The json_plugin tests read the localhost name in a different way to how the hostname is fetched in the Monasca Agent check. This can cause these tests to fail since the hostnames may differ. For example, only one may contain .home as a suffix. In this change we avoid reading the hostname from the system running the tests. Story: 2007743 Task: 39921 Change-Id: Ifddba6aa9350f722a741a28a152ed9bc3e0b7da6
381 lines
14 KiB
381 lines
14 KiB
# (C) Copyright 2016-2017 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import fcntl
import json
from shutil import rmtree
from socket import gethostname
from unittest import mock
import tempfile
import os
import unittest
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from monasca_agent.collector.checks_d import json_plugin
import monasca_agent.common.config
def _create_agent_conf():
# create a temp conf file
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
conf_file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'agent.yaml')
with open(conf_file, 'wb') as fd:
collector_log_file: /var/log/monasca/agent/collector.log
forwarder_log_file: /var/log/monasca/agent/forwarder.log
log_level: DEBUG
statsd_log_file: /var/log/monasca/agent/statsd.log
check_freq: 60
dimensions: {{}}
hostname: {hostname}
""".format(hostname='testhost'), incoming="utf-8")
config_obj = monasca_agent.common.config.Config(conf_file)
config = config_obj.get_config(sections='Main')
# clean up
rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
return config
fake_now = 1
def FakeNow():
global fake_now
return fake_now
class MockJsonPlugin(json_plugin.JsonPlugin):
def __init__(self):
super(MockJsonPlugin, self).__init__(
self._metrics = []
def check(self, instance, mock_host):
mock_host.return_value = "testhost"
self._metrics = []
return super(MockJsonPlugin, self).check(instance)
def gauge(self, **kwargs):
def metricsDiffer(expected, actual_orig, ignore_timestamps=True):
expected = list(expected)
actual = list(actual_orig)
if ignore_timestamps:
for metric in expected:
metric['timestamp'] = 'ts'
for metric in actual:
metric['timestamp'] = 'ts'
for metric in list(expected):
if metric not in actual:
return 'Expected...\n%s\n ...is missing from actual:\n%s' %\
(metrics_sort(metric), metrics_sort(actual_orig))
if actual:
return 'Unexpected (i.e., extra) metrics:\n%s' % metrics_sort(actual)
return ''
def metrics_repr(metric):
m = ''
for key in ['timestamp', 'metric', 'value', 'dimensions', 'value_meta']:
m += '%s ' % metric.get(key, '-')
return m
def metrics_sort(metrics):
"""Makes it easier to debug failed asserts"""
if isinstance(metrics, list):
mlist = []
for metric in metrics:
mlist = [metrics_repr(metrics)]
return '\n'.join(mlist)
def write_metrics_file(file_name, metrics, replace_timestamps=False,
file_data = {'replace_timestamps': replace_timestamps,
'measurements': []}
if stale_age:
file_data.update({'stale_age': stale_age})
for metric in metrics:
with open(file_name, mode='w') as fd:
def make_expected(metrics, file_name, now, ts_override=None):
expected = []
for metric in list(metrics):
if ts_override:
metric['timestamp'] = ts_override
metric['dimensions'].update({'hostname': 'testhost'})
json_plugin_status = {'metric': 'monasca.json_plugin.status', 'value': 0,
'dimensions': {'hostname': 'testhost'},
'timestamp': now}
return expected
class JsonPluginCheckTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(JsonPluginCheckTest, self).setUp()
self.json_plugin = MockJsonPlugin()
def test_no_config(self):
def test_metric_dir(self):
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# Empty metrics_dir:
self.json_plugin.check({'dimensions': {},
'metrics_dir': tempdir})
self.assertEqual([], self.json_plugin.metrics_files)
expected = [
{'metric': 'monasca.json_plugin.status', 'value': 0,
'dimensions': {'hostname': 'testhost'}}]
differs = metricsDiffer(expected, self.json_plugin._metrics)
self.assertEqual('', differs, msg=differs)
# Create json files:
file1 = os.path.join(tempdir, 'file1.json')
file2 = os.path.join(tempdir, 'file2.json')
for metric_file in [file1, file2]:
with open(metric_file, mode='w') as fd:
self.json_plugin.check({'dimensions': {},
'metrics_dir': tempdir})
self.assertIn(file1, self.json_plugin.metrics_files)
self.assertIn(file2, self.json_plugin.metrics_files)
rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
expected = [
{'metric': 'monasca.json_plugin.status', 'value': 0,
'dimensions': {'hostname': 'testhost'}}
differs = metricsDiffer(expected, self.json_plugin._metrics)
self.assertEqual('', differs, msg=differs)
def test_bad_json_reporting(self):
global fake_now
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
file1 = os.path.join(tempdir, 'file1.json')
with open(file1, mode='w') as fd:
with open(file1, 'r') as f:
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
errmsg = 'failed parsing json: %s' % e
self.json_plugin.check({'dimensions': {},
'metrics_file': file1})
rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
for now in [1000, 2000]:
fake_now = now
expected = [{'metric': 'monasca.json_plugin.status', 'value': 1,
'dimensions': {'hostname': 'testhost'},
'value_meta': {'msg': '%s: %s' % (file1, errmsg)}}]
differs = metricsDiffer(expected, self.json_plugin._metrics)
self.assertEqual('', differs, msg=differs)
def test_replaced_timestamps(self):
global fake_now
json_plugin._now = FakeNow
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
