# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure # configures the configuration version (we support older styles for # backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what # you're doing. Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-cachier") config.cache.scope = :box end # Handle local proxy settings if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-proxyconf") if ENV["http_proxy"] config.proxy.http = ENV["http_proxy"] end if ENV["https_proxy"] config.proxy.https = ENV["https_proxy"] end if ENV["no_proxy"] config.proxy.no_proxy = ENV["no_proxy"] + ',,,' end end config.vm.hostname = "devstack" config.vm.box = "bento/ubuntu-16.04" config.vm.box_check_update = false config.vm.network "private_network",ip:"" config.vm.synced_folder "~/", "/vagrant_home" config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| vb.gui = false vb.memory = "12800" vb.cpus = 4 # vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpuexecutioncap", "50"] end config.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, inline: <<-SHELL # sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get -y upgrade sudo apt-get -y install git if [ $http_proxy ]; then git config --global url.https://git.openstack.org/.insteadOf git://git.openstack.org/ sudo git config --global url.https://git.openstack.org/.insteadOf git://git.openstack.org/ protocol=`echo $http_proxy | awk -F: '{print $1}'` host=`echo $http_proxy | awk -F/ '{print $3}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'` port=`echo $http_proxy | awk -F/ '{print $3}' | awk -F: '{print $2}'` echo " $host true $protocol $host $port " > ./maven_proxy_settings.xml mkdir -p ~/.m2 cp ./maven_proxy_settings.xml ~/.m2/settings.xml sudo mkdir -p /root/.m2 sudo cp ./maven_proxy_settings.xml /root/.m2/settings.xml fi git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack -b master --depth 1 # If using vagrant-cachier, restore cached downloads of 3rd-party dependencies if [ -d "/tmp/vagrant-cache" ]; then if [ -d "/tmp/vagrant-cache/downloads" ]; then echo "Restoring downloads" cp /tmp/vagrant-cache/downloads/* devstack/files fi if [ -f "/tmp/vagrant-cache/pip-cache.tar.gz" ]; then echo "Restoring ~/.cache" tar xzf /tmp/vagrant-cache/pip-cache.tar.gz -C ~ fi if [ -f "/tmp/vagrant-cache/nvm-cache.tar.gz" ]; then echo "Restoring ~/.nvm/.cache" mkdir -p ~/.nvm tar xzf /tmp/vagrant-cache/nvm-cache.tar.gz -C ~/.nvm fi if [ -f "/tmp/vagrant-cache/npm-pkgs.tar.gz" ]; then echo "Restoring ~/.npm" tar xzf /tmp/vagrant-cache/npm-pkgs.tar.gz -C ~ fi if [ -f "/tmp/vagrant-cache/root-pip-cache.tar.gz" ]; then echo "Restoring ~root/.cache" sudo tar xzf /tmp/vagrant-cache/root-pip-cache.tar.gz -C ~root fi if [ -f "/tmp/vagrant-cache/root-m2-cache.tar.gz" ]; then echo "Restoring ~root/.m2" sudo tar xzf /tmp/vagrant-cache/root-m2-cache.tar.gz -C ~root fi fi cd devstack echo '[[local|localrc]] GIT_DEPTH=1 SERVICE_HOST= HOST_IP= HOST_IP_IFACE=eth1 DATABASE_PASSWORD=secretdatabase RABBIT_PASSWORD=secretrabbit ADMIN_PASSWORD=secretadmin SERVICE_PASSWORD=secretservice LOGFILE=$DEST/logs/stack.sh.log LOGDIR=$DEST/logs LOG_COLOR=False DEST=/opt/stack disable_all_services enable_service rabbit key tempest horizon # Uncomment one of the following lines to use either MySQL or PostgreSQL # as RDB (relational database) backend for monasca. enable_service mysql #enable_service postgresql # Enable/Disable ORM support for mysql/postgresql # HINT: If postgresql service is enabled, ORM is enforced MONASCA_DATABASE_USE_ORM=${MONASCA_DATABASE_USE_ORM:-false} # The following two variables allow switching between Java and Python for the implementations # of the Monasca API and the Monasca Persister. If these variables are not set, then the # default is to install the Python implementations of both the Monasca API and the Monasca Persister. # Uncomment one of the following two lines to choose Java or Python for the Monasca API. # MONASCA_API_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG=${MONASCA_API_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG:-java} MONASCA_API_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG=${MONASCA_API_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG:-python} # Uncomment one of the following two lines to choose Java or Python for the Monasca Pesister. # MONASCA_PERSISTER_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG=${MONASCA_PERSISTER_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG:-java} MONASCA_PERSISTER_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG=${MONASCA_PERSISTER_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG:-python} # Uncomment one of the following three lines to choose either InfluxDB, Vertica or Cassandra. # MONASCA_METRICS_DB=${MONASCA_METRICS_DB:-vertica} # MONASCA_METRICS_DB=${MONASCA_METRICS_DB:-cassandra} MONASCA_METRICS_DB=${MONASCA_METRICS_DB:-influxdb} # Uncomment one of the following lines and modify accordingly to enable the Monasca DevStack Plugin enable_plugin monasca-api https://git.openstack.org/openstack/monasca-api # enable_plugin monasca-api file:///vagrant_home/Documents/repos/openstack/monasca-api.vertica ' > local.conf ./stack.sh # Cache downloaded files for future runs if [ -d "/tmp/vagrant-cache" ]; then mkdir -p /tmp/vagrant-cache/downloads cp files/*gz files/*.deb /tmp/vagrant-cache/downloads tar czf /tmp/vagrant-cache/pip-cache.tar.gz -C ~ .cache tar czf /tmp/vagrant-cache/nvm-cache.tar.gz -C ~/.nvm .cache tar czf /tmp/vagrant-cache/npm-pkgs.tar.gz -C ~ .npm sudo tar czf /tmp/vagrant-cache/root-pip-cache.tar.gz -C ~root .cache sudo tar czf /tmp/vagrant-cache/root-m2-cache.tar.gz -C ~root .m2 fi SHELL end