Adrian Czarnecki 96f08da015 fix tox python3 overrides
We want to default to running all tox environments under python 3, so
set the basepython value in each environment.

We do not want to specify a minor version number, because we do not
want to have to update the file every time we upgrade python.

We do not want to set the override once in testenv, because that
breaks the more specific versions used in default environments like
py35 and py36.

Change-Id: I12967d5f5e707efe2b271b28bc7ea4b40e7f1c15
2018-07-02 09:41:20 +02:00

386 lines
15 KiB

# (C) Copyright 2015-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import glob
import logging
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
import yaml
import monasca_agent.common.util
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.CRITICAL: "FATAL",
logging.DEBUG: "DEBUG",
logging.ERROR: "ERROR",
logging.FATAL: "FATAL",
logging.INFO: "INFO",
logging.WARN: "WARN",
logging.WARNING: "WARN",
JMX_FETCH_JAR_NAME = "jmxfetch-0.3.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar"
"list_everything": "List every attributes available that has a type supported by JMXFetch",
"list_collected_attributes": "List attributes that will actually be collected by your current "
"instances configuration",
"list_matching_attributes": "List attributes that match at least one of your instances "
"list_not_matching_attributes": "List attributes that don't match any of your instances "
"list_limited_attributes": "List attributes that do match one of your instances "
"configuration but that are not being collected because it would "
"exceed the number of metrics that can be collected",
JMX_COLLECT_COMMAND: "Start the collection of metrics based on your current "
"configuration and display them in the console"}
PYTHON_JMX_STATUS_FILE = 'jmx_status_python.yaml'
LINK_TO_DOC = "See for more information"
class InvalidJMXConfiguration(Exception):
class JMXFetch(object):
pid_file = monasca_agent.common.util.PidFile("jmxfetch")
pid_file_path = pid_file.get_path()
def init(cls, confd_path, agent_config, default_check_frequency,
command=None, checks_list=None, reporter=None):
command = command or JMX_COLLECT_COMMAND
jmx_checks, invalid_checks, java_bin_path, java_options = JMXFetch.should_run(
confd_path, checks_list)
if len(invalid_checks) > 0:
except Exception:
log.exception("Error while writing JMX status file")
if len(jmx_checks) > 0:
if JMXFetch.is_running() and command == JMX_COLLECT_COMMAND:
log.warning("JMXFetch is already running, restarting it.")
JMXFetch.start(confd_path, agent_config, java_bin_path,
java_options, default_check_frequency,
jmx_checks, command, reporter)
return True
except Exception:
log.exception("Error while initiating JMXFetch")
def write_status_file(cls, invalid_checks):
data = {
'timestamp': time.time(),
'invalid_checks': invalid_checks
stream = open(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), PYTHON_JMX_STATUS_FILE), 'w')
yaml.dump(data, stream)
def should_run(cls, confd_path, checks_list):
'''Return a tuple (jmx_checks, invalid_checks, java_bin_path, java_options).
jmx_checks: list of yaml files that are jmx checks
(they have the is_jmx flag enabled or they are in JMX_CHECKS)
and that have at least one instance configured
invalid_checks: dictionary whose keys are check names that are JMX checks but
they have a bad configuration. Values of the dictionary are exceptions generated
when checking the configuration
java_bin_path: is the path to the java executable. It was
previously set in the "instance" part of the yaml file of the
jmx check. So we need to parse yaml files to get it.
We assume that this value is always the same for every jmx check
so we can return the first value returned
java_options: is string contains options that will be passed to java_bin_path
We assume that this value is always the same for every jmx check
so we can return the first value returned
jmx_checks = []
java_bin_path = None
java_options = None
invalid_checks = {}
for conf in glob.glob(os.path.join(confd_path, '*.yaml')):
filename = os.path.basename(conf)
check_name = filename.split('.')[0]
if os.path.exists(conf):
f = open(conf)
check_config = yaml.safe_load(
assert check_config is not None
except Exception:
log.error("Unable to parse yaml config in %s" % conf)
is_jmx, check_java_bin_path, check_java_options = JMXFetch.is_jmx_check(
check_config, check_name, checks_list)
if is_jmx:
if java_bin_path is None and check_java_bin_path is not None:
java_bin_path = check_java_bin_path
if java_options is None and check_java_options is not None:
java_options = check_java_options
except InvalidJMXConfiguration as e:
log.error("%s check is not a valid jmx configuration: %s" % (check_name, e))
invalid_checks[check_name] = e
return (jmx_checks, invalid_checks, java_bin_path, java_options)
def is_jmx_check(cls, check_config, check_name, checks_list):
init_config = check_config.get('init_config', {})
java_bin_path = None
java_options = None
is_jmx = False
if init_config is None:
init_config = {}
if checks_list:
if check_name in checks_list:
is_jmx = True
elif init_config.get('is_jmx') or check_name in JMX_CHECKS:
is_jmx = True
if is_jmx:
instances = check_config.get('instances', [])
if not isinstance(instances, list) or len(instances) == 0:
raise InvalidJMXConfiguration(
'You need to have at least one instance defined in the YAML '
