Flávio Ramalho f71394423f Change dimension 'service' to 'component' on HAProxy plugin
Following the pattern of other plugins, the 'service' dimension
is generally used to identify which service is providing the metrics,
and the 'component' dimension is used to identify specifically
wich component of the service is being monitored.

    service=monitoring component=monasca-agent

This patch applies this same concept to the HAProxy plugin by
changing the service dimension value to 'service=haproxy' and
adding a 'component' dimension 'component=haproxy_[back|front]end_name'

The following dimension will be changed from:
  service=haproxy component='haproxy_[back|front]end_name'

Change-Id: Ic5203a607d9d0bec06f5e4a542d68dda3a3b67ba
2017-05-16 13:43:59 -03:00

203 lines
8.0 KiB

# (C) Copyright 2015,2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
from collections import defaultdict
import urllib2
from monasca_agent.collector.checks import AgentCheck
from monasca_agent.common.util import headers
STATS_URL = "/;csv;norefresh"
class Services(object):
class HAProxy(AgentCheck):
def __init__(self, name, init_config, agent_config):
AgentCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config, agent_config)
# Host status needs to persist across all checks
self.host_status = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None))
"qcur": ("gauge", "queue.current"),
"scur": ("gauge", "session.current"),
"slim": ("gauge", "session.limit"),
"spct": ("gauge", "session.pct"), # Calculated as: (scur/slim)*100
"stot": ("rate", "session.rate"),
"bin": ("rate", "bytes.in_rate"),
"bout": ("rate", "bytes.out_rate"),
"dreq": ("rate", "denied.req_rate"),
"dresp": ("rate", "denied.resp_rate"),
"ereq": ("rate", "errors.req_rate"),
"econ": ("rate", "errors.con_rate"),
"eresp": ("rate", "errors.resp_rate"),
"wretr": ("rate", "warnings.retr_rate"),
"wredis": ("rate", "warnings.redis_rate"),
"req_rate": ("gauge", "requests.rate"),
"hrsp_1xx": ("rate", "response.1xx"),
"hrsp_2xx": ("rate", "response.2xx"),
"hrsp_3xx": ("rate", "response.3xx"),
"hrsp_4xx": ("rate", "response.4xx"),
"hrsp_5xx": ("rate", "response.5xx"),
"hrsp_other": ("rate", "response.other"),
def check(self, instance):
self.dimensions = self._set_dimensions({'service': 'haproxy'}, instance)
url = instance.get('url')
username = instance.get('username')
password = instance.get('password')
collect_service_stats_only = instance.get('collect_service_stats_only', True)
collect_aggregates_only = instance.get('collect_aggregates_only', True)
collect_status_metrics = instance.get('collect_status_metrics', False)
self.log.debug('Processing HAProxy data for %s' % url)
data = self._fetch_data(url, username, password)
self._process_data(data, collect_service_stats_only, collect_aggregates_only,
url=url, collect_status_metrics=collect_status_metrics)
def _fetch_data(self, url, username, password):
"""Hit a given URL and return the parsed json.
# Try to fetch data from the stats URL
passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
passman.add_password(None, url, username, password)
authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
url = "%s%s" % (url, STATS_URL)
self.log.debug("HAProxy Fetching haproxy search data from: %s" % url)
req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers(self.agent_config))
request = urllib2.urlopen(req)
response =
# Split the data by line
return response.split('\n')
def _process_data(self, data, collect_service_stats_only, collect_aggregates_only,
url=None, collect_status_metrics=False):
"""Main data-processing loop. For each piece of useful data, we'll
save a metric.
# Split the first line into an index of fields
# The line looks like:
# "# pxname,svname,qcur,qmax,scur,smax,slim,stot,bin,bout,dreq,dresp,ereq,econ,eresp,wretr,wredis,status,weight,act,bck,chkfail,chkdown,lastchg,downtime,qlimit,pid,iid,sid,throttle,lbtot,tracked,type,rate,rate_lim,rate_max,"
fields = [f.strip() for f in data[0][2:].split(',') if f]
hosts_statuses = defaultdict(int)
# Holds a list of dictionaries describing each system
data_list = []
for line in data[1:]: # Skip the first line
if not line.strip():
data_dict = {}
values = line.split(',')
# Store each line's values in a dictionary
for i, val in enumerate(values):
if val:
# Try converting to a long, if failure, just leave it
val = float(val)
except Exception: # nosec
data_dict[fields[i]] = val
if collect_service_stats_only and data_dict['pxname'] != 'stats':
# The percentage of used sessions based on 'scur' and 'slim'
if 'slim' in data_dict and 'scur' in data_dict:
data_dict['spct'] = (data_dict['scur'] / data_dict['slim']) * 100
except (TypeError, ZeroDivisionError):
service = data_dict['svname']
if collect_status_metrics and 'status' in data_dict and 'pxname' in data_dict:
hosts_statuses[(data_dict['pxname'], data_dict['status'])] += 1
if data_dict['svname'] in Services.ALL:
# Send the list of data to the metric callbacks
self._process_metrics(data_list, service, url)
# Clear out the list for the next service
data_list = []
elif not collect_aggregates_only:
if collect_status_metrics:
return data
def _process_status_metric(self, hosts_statuses):
agg_statuses = defaultdict(lambda: {'available': 0, 'unavailable': 0})
status_dimensions = self.dimensions.copy()
for (service, status), count in hosts_statuses.items():
status = status.lower()
status_dimensions.update({'status': status, 'component': service})
self.gauge("haproxy.count_per_status", count, dimensions=status_dimensions)
if 'up' in status:
agg_statuses[service]['available'] += count
if 'down' in status or 'maint' in status or 'nolb' in status:
agg_statuses[service]['unavailable'] += count
for service in agg_statuses:
for status, count in agg_statuses[service].items():
status_dimensions.update({'status': status, 'component': service})
self.gauge("haproxy.count_per_status", count, dimensions=status_dimensions)
def _process_metrics(self, data_list, service, url):
for data in data_list:
"""Each element of data_list is a dictionary related to one host
(one line) extracted from the csv. All of these elements should
have the same value for 'pxname' key
It should look like:
data_list = [
{'svname':'i-4562165', 'pxname':'dogweb', 'scur':'42', ...},
{'svname':'i-2854985', 'pxname':'dogweb', 'scur':'1337', ...},
metric_dimensions = self.dimensions.copy()
hostname = data['svname']
service_name = data['pxname']
metric_dimensions.update({'type': service,
'instance_url': url,
'component': service_name})
if service == Services.BACKEND:
metric_dimensions.update({'backend': hostname})
for key, value in data.items():
if HAProxy.METRICS.get(key):
suffix = HAProxy.METRICS[key][1]
name = "haproxy.%s.%s" % (service.lower(), suffix)
if HAProxy.METRICS[key][0] == 'rate':
self.rate(name, value, dimensions=metric_dimensions)
self.gauge(name, value, dimensions=metric_dimensions)