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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard
# (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise LP
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import pyparsing
class SubExpr(object):
def __init__(self, tokens):
if not tokens.func:
if tokens.relational_op.lower() in ['gte', 'gt', '>=', '>']:
self._func = "max"
self._func = "min"
self._func = tokens.func
self._metric_name = tokens.metric_name
self._dimensions = tokens.dimensions_list
self._operator = tokens.relational_op
self._threshold = tokens.threshold
self._period = tokens.period
self._periods = tokens.periods
self._deterministic = tokens.deterministic
self._id = None
def fmtd_sub_expr_str(self):
"""Get the entire sub expressions as a string with spaces."""
result = u"{}({}".format(self.normalized_func,
if self._dimensions is not None:
result += "{" + self.dimensions_str + "}"
if self._period:
result += ", {}".format(self._period)
result += ")"
result += " {} {}".format(self._operator,
if self._periods:
result += " times {}".format(self._periods)
return result
def dimensions_str(self):
"""Get all the dimensions as a single comma delimited string."""
return u",".join(self._dimensions)
def operands_list(self):
"""Get this sub expression as a list."""
return [self]
def func(self):
"""Get the function as it appears in the orig expression."""
return self._func
def normalized_func(self):
"""Get the function upper-cased."""
return self._func.upper()
def metric_name(self):
"""Get the metric name as it appears in the orig expression."""
return self._metric_name
def normalized_metric_name(self):
"""Get the metric name lower-cased."""
return self._metric_name.lower()
def dimensions(self):
"""Get the dimensions."""
return u",".join(self._dimensions)
def dimensions_as_list(self):
"""Get the dimensions as a list."""
if self._dimensions:
return self._dimensions
return []
def operator(self):
"""Get the operator."""
return self._operator
def threshold(self):
"""Get the threshold value."""
return self._threshold
def period(self):
"""Get the period. Default is 60 seconds."""
if self._period:
return self._period
return u'60'
def periods(self):
"""Get the periods. Default is 1."""
if self._periods:
return self._periods
return u'1'
def deterministic(self):
return True if self._deterministic else False
def normalized_operator(self):
"""Get the operator as one of LT, GT, LTE, or GTE."""
if self._operator.lower() == "lt" or self._operator == "<":
return u"LT"
elif self._operator.lower() == "gt" or self._operator == ">":
return u"GT"
elif self._operator.lower() == "lte" or self._operator == "<=":
return u"LTE"
elif self._operator.lower() == "gte" or self._operator == ">=":
return u"GTE"
def id(self):
"""Get the id used to identify this sub expression in the repo."""
return self._id
def id(self, id):
"""Set the d used to identify this sub expression in the repo."""
self._id = id
class BinaryOp(object):
def __init__(self, tokens):
self.op = tokens[0][1]
self.operands = tokens[0][0::2]
def operands_list(self):
return ([sub_operand for operand in self.operands for sub_operand in
class AndSubExpr(BinaryOp):
"""Expand later as needed."""
class OrSubExpr(BinaryOp):
"""Expand later as needed."""
COMMA = pyparsing.Suppress(pyparsing.Literal(","))
LPAREN = pyparsing.Suppress(pyparsing.Literal("("))
RPAREN = pyparsing.Suppress(pyparsing.Literal(")"))
EQUAL = pyparsing.Literal("=")
LBRACE = pyparsing.Suppress(pyparsing.Literal("{"))
RBRACE = pyparsing.Suppress(pyparsing.Literal("}"))
# Initialize non-ascii unicode code points in the Basic Multilingual Plane.
unicode_printables = u''.join(
unichr(c) for c in xrange(128, 65536) if not unichr(c).isspace())
