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# (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
import json
import urllib2
from monasca_agent.collector.checks import AgentCheck
from monasca_agent.common.util import headers
class CouchDb(AgentCheck):
"""Extracts stats from CouchDB via its REST API
def _create_metric(self, data, dimensions=None):
overall_stats = data.get('stats', {})
for key, stats in overall_stats.items():
for metric, val in stats.items():
if val['current'] is not None:
metric_name = '.'.join(['couchdb', key, metric])
self.gauge(metric_name, val['current'], dimensions=dimensions)
for db_name, db_stats in data.get('databases', {}).items():
for name, val in db_stats.items():
if name in ['doc_count', 'disk_size'] and val is not None:
metric_name = '.'.join(['couchdb', 'by_db', name])
metric_dimensions = dimensions.copy()
metric_dimensions['db'] = db_name
self.gauge(metric_name, val, dimensions=metric_dimensions, device_name=db_name)
def _get_stats(self, url):
"""Hit a given URL and return the parsed json.
self.log.debug('Fetching Couchdb stats at url: %s' % url)
req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers(self.agent_config))
# Do the request, log any errors
request = urllib2.urlopen(req)
response =
return json.loads(response)
def check(self, instance):
server = instance.get('server', None)
if server is None:
raise Exception("A server must be specified")
# Get dimensions
dimensions = self._set_dimensions({'instance': server}, instance)
data = self.get_data(server)
self._create_metric(data, dimensions=dimensions)
def get_data(self, server):
# The dictionary to be returned.
couchdb = {'stats': None, 'databases': {}}
# First, get overall statistics.
endpoint = '/_stats/'
url = '%s%s' % (server, endpoint)
overall_stats = self._get_stats(url)
# No overall stats? bail out now
if overall_stats is None:
raise Exception("No stats could be retrieved from %s" % url)
couchdb['stats'] = overall_stats
# Next, get all database names.
endpoint = '/_all_dbs/'
url = '%s%s' % (server, endpoint)
databases = self._get_stats(url)
if databases is not None:
for dbName in databases:
endpoint = '/%s/' % dbName
url = '%s%s' % (server, endpoint)
db_stats = self._get_stats(url)
if db_stats is not None:
couchdb['databases'][dbName] = db_stats
return couchdb