def check(self, instance):
"""Collect metrics for the given gunicorn instance.
if not psutil:
raise GUnicornCheckError("gunicorn check requires the psutil python package")
self.log.debug("Running instance: %s", instance)
# Validate the config.
if not instance or self.PROC_NAME not in instance:
raise GUnicornCheckError("instance must specify: %s" % self.PROC_NAME)
# Load the dimensions
working_dimensions = self._set_dimensions({"state": "working"}, instance)
idle_dimensions = self._set_dimensions({"state": "idle"}, instance)
# Load the gunicorn master procedure.
proc_name = instance.get(self.PROC_NAME)
master_proc = self._get_master_proc_by_name(proc_name)
# Fetch the worker procs and count their states.
worker_procs = master_proc.get_children()
working, idle = self._count_workers(worker_procs)
# Submit the data.
self.log.debug("instance %s procs - working:%s idle:%s" % (proc_name, working, idle))
self.gauge("gunicorn.workers", working, working_dimensions)
self.gauge("gunicorn.workers", idle, idle_dimensions)
def _count_workers(self, worker_procs):
working = 0
idle = 0
if not worker_procs:
return working, idle
# Count how much sleep time is used by the workers.
cpu_time_by_pid = {}
for proc in worker_procs:
# cpu time is the sum of user + system time.
cpu_time_by_pid[] = sum(proc.get_cpu_times())
except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
self.log.warn('Process %s disappeared while scanning' %
# Let them do a little bit more work.
# Processes which have used more CPU are considered active (this is a very
# naive check, but gunicorn exposes no stats API)
for proc in worker_procs:
if not in cpu_time_by_pid:
# The process is not running anymore, we didn't collect initial cpu times
cpu_time = sum(proc.get_cpu_times())
except Exception:
# couldn't collect cpu time. assume it's dead.
self.log.debug("Couldn't collect cpu time for %s" % proc)
if cpu_time == cpu_time_by_pid[]:
idle += 1
working += 1
return working, idle
def _get_master_proc_by_name(name):
"""Return a psutil process for the master gunicorn process with the given name.
master_name = GUnicornCheck._get_master_proc_name(name)
master_procs = [
p for p in psutil.process_iter() if p.cmdline and p.cmdline[0] == master_name]
if len(master_procs) == 0:
raise GUnicornCheckError("Found no master process with name: %s" % master_name)
elif len(master_procs) > 1:
raise GUnicornCheckError(
"Found more than one master process with name: %s" % master_name)
return master_procs[0]
def _get_master_proc_name(name):
"""Return the name of the master gunicorn process for the given proc name.
# Here's an example of a process list for a gunicorn box with name web1
# root 22976 0.1 0.1 60364 13424 ? Ss 19:30 0:00 gunicorn: master [web1]
# web 22984 20.7 2.3 521924 176136 ? Sl 19:30 1:58 gunicorn: worker [web1]
# web 22985 26.4 6.1 795288 449596 ? Sl 19:30 2:32 gunicorn: worker [web1]
return "gunicorn: master [%s]" % name
class GUnicornCheckError(Exception):