Following commit makes enhancements to the keystone handling inside monasca-agent: * using generic password approach that abstracts from underlying keystone version thus allows agent to be used seamlessly with either v2.0 or v3. The only relevant part is the set of parameters that one needs to supply to either monasca-reconfigure or agent.yaml configuration file * using keystone discovery - it simply means that agent will no longer enforce particular keystone version but will allow keystoneauth to pick the best match for given environment Extra: * extracted methods get_session and get_client utilize an aproach presented above and can be used outside of monasca_agent.common.keystone inside checks or detection plugins * make imports to import only modules instead specific objects * removed some redundant methods Story: 2000995 Task: 4191 Needed-By: I579f6bcd5975a32af2a255be41c9b6c4043fa1dc Needed-By: Ifee5b88ccb632222310aafb1081ecb9c9d085150 Change-Id: Iec97e50089ed31ae7ad8244b37cec128817871a5
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# (C) Copyright 2015-2017 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
# Copyright 2017 Fujitsu LIMITED
import logging
import os
import six
import yaml
from monasca_agent.common import exceptions
from monasca_agent.common import singleton
from monasca_agent import version
DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/monasca/agent/agent.yaml'
DEFAULT_LOG_DIR = '/var/log/monasca/agent'
LOGGING_MAX_BYTES = 5 * 1024 * 1024
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Make this a singleton class so we don't get the config every time
# the class is created
class Config(object):
def __init__(self, configFile=None):
# importing it here, in order to avoid a circular import
# as monasca_agent.common.util imports this module.
from monasca_agent.common import util
options, args = util.get_parsed_args()
if configFile is not None:
self._configFile = configFile
elif options.config_file is not None:
self._configFile = options.config_file
elif os.path.exists(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE):
self._configFile = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
elif os.path.exists(os.getcwd() + '/agent.yaml'):
self._configFile = os.getcwd() + '/agent.yaml'
error_msg = 'No config file found at {0} nor in the working directory.'.format(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)
raise IOError(error_msg)
# Define default values for the possible config items
self._config = {'Main': {'check_freq': 15,
'forwarder_url': 'http://localhost:17123',
'hostname': None,
'dimensions': None,
'listen_port': None,
'version': self.get_version(),
'additional_checksd': '/usr/lib/monasca/agent/custom_checks.d',
'limit_memory_consumption': None,
'skip_ssl_validation': False,
'autorestart': True,
'non_local_traffic': False,
'sub_collection_warn': 6,
'collector_restart_interval': 24},
'Api': {'is_enabled': False,
'url': '',
'project_name': '',
'project_id': '',
'project_domain_name': '',
'project_domain_id': '',
'ca_file': '',
'insecure': False,
'username': '',
'password': '',
'use_keystone': True,
'keystone_timeout': 20,
'keystone_url': '',
'max_buffer_size': 1000,
'max_measurement_buffer_size': -1,
'write_timeout': 10,
'backlog_send_rate': 5},
'Statsd': {'recent_point_threshold': None,
'monasca_statsd_interval': 20,
'monasca_statsd_forward_host': None,
'monasca_statsd_forward_port': 8125,
'monasca_statsd_port': 8125},
'Logging': {'disable_file_logging': False,
'log_level': None,
'collector_log_file': DEFAULT_LOG_DIR + '/collector.log',
'forwarder_log_file': DEFAULT_LOG_DIR + '/forwarder.log',
'statsd_log_file': DEFAULT_LOG_DIR + '/statsd.log',
'jmxfetch_log_file': DEFAULT_LOG_DIR + '/jmxfetch.log',
'enable_logrotate': True,
'log_to_event_viewer': False,
'log_to_syslog': False,
'syslog_host': None,
'syslog_port': None}}
def get_config(self, sections='Main'):
"""Get the config info."""
section_list = []
if isinstance(sections, six.string_types):
elif isinstance(sections, list):
log.error('Unknown section: {0}'.format(str(sections)))
return {}
new_config = {}
for section in section_list:
return new_config
def get_version(self):
return version.version_string
def _read_config(self):
"""Read in the config file."""
with open(self._configFile, 'r') as f:
log.debug('Loading config file from {0}'.format(self._configFile))
config = yaml.safe_load(f.read())
[self._config[section].update(config[section]) for section in config.keys()]
except Exception as e:
log.exception('Error loading config file from {0}'.format(self._configFile))
raise e
def get_confd_path(self):
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._configFile), 'conf.d')
if os.path.exists(path):
return path
raise exceptions.PathNotFound(path)
def check_yaml(self, conf_path):
f = open(conf_path)
check_config = yaml.safe_load(f.read())
assert 'init_config' in check_config, "No 'init_config' section found"
assert 'instances' in check_config, "No 'instances' section found"
valid_instances = True
if check_config['instances'] is None or not isinstance(check_config['instances'], list):
valid_instances = False
for i in check_config['instances']:
if not isinstance(i, dict):
valid_instances = False
if not valid_instances:
raise Exception(
'You need to have at least one instance defined in the YAML file for this check')
return check_config
def main():
configuration = Config()
config = configuration.get_config()
api_config = configuration.get_config('Api')
statsd_config = configuration.get_config('Statsd')
logging_config = configuration.get_config('Logging')
print("Main Configuration: \n {0}".format(config))
print("\nApi Configuration: \n {0}".format(api_config))
print("\nStatsd Configuration: \n {0}".format(statsd_config))
print("\nLogging Configuration: \n {0}".format(logging_config))
if __name__ == "__main__":