file1 = os.path.join(tempdir, 'file1.json')
metrics = [
{'metric': 'name1', 'value': 1,
'dimensions': {'dim1': 'dim1val'}},
{'metric': 'name2', 'value': 2,
'dimensions': {'dim2': 'dim2val'}}
write_metrics_file(file1, metrics, replace_timestamps=True)
for now in [1000, 2000]:
fake_now = now
expected = make_expected(metrics, file1, now, ts_override=now)
self.json_plugin.check({'dimensions': {},
'metrics_file': file1})
differs = metricsDiffer(expected, self.json_plugin._metrics,
self.assertEqual('', differs, msg=differs)
rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
def test_with_timestamps(self):
global fake_now
json_plugin._now = FakeNow
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
file1 = os.path.join(tempdir, 'file1.json')
metrics = [
{'metric': 'name1', 'value': 1,
'dimensions': {'dim1': 'dim1val'}},
{'metric': 'name2', 'value': 2,
'dimensions': {'dim2': 'dim2val'}}
for now in [1000, 2000]:
fake_now = now
for metric in metrics:
metric['timestamp'] = now
write_metrics_file(file1, metrics, replace_timestamps=False,
expected = make_expected(metrics, file1, now)
self.json_plugin.check({'dimensions': {},
'metrics_file': file1})
differs = metricsDiffer(expected, self.json_plugin._metrics,
self.assertEqual('', differs, msg=differs)
rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
def test_with_stale_age(self):
global fake_now
json_plugin._now = FakeNow
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
file1 = os.path.join(tempdir, 'file1.json')
metrics = [
{'metric': 'name1', 'value': 1,
'dimensions': {'dim1': 'dim1val'}},
{'metric': 'name2', 'value': 2,
'dimensions': {'dim2': 'dim2val'}}
now = 1000
fake_now = now
for metric in metrics:
metric['timestamp'] = now
write_metrics_file(file1, metrics, replace_timestamps=False,
expected = make_expected(metrics, file1, now, ts_override=now)
self.json_plugin.check({'dimensions': {},
'metrics_file': file1})
differs = metricsDiffer(expected, self.json_plugin._metrics,
self.assertEqual('', differs, msg=differs)
# Time moves on, but don't re-write the metrics file
now = 2000
fake_now = now
expected = [{'metric': 'monasca.json_plugin.status', 'value': 1,
'dimensions': {'hostname': 'testhost'},
'value_meta': {
'msg': '%s: Metrics are older than 500 seconds;'
' file not updating?' % file1}}]
self.json_plugin.check({'dimensions': {},
'metrics_file': file1})
differs = metricsDiffer(expected, self.json_plugin._metrics,
self.assertEqual('', differs, msg=differs)
rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
def test_no_duplicates(self):
global fake_now
json_plugin._now = FakeNow
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
file1 = os.path.join(tempdir, 'file1.json')
metrics = [
{'metric': 'name1', 'value': 1,
'dimensions': {'dim1': 'dim1val'}},
{'metric': 'name2', 'value': 2,
'dimensions': {'dim2': 'dim2val'}}
now = 1000
fake_now = now
for metric in metrics:
metric['timestamp'] = now
write_metrics_file(file1, metrics, replace_timestamps=False,
expected = make_expected(metrics, file1, now, ts_override=now)
self.json_plugin.check({'dimensions': {},
'metrics_file': file1})
differs = metricsDiffer(expected, self.json_plugin._metrics,
self.assertEqual('', differs, msg=differs)
# Time moves on, but don't re-write the metrics file
now = 2000
fake_now = now
# We don't get the metrics from the file again -- just the plugin
# status metric
expected = [{'metric': 'monasca.json_plugin.status', 'value': 0,
'dimensions': {'hostname': 'testhost'},
'timestamp': now}]
self.json_plugin.check({'dimensions': {},
'metrics_file': file1})
differs = metricsDiffer(expected, self.json_plugin._metrics,
self.assertEqual('', differs, msg=differs)
rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
def test_validate_metrics(self):
metrics = [
{'metric': 'ok1', 'value': 1},
{'name': 'ok2', 'value': 2},
{'metric': 'ok3', 'value': 3, 'dimensions': {}, 'value_meta': {},
'timestamp': 123},
{'metric': 'bad1'},
{'metric': 'bad2', 'junk_key': 'extra'},
{'value': 1, 'value_meta': {'msg': 'no name or metric key'}},
{'metric': 'ok4', 'value': 1},
valid = self.json_plugin._filter_metrics(metrics, 'dummy.json')
self.assertTrue('dummy.json' in self.json_plugin.plugin_failures)
self.assertEqual(4, len(valid))
def test_posted_metrics_are_purged(self):
global fake_now
json_plugin._now = FakeNow
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
file1 = os.path.join(tempdir, 'file1.json')
metrics = [
{'metric': 'name1', 'value': 1,
'dimensions': {'dim1': 'dim1val'}},
{'metric': 'name2', 'value': 2,
'dimensions': {'dim2': 'dim2val'}}
for now in [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000]:
fake_now = now
for metric in metrics:
metric['timestamp'] = now
write_metrics_file(file1, metrics, replace_timestamps=False,
self.json_plugin.check({'dimensions': {},
'metrics_file': file1})
for metric in self.json_plugin.posted_metrics[file1]:
self.assertTrue(metric.get('timestamp', 0) >= 2001, 'not purged')
self.assertTrue(len(self.json_plugin.posted_metrics[file1]) > 0,
'posted metrics not being cached')
rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
def test_take_lock(self):
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
file1 = os.path.join(tempdir, 'file1.json')
with open(file1, 'w') as fd_writer:
with open(file1, 'r') as fd_reader:
fcntl.flock(fd_writer, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
with self.assertRaises(IOError):