
95 lines
3.9 KiB

import socket
import time
import json
import re
from httplib2 import Http, HttpLib2Error
from monagent.collector.checks import AgentCheck
class HTTPCheck(AgentCheck):
def _load_conf(instance):
# Fetches the conf
dimensions = instance.get('dimensions', {})
username = instance.get('username', None)
password = instance.get('password', None)
timeout = int(instance.get('timeout', 10))
headers = instance.get('headers', {})
url = instance.get('url', None)
response_time = instance.get('collect_response_time', False)
pattern = instance.get('match_pattern', None)
if url is None:
raise Exception("Bad configuration. You must specify a url")
include_content = instance.get('include_content', False)
ssl = instance.get('disable_ssl_validation', True)
return url, username, password, timeout, include_content, headers, response_time, dimensions, ssl, pattern
def check(self, instance):
addr, username, password, timeout, include_content, headers, response_time, dimensions, disable_ssl_validation, pattern = self._load_conf(instance)
content = ''
new_dimensions = dimensions.copy()
new_dimensions['url'] = addr
start = time.time()
self.log.debug("Connecting to %s" % addr)
if disable_ssl_validation:
self.warning("Skipping SSL certificate validation for %s based on configuration" % addr)
h = Http(timeout=timeout, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=disable_ssl_validation)
if username is not None and password is not None:
h.add_credentials(username, password)
resp, content = h.request(addr, "GET", headers=headers)
except socket.timeout, e:
length = int((time.time() - start) * 1000)"%s is DOWN, error: %s. Connection failed after %s ms" % (addr, str(e), length))
self.gauge('mon_http_status', 1, dimensions=new_dimensions)
except HttpLib2Error, e:
length = int((time.time() - start) * 1000)"%s is DOWN, error: %s. Connection failed after %s ms" % (addr, str(e), length))
self.gauge('mon_http_status', 1, dimensions=new_dimensions)
except socket.error, e:
length = int((time.time() - start) * 1000)"%s is DOWN, error: %s. Connection failed after %s ms" % (addr, repr(e), length))
self.gauge('mon_http_status', 1, dimensions=new_dimensions)
except Exception, e:
length = int((time.time() - start) * 1000)
self.log.error("Unhandled exception %s. Connection failed after %s ms" % (str(e), length))
self.gauge('mon_http_status', 1, dimensions=new_dimensions)
if response_time:
# Stop the timer as early as possible
running_time = time.time() - start
self.gauge('mon_http_response_time', running_time, dimensions=new_dimensions)
# Add a 'detail' tag if requested
if include_content:
new_dimensions['detail'] = json.dumps(content)
if int(resp.status) >= 400:"%s is DOWN, error code: %s" % (addr, str(resp.status)))
self.gauge('mon_http_status', 1, dimensions=new_dimensions)
if pattern is not None:
if, content, re.DOTALL):
self.log.debug("Pattern match successful")
else:"Pattern match failed! '%s' not in '%s'" % (pattern, content))
self.gauge('mon_http_status', 1, dimensions=new_dimensions)
self.log.debug("%s is UP" % addr)
self.gauge('mon_http_status', 0, dimensions=new_dimensions)