* Move monasca-agent and extend user detection from postfix detection plugin to monasca_setup.detection.utils.get_agent_username() * Use get_agent_username() rather than static user name in mon detection plugin * Add logic for determining monasca-notification user from process to mon detection plugin Change-Id: I6a00a8d6574da27274718a71fd813dedd61442b4
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# (C) Copyright 2015-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
# Copyright 2017 SUSE Linux GmbH
""" Util functions to assist in detection.
import logging
import os
import pwd
import subprocess
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
from subprocess import PIPE
from subprocess import Popen
from oslo_config import cfg
from monasca_agent.common.psutil_wrapper import psutil
from monasca_setup import agent_config
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_DEFAULT_AGENT_USER = 'mon-agent'
# check_output was introduced in python 2.7, function added
# to accommodate python 2.6
check_output = subprocess.check_output
except AttributeError:
def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
if 'stdout' in kwargs:
raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.')
process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
output, unused_err = process.communicate()
retcode = process.poll()
if retcode:
cmd = kwargs.get("args")
if cmd is None:
cmd = popenargs[0]
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
return output
def find_process_cmdline(search_string):
"""Simple function to search running process for one with cmdline
containing search_string.
for process in psutil.process_iter():
process_cmdline = ' '.join(process.as_dict(['cmdline'])['cmdline'])
if (search_string in process_cmdline and
'monasca-setup' not in process_cmdline):
return process
except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
return None
def find_process_name(pname):
"""Simple function to search running process for one with pname.
for process in psutil.process_iter():
if pname == process.as_dict(['name'])['name']:
return process
except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
return None
def find_process_service(sname):
"""Simple function to call systemctl (service) to check if a service is running.
subprocess.check_call(['service', sname, 'status'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
return True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
return False
def find_addrs_listening_on_port(port, kind='inet'):
"""Return the list of IP addresses which are listening
on the specified port.
listening = []
for connection in psutil.net_connections(kind):
if (connection.status == psutil.CONN_LISTEN and
connection.laddr[1] == int(port)):
return listening
def find_addr_listening_on_port_over_tcp(port):
"""Return the IP address which is listening on the specified TCP port."""
ip = find_addrs_listening_on_port(port, 'tcp')
if ip:
return ip[0].lstrip("::ffff:")
def get_agent_username():
"""Determine the user monasca-agent runs as"""
# Use cached agent user in subsequent calls
if _DETECTED_AGENT_USER is not None:
# Try the owner of agent.yaml first
uid = os.stat('/etc/monasca/agent/agent.yaml').st_uid
except OSError:
uid = None
if uid is not None:
_DETECTED_AGENT_USER = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name
# No agent.yaml, so try to find a running monasca-agent process
agent_process = find_process_name('monasca-agent')
if agent_process is not None:
_DETECTED_AGENT_USER = agent_process.username()
# Fall back to static agent user
log.warn("Could not determine monasca-agent service user, falling "
"back to %s" % _DEFAULT_AGENT_USER)
# NOTE(trebskit) a little poetry never hurt anyone before...right ?
def load_oslo_configuration(from_cmd, in_project,
for_opts, of_prog=None):
"""Loads configuration of an OpenStack project.
for_opts should be a :py:class:`list` containing dictionaries
with keys as expected by :py:class:meth:`cfg.ConfigOpts.register_opt`::
>>> for_opts = [
>>> {'opt': cfg.StrOpt('region_name')},
>>> {'opt': cfg.StrOpt('username'), 'group': 'keystoneauth'},
>>> {'opt': cfg.StrOpt('password'), 'group': 'keystoneauth'},
>>> ]
>>> nova_proc = find_process_name('nova-compute')
>>> proc_cmd = nova_proc.as_dict(['cmdline'])['cmdline']
>>> load_oslo_configuration(
>>> from_cmd=proc_cmd,
>>> in_project='nova',
>>> for_opts=for_opts
>>> )
which will load three [region_name, username and password] settings from
Nova configuration regardless of where those
settings are actually defined.
