
276 lines
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# (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import namedtuple
import os
from oslo_utils import fnmatch
import time
from monasca_agent.collector.checks import AgentCheck
'AVERAGE': 'avg',
'MAXIMUM': 'max',
'MINIMUM': 'min'
'hdd_free': '',
'hdd_used': 'system.disk.used',
'swap_free': '',
'load_1min': 'system.load.1',
'load_5min': 'system.load.5',
'load_15min': 'system.load.15',
'mem_buffers': 'system.mem.buffered',
'proc': 'system.proc.running',
'users': 'system.users.current',
'mem_swap': '',
'ping': ''
class Cacti(AgentCheck):
def __init__(self, name, init_config, agent_config):
AgentCheck.__init__(self, name, init_config, agent_config)
self.last_ts = {}
def get_library_versions():
import rrdtool
version = rrdtool.__version__
except ImportError:
version = "Not Found"
except AttributeError:
version = "Unknown"
return {"rrdtool": version}
def check(self, instance):
# Load the instance config
config = self._get_config(instance)
# Get dimensions
self.dimensions = self._set_dimensions(None, instance)
# The rrdtool module is required for the check to work
import rrdtool # noqa
except ImportError:
raise Exception(
"Cannot import rrdtool module. This module is required for "
"the cacti plugin to work correctly")
# Try importing MySQL
import pymysql
except ImportError:
raise Exception(
"Cannot import PyMySQL module. This module is required for "
"the cacti plugin to work correctly")
connection = pymysql.connect(, config.user, config.password, config.db)
self.log.debug("Connected to MySQL to fetch Cacti metadata")
# Get whitelist patterns, if available
patterns = self._get_whitelist_patterns(config.whitelist)
# Fetch the RRD metadata from MySQL
rrd_meta = self._fetch_rrd_meta(connection, config.rrd_path, patterns, config.field_names)
# Load the metrics from each RRD, tracking the count as we go
metric_count = 0
for hostname, device_name, rrd_path in rrd_meta:
m_count = self._read_rrd(rrd_path, hostname, device_name)
metric_count += m_count
self.gauge('cacti.metrics.count', metric_count, dimensions=self.dimensions)
def _get_whitelist_patterns(self, whitelist):
patterns = []
if whitelist:
if not os.path.isfile(whitelist) or not os.access(whitelist, os.R_OK):
# Don't run the check if the whitelist is unavailable
self.log.exception("Unable to read whitelist file at %s" % whitelist)
wl = open(whitelist)
for line in wl:
return patterns
def _get_config(instance):
required = ['mysql_host', 'mysql_user', 'rrd_path']
for param in required:
if not instance.get(param):
raise Exception("Cacti instance missing %s. Skipping." % (param))
host = instance.get('mysql_host')
user = instance.get('mysql_user')
password = instance.get('mysql_password', '') or ''
db = instance.get('mysql_db', 'cacti')
rrd_path = instance.get('rrd_path')
whitelist = instance.get('rrd_whitelist')
field_names = instance.get('field_names', ['ifName', 'dskDevice'])
Config = namedtuple('Config', [
return Config(host, user, password, db, rrd_path, whitelist, field_names)
def _read_rrd(self, rrd_path, hostname, device_name):
"""Main metric fetching method.
import rrdtool
metric_count = 0
info =
except Exception:
# Unable to read RRD file, ignore it
self.log.exception("Unable to read RRD file at %s" % rrd_path)
return metric_count
# Find the consolidation functions for the RRD metrics
c_funcs = set([v for k, v in info.items() if k.endswith('.cf')])
for c in list(c_funcs):
last_ts_key = '%s.%s' % (rrd_path, c)
if last_ts_key not in self.last_ts:
self.last_ts[last_ts_key] = time.time()
start = self.last_ts[last_ts_key]
last_ts = start
fetched = rrdtool.fetch(rrd_path, c, '--start', str(start))
except rrdtool.error:
# Start time was out of range, skip this RRD
self.log.warn("Time %s out of range for %s" % (rrd_path, start))
return metric_count
# Extract the data
(start_ts, end_ts, interval) = fetched[0]
metric_names = fetched[1]
points = fetched[2]
for k, m_name in enumerate(metric_names):
m_name = self._format_metric_name(m_name, c)
for i, p in enumerate(points):
ts = start_ts + (i * interval)
if p[k] is None:
# Save this metric as a gauge
val = self._transform_metric(m_name, p[k])
self.gauge(m_name, val, hostname=hostname,
device_name=device_name, timestamp=ts,
metric_count += 1
last_ts = (ts + interval)
# Update the last timestamp based on the last valid metric
self.last_ts[last_ts_key] = last_ts
return metric_count
def _fetch_rrd_meta(self, connection, rrd_path_root, whitelist, field_names):
"""Fetch metadata about each RRD in this Cacti DB.
Returns a list of tuples of (hostname, device_name, rrd_path)
def _in_whitelist(rrd):
path = rrd.replace('<path_rra>/', '')
for p in whitelist:
if fnmatch(path, p):
return True
return False
c = connection.cursor()
and_parameters = " OR ".join(
["hsc.field_name = '%s'" % field_name for field_name in field_names])
# Check for the existence of the `host_snmp_cache` table
rrd_query = """
h.hostname as hostname,
hsc.field_value as device_name,
dt.data_source_path as rrd_path
FROM data_local dl
JOIN host h on dl.host_id =
JOIN data_template_data dt on dt.local_data_id =
LEFT JOIN host_snmp_cache hsc on = hsc.host_id
AND dl.snmp_index = hsc.snmp_index
WHERE dt.data_source_path IS NOT NULL
AND dt.data_source_path != ''
AND (%s OR hsc.field_name is NULL) """ % and_parameters
res = []
for hostname, device_name, rrd_path in c.fetchall():
if not whitelist or _in_whitelist(rrd_path):
if hostname in ('localhost', ''):
hostname = self.hostname
rrd_path = rrd_path.replace('<path_rra>', rrd_path_root)
device_name = device_name or None
res.append((hostname, device_name, rrd_path))
# Collect stats
num_hosts = len(set([r[0] for r in res]))
self.gauge('cacti.rrd.count', len(res), dimensions=self.dimensions)
self.gauge('cacti.hosts.count', num_hosts, dimensions=self.dimensions)
return res
def _format_metric_name(m_name, cfunc):
"""Format a cacti metric name into a Datadog-friendly name.
aggr = CFUNC_TO_AGGR[cfunc]
except KeyError:
aggr = cfunc.lower()
m_name = CACTI_TO_DD[m_name]
if aggr != 'avg':
m_name += '.%s' % (aggr)
return m_name
except KeyError:
return "cacti.%s.%s" % (m_name.lower(), aggr)
def _transform_metric(m_name, val):
"""Add any special case transformations here.
# Report memory in MB
if m_name[0:11] in ('system.mem.', 'system.disk'):
return val / 1024
return val