# Does not like comma. No Literals from above allowed.
valid_identifier_chars = (
(unicode_printables + pyparsing.alphanums + ".-_#!$%&'*+/:;?@[\\]^`|~"))
metric_name = (
pyparsing.Word(valid_identifier_chars, min=1, max=255)("metric_name"))
dimension_name = pyparsing.Word(valid_identifier_chars + ' ', min=1, max=255)
dimension_value = pyparsing.Word(valid_identifier_chars + ' ', min=1, max=255)
MINUS = pyparsing.Literal('-')
integer_number = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.nums)
decimal_number = (pyparsing.Optional(MINUS) + integer_number +
pyparsing.Optional("." + integer_number))
decimal_number.setParseAction(lambda tokens: "".join(tokens))
max = pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("max")
min = pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("min")
avg = pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("avg")
count = pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("count")
sum = pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("sum")
last = pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("last")
func = (max | min | avg | count | sum | last)("func")
less_than_op = (
(pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("<") | pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("lt")))
less_than_eq_op = (
(pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("<=") | pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("lte")))
greater_than_op = (
(pyparsing.CaselessLiteral(">") | pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("gt")))
greater_than_eq_op = (
(pyparsing.CaselessLiteral(">=") | pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("gte")))
# Order is important. Put longer prefix first.
relational_op = (
less_than_eq_op | less_than_op | greater_than_eq_op | greater_than_op)(
AND = pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("and") | pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("&&")
OR = pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("or") | pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("||")
logical_op = (AND | OR)("logical_op")
times = pyparsing.CaselessLiteral("times")
dimension = dimension_name + EQUAL + dimension_value
dimension.setParseAction(lambda tokens: "".join(tokens))
dimension_list = pyparsing.Group((LBRACE + pyparsing.Optional(
pyparsing.delimitedList(dimension)) +
metric = metric_name + pyparsing.Optional(dimension_list)
period = integer_number("period")
threshold = decimal_number("threshold")
periods = integer_number("periods")
deterministic = (
function_and_metric = (
func + LPAREN + metric +
pyparsing.Optional(COMMA + deterministic) +
pyparsing.Optional(COMMA + period) +
expression = pyparsing.Forward()
sub_expression = ((function_and_metric | metric) + relational_op + threshold +
pyparsing.Optional(times + periods) |
LPAREN + expression + RPAREN)
expression = (
[(AND, 2, pyparsing.opAssoc.LEFT, AndSubExpr),
(OR, 2, pyparsing.opAssoc.LEFT, OrSubExpr)]))
class AlarmExprParser(object):
def __init__(self, expr):
self._expr = expr
def sub_expr_list(self):
# Remove all spaces before parsing. Simple, quick fix for whitespace
# issue with dimension list not allowing whitespace after comma.
parse_result = (expression + pyparsing.stringEnd).parseString(
sub_expr_list = parse_result[0].operands_list
return sub_expr_list
def main():
"""Used for development and testing."""
expr_list = [
"max(-_.千幸福的笑脸{घोड़ा=馬, "
"dn2=dv2,千幸福的笑脸घ=千幸福的笑脸घ}) gte 100 "
"times 3 && "
"(min(ເຮືອນ{dn3=dv3,家=дом}) < 10 or sum(biz{dn5=dv5}) >99 and "
"count(fizzle) lt 0or count(baz) > 1)".decode('utf8'),
"max(foo{hostname=mini-mon,千=千}, 120) > 100 and (max(bar)>100 "
" or max(biz)>100)".decode('utf8'),
"test_metric{this=that, that = this} < 1",
"max ( 3test_metric5 { this = that }) lt 5 times 3",
"3test_metric5 lt 3",
"ntp.offset > 1 or ntp.offset < -5",
"max(3test_metric5{it's this=that's it}) lt 5 times 3",
"count(log.error{test=1}, deterministic) > 1.0",
"count(log.error{test=1}, deterministic, 120) > 1.0",
"last(test_metric{hold=here}) < 13"
for expr in expr_list:
print('orig expr: {}'.format(expr.encode('utf8')))
sub_exprs = []
alarm_expr_parser = AlarmExprParser(expr)
sub_exprs = alarm_expr_parser.sub_expr_list
except Exception as ex:
print("Parse failed: {}".format(ex))
for sub_expr in sub_exprs:
print('sub expr: {}'.format(
print('sub_expr dimensions: {}'.format(
print('sub_expr deterministic: {}'.format(
print('sub_expr period: {}'.format(
if __name__ == "__main__":