Some of parameters which can be configured for Libvirt monitoring are missing from the template file and example of documentation. This commit adds the parameter examples. Change-Id: I98e9a928179d22373c658894a82d64df9dc7d043 Story: 2001137 Task: 4853
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# (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
# These are Nova credentials, [keystone_authtoken] in /etc/nova/nova.conf
password: pass
project_name: service
username: nova
auth_url: ''
region_name: 'region1'
# Options to specify endpoint type, default to 'publicURL', other choices:
# 'internalURL' and 'adminURL'
endpoint_type: 'publicURL'
# Location of temporary files maintained by the plugin. Ramdisk preferred.
cache_dir: /dev/shm
# How long to wait before querying Nova for instance updates? (seconds)
# Note that there is an automatic refresh if new instances are encountered.
nova_refresh: 14400
# How long before gathering data on newly-provisioned instances? (seconds)
vm_probation: 300
# Command line to ping VMs, set to False (or simply remove) to disable.
# The word 'NAMESPACE' is automatically replaced by the appropriate network
# namespace for each VM being monitored.
ping_check: sudo -n /sbin/ip exec NAMESPACE /usr/bin/fping -n -c1 -t250 -q
# Number of ping command processes that will be run concurrently.
max_ping_concurrency: 8
# Suppress all per-VM metrics aside from host_alive_status, including all
# I/O, network, memory, ping, and CPU metrics.
alive_only: false
# List of instance metadata keys to be sent as dimensions
# By default 'scale_group' metadata is used here for supporting auto
# scaling in Heat.
- scale_group
# Include scale group dimension for customer metrics.
- scale_group
# Submit network metrics in bits rather than bytes.
network_use_bits: false
# Configuration parameters used to control which metrics are reported
# by libvirt plugin.
vm_cpu_check_enable: True
vm_disks_check_enable: True
vm_network_check_enable: True
vm_ping_check_enable: True
vm_extended_disks_check_enable: False
# Specify a regular expression with which to match nova host aggregate names.
# If this hypervisor is a member of a host aggregate matching this regular
# expression, an additional dimension of host_aggregate will be published
# for the operations metrics (with a value of the host aggregate name).
host_aggregate_re: None
# Interval between disk metric collections in seconds. If this is less than
# the agent collection period, it will be ignored.
disk_collection_period: 0
# Interval between vnic metric collections in seconds. If this is less than
# the agent collection period, it will be ignored.
vnic_collection_period: 0
# Instances are automatically detected through queries to the Nova API,
# and therefore do not need to be listed here, so this remains empty.
- {}