fix: change tox.ini fix: change queries for list_dimension_names and list_dimension_values because of influxdb time filter problem fix: remove build_sphinx group from setup.cfg fix: handle hashlib security problem Change-Id: I0d31a8db5ed71c70e7b878ce5e7940e041d0fa43 Change-Id: I6f7066da10e834550cbf0c053c7bf425ac0ead93 Change-Id: If9575aee73d600bbc84fcdf58deb1c57b508d9c2 Change-Id: If515eaeee7539da3ca49997e88785dc65572b334
Docker image for Monasca API
The Monasca API image is based on the monasca-base image.
Building monasca-base image
See https://github.com/openstack/monasca-common/tree/master/docker/README.rst
Building Monasca API image
- Example:
$ ./build_image.sh <repository_version> <upper_constains_branch> <common_version>
Everything after ./build_image.sh
is optional and by
default configured to get versions from Dockerfile
also contain more detailed build
Environment variables
Variable | Default | Description |
KAFKA_URI | kafka:9092 | URI to Apache Kafka (distributed streaming platform) |
KAFKA_LEGACY_CLIENT_ENABLED | false | Enable legacy Kafka client |
MONASCA_CONTAINER_API_PORT | 8070 | The port from the metric pipeline endpoint |
DATABASE_BACKEND | influxdb | Select for backend database |
INFLUX_HOST | influxdb | The host for influxdb |
INFLUX_PORT | 8086 | The port for influxdb |
INFLUX_USER | mon_api | The influx username |
INFLUX_PASSWORD | password | The influx password |
INFLUX_DB | mon | The influx database name |
CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS | cassandra | Cassandra node addresses |
CASSANDRA_PORT | 9042 | Cassandra port number |
CASSANDRA_KEY_SPACE | monasca | Cassandra keyspace where metric are stored |
CASSANDRA_USER | mon_persister | Cassandra user name |
CASSANDRA_PASSWORD | password | Cassandra password |
CASSANDRA_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | 5 | Cassandra timeout in seconds when creating a new connection |
MYSQL_HOST | mysql | The host for MySQL |
MYSQL_PORT | 3306 | The port for MySQL |
MYSQL_USER | monapi | The MySQL username |
MYSQL_PASSWORD | password | The MySQL password |
MYSQL_DB | mon | The MySQL database name |
API_MYSQL_DISABLED | unset | If 'true' do not use a mysql database. Only metric API will work |
MEMCACHED_URI | memcached:11211 | URI to Keystone authentication cache |
DEFAULT_REGION | RegionOne | Region that API is running in |
AUTHORIZED_ROLES | admin,domainuser,domainadmin,monasca-user | Roles for Monasca users (full API access) |
AGENT_AUTHORIZED_ROLES | monasca-agent | Roles for Monasca agents (sending data only) |
READ_ONLY_AUTHORIZED_ROLES | monasca-read-only-user | Roles for read only users |
DELEGATE_AUTHORIZED_ROLES | admin | Roles allow to read/write cross tenant ID |
KEYSTONE_IDENTITY_URI | http://keystone:35357 | URI to Keystone admin endpoint |
KEYSTONE_AUTH_URI | http://keystone:5000 | URI to Keystone public endpoint |
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_USER | admin | OpenStack administrator user name |
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PASSWORD | secretadmin | OpenStack administrator user password |
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_TENANT | admin | OpenStack administrator tenant name |
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_DOMAIN | default | OpenStack administrator domain |
KEYSTONE_INSECURE | false | Allow insecure Keystone connection |
KEYSTONE_REGION_NAME | undefined | Keystone admin account region |
GUNICORN_WORKERS | 9 | Number of gunicorn (WSGI-HTTP server) workers |
GUNICORN_WORKER_CLASS | gevent | Used gunicorn worker class |
GUNICORN_WORKER_CONNECTIONS | 2000 | Number of gunicorn worker connections |
GUNICORN_BACKLOG | 1000 | Number of gunicorn backlogs |
GUNICORN_TIMEOUT | 10 | Gunicorn connection timeout |
ADD_ACCESS_LOG | false | Enable gunicorn request/access logging |
ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT | "%(asctime)s [%(process)d] gunicorn.access [%(levelname)s] %(message)s" | Define the logging format |
ACCESS_LOG_FIELDS | '%(h)s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s %(r)s %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s" %(L)s' | Define the fields to be logged |
LOG_LEVEL_ROOT | WARN | Log level for root logging |
LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE | INFO | Log level for console logging |
LOG_LEVEL_ACCESS | INFO | Log level for access logging |
STAY_ALIVE_ON_FAILURE | false | If true, container runs 2 hours after service fail |
ENABLE_METRICS_API | true | Enable/Disable metrics endpoints |
ENABLE_LOGS_API | false | Enable/disable logs endpoints |
Wait scripts environment variables
Variable | Default | Description |
KAFKA_URI | kafka:9092 | URI to Apache Kafka |
alarm-state-transitions,metrics |
The topics where metric-api streams the metric messages and alarm-states |
KAFKA_WAIT_RETRIES | 24 | Number of kafka connect attempts |
KAFKA_WAIT_DELAY | 5 | Seconds to wait between attempts |
MYSQL_HOST | mysql | The host for MySQL |
MYSQL_PORT | 3306 | The port for MySQL |
MYSQL_USER | monapi | The MySQL username |
MYSQL_PASSWORD | password | The MySQL password |
MYSQL_DB | mon | The MySQL database name |
MYSQL_WAIT_RETRIES | 24 | Number of MySQL connection attempts |
MYSQL_WAIT_DELAY | 5 | Seconds to wait between attempts |
- start.sh
In this starting script provide all steps that lead to the proper service start. Including usage of wait scripts and templating of configuration files. You also could provide the ability to allow running container after service died for easier debugging.
- health_check.py
This file will be used for checking the status of the application.
Provide Configuration templates
- monasca-api.conf.j2
- api-config.ini.j2
- api-logging.conf.j2