Daisuke Fujita 6c7316ebbd Support python3.5 for monasca-analytics
This patch implements followings for py35 support using six(er) and 2to3.

- Python 3 map/filter returns iterator, must be converted to list
- use six.string_types instead of basestring
- use six.iteritems instead of iteritems
- use six.moves for using cPickle and SocketServer packages
- use six.assertCountEqual instead of assertItemsEqual
- remove relative imports
- update BytecodeAssembler(monasca_analytics/
  banana/bytecode/ for python3

Can be tested with:
  tox -e py35

Change-Id: If1b92d0ffc56492950f6a02ebdbe1596d0dce368
2019-01-28 09:47:45 +00:00
.. H104 support 2016-06-03 12:42:47 +00:00 Fix Apache license and PYTHONPATH for the gate 2016-06-28 15:03:27 +09:00 Support python3.5 for monasca-analytics 2019-01-28 09:47:45 +00:00