:param from_cmd: cmdline of a process, used also to retrieve arguments
:type from_cmd: list[basestring]
:param in_project: the project name as defined in its oslo setup
:type in_project: basestring
:param for_opts: list of dict containing options to look for inside config
:type for_opts: list[dict]
:param of_prog: program name within the project [optional]
:type of_prog: basestring
:return: oslo configuration object
:rtype: oslo_config.cfg.CONF
conf_holder = cfg.ConfigOpts()
for no in for_opts:
# NOTE(trebskit) we need to remove everything from the beginning
# of the cmd arg list that is not an argument of the application
# we want to get configuration from, i.e.;
# /usr/bin/python, /usr/bin/python3
# and next actual binary of the program
# /usr/local/bin/nova-compute
args = from_cmd[2:]
return conf_holder
def watch_process(search_strings, service=None, component=None,
exact_match=True, detailed=True, process_name=None, dimensions=None):
"""Takes a list of process search strings and returns a Plugins object with the config set.
This was built as a helper as many plugins setup process watching
config = agent_config.Plugins()
# Fallback to default process_name strategy if process_name is not defined
process_name = process_name if process_name else search_strings[0]
parameters = {'name': process_name,
'detailed': detailed,
'exact_match': exact_match,
'search_string': search_strings}
dimensions = _get_dimensions(service, component, dimensions)
if len(dimensions) > 0:
parameters['dimensions'] = dimensions
config['process'] = {'init_config': None,
'instances': [parameters]}
return config
def watch_process_by_username(username, process_name, service=None,
component=None, detailed=True, dimensions=None):
"""Takes a user and returns a Plugins object with the config set for a process check by user.
This was built as a helper as many plugins setup process watching.
config = agent_config.Plugins()
parameters = {'name': process_name,
'detailed': detailed,
'username': username}
dimensions = _get_dimensions(service, component, dimensions)
if len(dimensions) > 0:
parameters['dimensions'] = dimensions
config['process'] = {'init_config': None,
'instances': [parameters]}
return config
def watch_file_size(directory_name, file_names, file_recursive=False,
service=None, component=None, dimensions=None):
"""Takes a directory, a list of files, recursive flag and returns a
Plugins object with the config set.
config = agent_config.Plugins()
parameters = {'directory_name': directory_name,
'file_names': file_names,
'recursive': file_recursive}
dimensions = _get_dimensions(service, component, dimensions)
if len(dimensions) > 0:
parameters['dimensions'] = dimensions
config['file_size'] = {'init_config': None,
'instances': [parameters]}
return config
def watch_directory(directory_name, service=None, component=None, dimensions=None):
"""Takes a directory name and returns a Plugins object with the config set.
config = agent_config.Plugins()
parameters = {'directory': directory_name}
dimensions = _get_dimensions(service, component, dimensions)
if len(dimensions) > 0:
parameters['dimensions'] = dimensions
config['directory'] = {'init_config': None,
'instances': [parameters]}
return config
def service_api_check(name, url, pattern, use_keystone=True,
service=None, component=None, dimensions=None):
"""Setup a service api to be watched by the http_check plugin.
config = agent_config.Plugins()
parameters = {'name': name,
'url': url,
'match_pattern': pattern,
'timeout': 10,
'use_keystone': use_keystone}
dimensions = _get_dimensions(service, component, dimensions)
if len(dimensions) > 0:
parameters['dimensions'] = dimensions
config['http_check'] = {'init_config': None,
'instances': [parameters]}
return config
def _get_dimensions(service, component, dimensions=None):
if dimensions is None:
dimensions = {}
# If service parameter is set in the plugin config, add the service dimension which
# will override the service in the agent config
if service:
dimensions.update({'service': service})
# If component parameter is set in the plugin config, add the component dimension which
# will override the component in the agent config
if component:
dimensions.update({'component': component})
return dimensions