
290 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import datetime
import itertools
import json
import logging
import six
from six.moves import socketserver
import threading
import time
from monasca_analytics.source import base
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MarkovChainSource(base.BaseSource):
"""Base Source of data generated according a Markov chain model.
A Markov chain model baked by a finite state machine
to model more realistic scenario with optional confounding variables.
This source is useful to see how causality is discovered in the presence
of confounding variable as well as scenario where some alert appears only
in a deterministic fashion.
def _create_system(self):
Abstract method that should be implemented by subclasses
:rtype: list[StateNode]
:returns: List of StateNode that do not have any dependencies
def create_dstream(self, ssc):
"""Initiates the system in a TCP server, and creates the dstream object
The _dstream object is created before this source is bound
to the consumers. It uses a socketTextStream, to read data from
the ThreadingTCPServer.
:type ssc: pyspark.streaming.StreamingContext
:param ssc: Spark Streaming Context that provides the data input
system = LeafNodes(self._create_system())
port = self._start_thread(system)
return ssc.socketTextStream(
def terminate_source(self):
# This is to allow all the messages
# being sent by the handler to clear up.
self._server.terminate = True
def _start_thread(self, system):
self._server = socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer(
("", 0), # Let the OS pick a port for us
FMSTCPHandler, # Handler of the requests
self._server.allow_reuse_address = True
self._server.terminate = False
self._server.system = system
self._server.sleep_in_seconds = self._config["sleep"]
if "min_event_per_burst" in self._config:
self._server.min_event_per_burst = \
self._server.min_event_per_burst = 500
self._server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._serve_forever)
port_used = self._server.socket.getsockname()[1]
return port_used
def _serve_forever(self):
except IOError:
logger.debug("Markov chain source's server stopped.")
class MetaId(abc.ABCMeta):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace): # @NoSelf
cls = super(abc.ABCMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace)
cls.ids = itertools.count(1)
return cls
class LeafNodes(object):
def __init__(self, state_nodes):
"""Constructor with list of state nodes
:type state_nodes: list[StateNode]
:param state_nodes: The node of the directed acyclic graph
that has no dependencies.
self._state_nodes = state_nodes
def next_state(self, hour_of_day):
"""Move to next state
:type hour_of_day: int
:param hour_of_day: An hour of the day that is used by
ignored_states = set([])
for s in self._state_nodes:
s.next_state(hour_of_day, ignored_states)
def collect_events(self, hour_of_day, fake_date, request):
"""Get list of events
:type hour_of_day: int
:param hour_of_day: An hour of the day that is used by
:type fake_date: datetime.datetime
:param fake_date: A date that you can use to generate a ctime.
:type request: RequestBuilder
:param request: Request object to send data.
:rtype: list
:returns: List of event. Specific to the event builder.
for node in self._state_nodes:
node.collect_events(hour_of_day, fake_date, request)
class StateNode(object):
"""This class describes a particular node in the dependency graph.
It holds the state information relative to that node and the
dependencies with the other nodes. The Markov
It is managed by one instance of a StateDescriptor.
def __init__(self, initial_state, markov_chain, trigger, _id=None):
:type _id: int | str
:param _id: Id of the node
:type initial_state: str | int | None
:param initial_state: Initial state for this node.
:type markov_chain:
:param markov_chain: Markov Chain managing this node state.
:type trigger:
list |
:param trigger: List of triggers or single trigger that you want
to attached to this node.
if _id is None:
self._id = next(self.__class__.ids)
self._id = _id
self.state = initial_state
self._markov_chain = markov_chain
if type(trigger) == list:
self._triggers = trigger
self._triggers = [trigger]
self.dependencies = []
def id(self):
:rtype: int | str
:returns: Returns this object id.
return self._id
def next_state(self, hour_of_day, ignored_states):
"""Move this element to the next state if it is not in the ignored set
This will affect this element's children that conditionally depends
on this element's state.
:type hour_of_day: int
:param hour_of_day: An integer in the range of 0 to 24 to
express the hour of the day.
:type ignored_states: set
:param ignored_states: set of states that should not change.
if self._id not in ignored_states:
for dep in self.dependencies:
dep.next_state(hour_of_day, ignored_states)
self._markov_chain.apply_on(self, hour_of_day)
def collect_events(self, hour_of_day, fake_date, request):
"""Collect event triggered for the next burst.
:type hour_of_day: int
:param hour_of_day: an integer in the range of 0 to 24 to express
he hour of the day.
:type fake_date: datetime.datetime
:param fake_date: A date that you can use to generate a ctime.
:type request: RequestBuilder
:param request: Request builder to send specific events
:rtype: list
:returns: events for this step or None
for trigger in self._triggers:
trigger.apply_on(self, hour_of_day, fake_date, request)
for dep in self.dependencies:
dep.collect_events(hour_of_day, fake_date, request)
class FMSTCPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
"""A TCP server handler for the alert generation."""
def handle(self):
"""Handles incoming connection and pushing data into them."""
fake_date =
hour_of_day = fake_date.hour
while not self.server.terminate:
request = RequestBuilder(self.request)
# Collect some events
while request.nb_events() < self.server.min_event_per_burst:
self.server.system.collect_events(hour_of_day, fake_date,
hour_of_day += 1
fake_date += datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
if hour_of_day > 24:
hour_of_day = 0
except IOError:
logger.debug("Source is now off")
self.server.terminate = True
class RequestBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, request):
self._request = request
self._collected_data = []
def send(self, data):
Send an object over the network.
:param data: Object to send.
def nb_events(self):
return len(self._collected_data)
def finalize(self):
for data in self._collected_data:
self._request = None
self._collected_data = None
class DictEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
return o.__dict__