Thomas Bechtold 9066b6982b Add keystonemiddleware to oslo-config-generator conf
This is needed to get the [keystone_authtoken] section into
monasca-api.conf when generating the sample config file with "tox

Change-Id: I6d3670c8fec11cd9a3e72412e30daa800d4942af
2019-01-28 16:11:51 +01:00
2017-08-28 06:58:57 +00:00


To generate sample configuration file execute:

tox -e genconfig

To generate the sample policies execute:

tox -e genpolicy

After generation you will have sample available in etc/api-policy.yaml.sample. It contains default values for all policies. After you change it to suit your needs you will need to change monasca-api configuration to look for the new policy configuration with specific file name. Head to monasca-api.conf file and then you will need to replace in [oslo_policy] section policy_file to your desired file name (like api-policy.yaml).