#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import monasca_analytics.banana.emitter as emit import monasca_analytics.banana.grammar.base_ast as base import monasca_analytics.exception.banana as exception import monasca_analytics.util.string_util as strut import pyparsing as p ASTNode = base.ASTNode Span = base.Span class BananaFile(object): def __init__(self, emitter=emit.PrintEmitter()): self.imports = [] self._emitter = emitter # Components is a dict where keys # are the name of the var and # values are of type Component self.components = dict() # Statement are component # creation or variable creation self.statements = [] self.connections = None def add_component_ctor(self, dot_path, component): """ Add a component if the component does not already exists. If it does exists, then this raises an Error. :type dot_path: DotPath :param dot_path: Name of the variable or property path :type component: Component :param component: AST part that will contains all properties """ if not isinstance(dot_path, DotPath): raise exception.BananaAssignmentError( dot_path.span, component.span) if not len(dot_path.properties) == 0: raise exception.BananaAssignmentError( dot_path.span, component.span) if dot_path.varname in self.components: other_dot_path = filter( lambda x: x == dot_path, self.components.keys())[0] no_effect_str = dot_path.span.str_from_to(component.span) collision_str = other_dot_path.span.str_from_to( self.components[other_dot_path].span) self._emitter.emit_warning( dot_path.span, "Statement has no effect: '{}'".format(no_effect_str) ) self._emitter.emit_warning( other_dot_path.span, "It collides with: '{}'".format(collision_str) ) else: self.components[dot_path.varname] = component self.statements.append((dot_path, component)) def add_assignment(self, dot_path, ast_value): """ Add an assignment to a property or a variable. We don't check at this point whether or not the variable has collision with a component. This will be done during the name resolution pass. :type dot_path: DotPath :param dot_path: Name of the variable or property :type ast_value: Ident | JsonObj | StringLit | Number | DotPath :param ast_value: Ast node this variable is assigned to. """ if not isinstance(dot_path, DotPath): raise exception.BananaAssignmentError( dot_path.span, ast_value.span ) self.statements.append((dot_path, ast_value)) def add_connections(self, connections): """ Add a new set of connections between components This function performs the same checks as the one performs when components are connected. It warns on redundant connections. :type connections: Connection :param connections: AST node that contains the collected connections. """ if self.connections is None: self.connections = connections else: self.connections.merge_and_reset_inputs_outputs( connections, self._emitter ) def statements_to_str(self): return "{ " + ', '.join( map(lambda x: '{} = {}'.format(x[0], x[1]), self.statements) ) + ' }' def __str__(self): res = "BananaFile { " res += 'components: { ' res += strut.dict_to_str(self.components) res += ' }, ' res += 'statements: ' + self.statements_to_str() res += 'connections: { ' res += str(self.connections) res += " } }" return res def make_span(s, l, t): def compute_hi(init_loc, tokens): hi = init_loc for tok in tokens: if isinstance(tok, ASTNode): hi = max(hi, tok.span.hi) elif isinstance(tok, basestring): hi += len(tok) elif isinstance(tok, p.ParseResults): hi = max(hi, compute_hi(init_loc, tok)) else: raise exception.BananaGrammarBug( "Couldn't create span for: {}".format(tok) ) return hi if len(t) > 0: span_hi = compute_hi(l, t) return Span(s, l, span_hi) else: return Span(s, l, 2) class Number(ASTNode): def __init__(self, span, val): """ Construct a Number ast node. :type span: Span :param span: Span for this number :type val: str :param val: Value for this number """ super(Number, self).__init__(span) self.val = float(val) def __str__(self): return "Number< {} >".format(self.val) def into_unmodified_str(self): return str(self.val) class StringLit(ASTNode): def __init__(self, span, val): """ Construct a StringLit ast node. :type span: Span :param span: Span for this string :type val: str :param val: Value for this string """ super(StringLit, self).