'file for this check')
for inst in instances:
if not isinstance(inst, dict):
raise InvalidJMXConfiguration(
"Each instance should be a dictionary. %s" % LINK_TO_DOC)
host = inst.get('host', None)
port = inst.get('port', None)
conf = inst.get('conf', init_config.get('conf', None))
if host is None:
raise InvalidJMXConfiguration("A host must be specified")
if port is None or not isinstance(port, int):
raise InvalidJMXConfiguration("A numeric port must be specified")
if conf is None:
"%s doesn't have a 'conf' section. Only basic JVM metrics will "
"be collected. %s" %
(inst, LINK_TO_DOC))
if not isinstance(conf, list) or len(conf) == 0:
raise InvalidJMXConfiguration(
"'conf' section should be a list of configurations %s" % LINK_TO_DOC)
for config in conf:
include = config.get('include', None)
if include is None:
raise InvalidJMXConfiguration(
"Each configuration must have an 'include' section. %s" %
if not isinstance(include, dict):
raise InvalidJMXConfiguration(
"'include' section must be a dictionary %s" % LINK_TO_DOC)
if java_bin_path is None:
if init_config and init_config.get('java_bin_path'):
# We get the java bin path from the yaml file for backward compatibility
# purposes
java_bin_path = init_config.get('java_bin_path')
for instance in instances:
if instance and instance.get('java_bin_path'):
java_bin_path = instance.get('java_bin_path')
if java_options is None:
if init_config and init_config.get('java_options'):
java_options = init_config.get('java_options')
for instance in instances:
if instance and instance.get('java_options'):
java_options = instance.get('java_options')
return is_jmx, java_bin_path, java_options
def is_running(cls):
pid = JMXFetch.pid_file.get_pid()
if pid is None:
return False
except Exception:
return False
if monasca_agent.common.util.get_os() != 'windows':
os.kill(pid, 0)
# os.kill(pid, 0) will throw an exception if pid is not running
# and won't do anything otherwise
# It doesn't work on windows as signal.CTRL_C_EVENT is 0, it would quit the process
return True
except Exception as e:
if "Errno 3" not in str(e):
log.debug("Couldn't determine if JMXFetch is running. We suppose it's not. %s"
% str(e))
return False
# Else we are on windows, we need another way to check if it's running
import ctypes # Available from python2.5
kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
SYNCHRONIZE = 0x100000
process = kernel32.OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, 0, pid)
if process != 0:
return True
return False
except Exception as e:
log.debug("Couldn't determine if JMXFetch is running. We suppose it's not. %s" % str(e))
return False
def stop(cls):
pid = JMXFetch.pid_file.get_pid()
if pid is None:
log.error("Couldn't get jmxfetch pid.")
except Exception:
log.error("Couldn't get jmxfetch pid.")
try:"Killing JMX Fetch")
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
except Exception: # nosec
except Exception:
log.exception("Couldn't kill jmxfetch pid %s" % pid)
def get_path_to_jmxfetch(cls):
if monasca_agent.common.util.get_os() != 'windows':
return os.path.realpath(
os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__), "..", "../collector/checks", "libs",
return os.path.realpath(
os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__), "..", "../../", "jmxfetch", JMX_FETCH_JAR_NAME))
def start(cls, confd_path, agent_config, path_to_java, java_run_opts,
default_check_frequency, jmx_checks, command, reporter=None):
statsd_port = agent_config.get('monasca_statsd_port', "8125")
if reporter is None:
reporter = "statsd:%s" % str(statsd_port)"Starting jmxfetch:")
jmx_connector_pid = None
path_to_java = path_to_java or "java"
java_run_opts = java_run_opts or ""
path_to_jmxfetch = JMXFetch.get_path_to_jmxfetch()
path_to_status_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "jmx_status.yaml")
subprocess_args = [
path_to_java, # Path to the java bin
r"%s" % path_to_jmxfetch, # Path to the jmxfetch jar
# Period of the main loop of jmxfetch in ms
'--check_period', str(default_check_frequency * 1000),
# Path of the conf.d directory that will be read by jmxfetch,
'--conf_directory', r"%s" % confd_path,
# Log Level: Mapping from Python log level to log4j log levels
'--log_level', JAVA_LOGGING_LEVEL.get(agent_config.get("log_level"), "INFO"),
# Path of the log file
'--log_location', r"%s" % agent_config.get('jmxfetch_log_file'),
'--reporter', reporter, # Reporter to use
# Path to the status file to write
'--status_location', r"%s" % path_to_status_file,
command, # Name of the command
subprocess_args.insert(3, '--check')
for check in jmx_checks:
subprocess_args.insert(4, check)
if java_run_opts:
for opt in java_run_opts.split():
subprocess_args.insert(1, opt)"Running %s" % " ".join(subprocess_args))
if reporter != "console":
cls.subprocess = subprocess.Popen(subprocess_args, close_fds=True)
jmx_connector_pid =
log.debug("JMX Fetch pid: %s" % jmx_connector_pid)
except OSError:
jmx_connector_pid = None
log.exception("Couldn't launch JMXTerm. Is java in your PATH?")
except Exception:
jmx_connector_pid = None
log.exception("Couldn't launch JMXFetch")
# Write pid to pid file
if jmx_connector_pid is not None:
fp = open(JMXFetch.pid_file_path, 'w+')
os.chmod(JMXFetch.pid_file_path, 0o644)
except Exception:
log.exception("Unable to write jmxfetch pidfile: %s" % JMXFetch.pid_file_path)