SQL schema scripts are replaced with Alembic command line tool. Notification plugins are enabled in notification engine configuration file. The change also fixes the `sub_alarm` table schema. The foreign key must refer to the field with the same data type, charset and collation. Otherwise the schema migration fails occasionally with Python 3 with the IntegrityError[1]: oslo_db.exception.DBError: (pymysql.err.IntegrityError) (1215, 'Cannot add foreign key constraint') [1] http://logs.openstack.org/61/622361/8/gate/monasca-tempest-python3-influxdb/26104a3/controller/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2019-01-30_15_52_45_455 Change-Id: I95d7e91e62ff13e84f963fdbb3bca6b7dfd7c310 Story: 2001654 Task: 14421
This directory contains the plumbing for the Alembic migrations that modify the Monasca database. If you need to add a new migration, run alembic revision -m '<revision message>' in this directory, where <revision message> is a short description for what your migration does such as 'Add volume field to alarm'. Alembic will then create a revision script in the alembic/versions/ directory. You will need to edit this script to add upwards and downwards migrations for the change you want to make.