__init__(span) self.val = val def __hash__(self): return hash(self.inner_val()) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, StringLit) or isinstance(other, Ident))\ and self.inner_val() == other.inner_val() def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return "StringLit< {} >".format(self.val) def into_unmodified_str(self): return self.val def inner_val(self): return self.val.strip()[1:-1] class Ident(ASTNode): def __init__(self, span, val): """ Construct an Ident ast node. :type span: Span :param span: Span for this identifier :type val: str :param val: Value of this identifier """ super(Ident, self).__init__(span) self.val = val def __hash__(self): return hash(self.val) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, StringLit) or isinstance(other, Ident))\ and self.val == other.inner_val() def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return "Ident< {} >".format(self.val) def into_unmodified_str(self): return self.val def inner_val(self): return self.val class DotPath(ASTNode): def __init__(self, span, varname, properties): """ :type span: Span :param span: Span for this dotpath. :type varname: Ident | StringLit :param varname: Name of the variable being changed. :type properties: list[StringLit | Ident] :param properties: Properties being accessed. """ super(DotPath, self).__init__(span) self.varname = varname self.properties = properties def next_dot_path(self): """ Assuming the properties length is more than zero. This returns the dot path where the varname has been dropped. So given 'a.b.c' the returned dot path will be 'b.c'. :rtype: DotPath :return: Returns the next dot path. """ return DotPath( self.span.new_with_lo(self.properties[0].span.lo), self.properties[0], self.properties[1:] ) def into_unmodified_str(self): arr = [self.varname.into_unmodified_str()] arr.extend(map(lambda x: x.into_unmodified_str(), self.properties)) return '.'.join(arr) def __str__(self): arr = [str(self.varname)] arr.extend(map(lambda x: str(x), self.properties)) return 'DotPath< {} >'.format('.'.join(arr)) def __key(self): return self.into_unmodified_str().replace('"', '') def __eq__(self, other): return self.__key() == other.__key() def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__key()) class Expr(ASTNode): def __init__(self, span, expr_tree): """ Construct an expression :type span: Span :param span: Span for the expression. :type expr_tree: p.ParseResults ;:param expr_tree: The tree generated by pyparsing.infixNotation """ super(Expr, self).__init__(span) # We don't use this tree at this point. # During typecheck we will make sure # that the expression can evaluate # Finally during evaluation, we will evaluate # the final result. if isinstance(expr_tree, p.ParseResults): expr_tree = expr_tree.asList() if isinstance(expr_tree, list): for i in range(0, len(expr_tree)): if isinstance(expr_tree[i], list): expr_tree[i] = Expr(span, expr_tree[i]) self.expr_tree = expr_tree else: self.expr_tree = [expr_tree] def into_unmodified_str(self): # TODO(Joan): reconstruct the original expression return 'expression' def __str__(self): return "Expr< {} >".format(strut.array_to_str(self.expr_tree)) class JsonObj(ASTNode): def __init__(self, span, tokens): super(JsonObj, self).__init__(span) self.props = {} last_prop = None if len(tokens) > 0: for toks in tokens: for tok in toks: if isinstance(tok, DotPath): if last_prop is None: last_prop = tok else: self._set_new_prop(last_prop, tok) last_prop = None elif isinstance(tok, StringLit): if last_prop is None: last_prop = tok else: self._set_new_prop(last_prop, tok) last_prop = None elif isinstance(tok, list): if last_prop is None: raise p.ParseFatalException( "Bug Found in JsonObj!" ) self._set_new_prop( last_prop, JsonObj.dictify_array(tok) ) last_prop = None else: if last_prop is None: raise p.ParseFatalException( "Bug Found in JsonObj!" ) self._set_new_prop(last_prop, tok) last_prop = None def _set_new_prop(self, prop, token): if prop in self.props: raise exception.BananaJsonObjShadowingError(self.span, prop.span) else: self.props[prop] = token def into_unmodified_str(self): # TODO(Joan): improve this for error reporting return str(self.props) def __str__(self): return "JsonObj< {} >".format(strut.dict_to_str(self.props)) @staticmethod def dictify_array(tok): new_array = [] for el in tok: if isinstance(el, list): new_array.append(JsonObj.dictify_array(el)) else: new_array.append(el) return new_array def into_connection(ast_node): """ Convert an ast node into a Connection node. :type ast_node: Connection | Ident :param ast_node: The ast node to convert. :rtype: Connection :return: Returns a Connection node """ if isinstance(ast_node, Connection): return ast_node elif isinstance(ast_node, Ident): return Connection( ast_node.span, [ast_node], [ast_node] ) else: raise p.ParseFatalException("Bug found!") class Connection(ASTNode): def __init__(self, span, inputs=None, outputs=None, connections=None): """ Create a connection object. :type span: Span :param span: Span for this connection :type inputs: list[Ident] :param inputs: Input ast nodes of the connection :type outputs: list[Ident] :param outputs: Outputs nodes :type connections: list[(Ident, Ident)] :param connections: The list of connections aggregated so far. """ super(Connection, self).__init__(span) if inputs is None: inputs = [] if outputs is None: outputs = [] if connections is None: connections = [] self.inputs = inputs self.outputs = outputs self.connections = connections self.connections_cache = {} self._build_connection_cache() def connect_to(self, other_con, emitter): """ Connect this connection to the other one. After this function has been executed, the other_con object can be dropped. :type other_con: Connection :param other_con: Other connection to connect to. :type emitter: emit.Emitter :param emitter: Emitter. """ self.span.hi = max(other_con.span.hi, self.span.hi) self.span.lo = min(other_con.span.lo, self.span.lo) old_outputs = self.outputs self.outputs = other_con.outputs # Generate new connections for old_output in old_outputs: for other_input in other_con.inputs: self._check_and_connect(old_output, other_input, emitter) # Preserve old connections self._merge_connections(other_con, emitter) def merge_all(self, tokens, emitter): """ Merge all the tokens with this class :type tokens: list[list[Connection | Ident]] :param tokens: List of list of tokens :type emitter: emit.Emitter :param emitter: Emitter to report errors """ if len(tokens) == 1: if len(tokens[0]) > 0: for tok in tokens[0]: other_con = into_connection(tok) self.merge_with(other_con, emitter) def merge_and_reset_inputs_outputs(self, other_con, emitter): """ Merge this connection with other_con and reset inputs / outputs as they're no longer necessary. :type other_con: Connection :param other_con: the other connection we are gonna merge with. :type emitter: emit.Emitter :param emitter: Emitter to report errors """ self.inputs = [] self.outputs = [] self._merge_connections(other_con, emitter) def merge_with(self, other_con, emitter): """ Merge the provided connection with this one. :type other_con: Connection :param other_con: Connection to merge with self. :type emitter: emit.Emitter :param emitter: Emitter to report errors """ def extend(into, iterable, what): for other_thing in iterable: if len(filter(lambda x: x.val == other_thing.val, into)) > 0: emitter.emit_warning( other_thing.span, "{} {} already present".format( what, other_thing.val ) ) else: into.append(other_thing) extend(self.inputs, other_con.inputs, 'Input') extend(self.outputs, other_con.outputs, 'Output') self._merge_connections(other_con, emitter) def _merge_connections(self, other_con, emitter): """ Merge only the connections field from other_con into self. :type other_con: Connection :param other_con: Connection to merge with self. :type emitter: emit.Emitter :param emitter: Emitter to report errors """ for ident_from, ident_to in other_con.connections: self._check_and_connect(ident_from, ident_to, emitter) def _check_and_connect(self, ident_from, ident_to, emitter): """ Check if the connection does not already exists and if it does not, add it to the list of connections. Otherwise report a warning and do nothing. :type ident_from: Ident :param ident_from: The 'From' node of the directed edge. :type ident_to: Ident :param ident_to: The 'To' node of the directed edge we are creating. :type emitter: emit.Emitter :param emitter: Emitter to report errors. """ if ident_from.val in self.connections_cache: if ident_to.val in self.connections_cache[ident_from.val]: emitter.emit_warning( ident_to.span, "Connection from '{}' to '{}'" " is already present" .format(ident_from.val, ident_to.val) ) return self.connections_cache[ident_from.val].append(ident_to.val) else: self.connections_cache[ident_from.val] = [ident_to.val] self.connections.append((ident_from, ident_to)) def _build_connection_cache(self): """ Build a cache of connections keyed by where they start from. """ for ident_from, ident_to in self.connections: if ident_from.val not in self.connections_cache: self.connections_cache[ident_from.val] = [] if ident_to.val not in self.connections_cache: self.connections_cache[ident_to.val] = [] self.connections_cache[ident_from.val].append(ident_to.val) # Sanity check for _, vals in self.connections_cache: if len(set(vals)) != len(vals): raise p.ParseFatalException("Bug found in Connection!!") def into_unmodified_str(self): # TODO(Joan): improve this return "connection" def __str__(self): res = "Connection<" res += " {} ".format(map(lambda (x, y): (str(x), str(y)), self.connections)) res += ">" return res class Assignment(ASTNode): def __init__(self, span, dot_path, value): """ Construct an assignment AST node. :type span: Span :param span: the span of the assignment. :type dot_path: DotPath :param dot_path: the left hand side of the assignment. :type value: Component | Number | StringLit | JsonObj | DotPath | Expr :param value: the right hand side of the assignment. """ super(Assignment, self).__init__(span) if (isinstance(value, Component) or isinstance(value, JsonObj) or isinstance(value, Number) or isinstance(value, StringLit) or isinstance(value, Ident) or isinstance(value, DotPath) or isinstance(value, Expr)) and\ isinstance(dot_path, DotPath): self.lhs = dot_path self.rhs = value else: raise exception.BananaGrammarBug( 'Impossible assignment found with' ' left hand side: {} and' ' right hand side: {}' .format(type(dot_path), type(value)) ) def into_unmodified_str(self): return "{} = {}".format(self.lhs.into_unmodified_str(), self.rhs.into_unmodified_str()) def __str__(self): return "{} = {}".format(str(self.lhs), str(self.rhs)) class ComponentCtorArg(ASTNode): def __init__(self, span, value, arg_name=None): """ Construct an argument for a component ctor :type span: Span :param span: Span of the argument. :type value: Number | StringLit | JsonObj | DotPath | Expr :param value: Value for the argument :type arg_name: Ident :param arg_name: Name of the argument """ super(ComponentCtorArg, self).__init__(span) if (isinstance(value, JsonObj) or isinstance(value, Number) or isinstance(value, StringLit) or isinstance(value, Ident) or isinstance(value, DotPath) or isinstance(value, Expr)) and ( isinstance(arg_name, Ident) or arg_name is None): self.arg_name = arg_name self.value = value else: # This code should be unreachable. # The grammar as defined should prevent us from # seeing an arg value or a value of the incorrect type raise exception.BananaGrammarBug( 'Impossible constructor argument found with' ' left hand side: {} and' ' right hand side: {}' .format(type(arg_name), type(value)) ) def into_unmodified_str(self): return "{} = {}".format(self.arg_name.into_unmodified_str(), self.value.into_unmodified_str()) def __str__(self): if self.arg_name is not None: return "{} = {}".format(self.arg_name, self.value) else: return "{}".format(self.value) class Component(ASTNode): def __init__(self, span, type_name=None, args=None): """ Construct a component :type span: Span :param span: Span of this component :type type_name: Ident :param type_name: Name of this component :type args: list[ComponentCtorArg] :param args: List of arguments """ super(Component, self).__init__(span) if args is None: args = [] self.type_name = type_name self.args = args def set_ctor(self, type_name): """ Set the constructor name of that component :type type_name: Ident :param type_name: Name of that constructor """ self.type_name = type_name def add_arg(self, arg): """ Add an argument to that component constructor. :type arg: ComponentCtorArg :param arg: Argument to add to that component. """ self.args.append(arg) def into_unmodified_str(self): return self.type_name.into_unmodified_str() + "(" + \ ', '.join(map(lambda x: x.into_unmodified_str(), self.args)) +\ ")" def __str__(self): res = "" res += "Component {" res += " type_name: {},".format(self.type_name) arr = ', '.join(map(lambda x: str(x), self.args)) res += " args: {}".format("[" + arr + "]") res += "}" return res