#!/bin/bash -xe echo "going to copy /monasca-ceilometer-source to /home/vagrant ..." rsync -a --exclude='tools/vagrant/.vagrant' /monasca-ceilometer-source /home/vagrant/ echo "going to move /home/vagrant/monasca-ceilometer-source /home/vagrant/monasca-ceilometer..." mv /home/vagrant/monasca-ceilometer-source /home/vagrant/monasca-ceilometer #Change to Home directory cd $HOME #Essentials # Note - Vagrant bento box chokes on update/upgrade, so just use a current build instead # sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get -y upgrade sudo apt-get -y install git wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py sudo python get-pip.py sudo apt-get -y install python-dev sudo pip install numpy sudo pip install python-monascaclient #Handle if http_proxy is set if [ $http_proxy ]; then git config --global url.https://git.openstack.org/.insteadOf https://git.openstack.org/ sudo git config --global url.https://git.openstack.org/.insteadOf https://git.openstack.org/ protocol=`echo $http_proxy | awk -F: '{print $1}'` host=`echo $http_proxy | awk -F/ '{print $3}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'` port=`echo $http_proxy | awk -F/ '{print $3}' | awk -F: '{print $2}'` echo " $host true $protocol $host $port " > ./maven_proxy_settings.xml mkdir -p ~/.m2 cp ./maven_proxy_settings.xml ~/.m2/settings.xml sudo mkdir -p /root/.m2 sudo cp ./maven_proxy_settings.xml /root/.m2/settings.xml fi #Clone devstack and switch to newton git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack | true cd devstack git checkout stable/newton #Add hard coded IP to the default interface ##NOTE: Change the interface if your system is different net_if export SERVICE_HOST= export HOST_IP_IFACE=eth0 sudo ip addr add $SERVICE_HOST/24 dev $HOST_IP_IFACE || true #local.conf for devstack #NOTE: setting other services to versions compatible with newton and later Ceilosca echo '[[local|localrc]] SERVICE_HOST=$SERVICE_HOST HOST_IP=$SERVICE_HOST HOST_IP_IFACE=$HOST_IP_IFACE MYSQL_HOST=$SERVICE_HOST MYSQL_PASSWORD=secretmysql DATABASE_PASSWORD=secretdatabase RABBIT_PASSWORD=secretrabbit ADMIN_PASSWORD=secretadmin SERVICE_PASSWORD=secretservice SERVICE_TOKEN=111222333444 LOGFILE=$DEST/logs/stack.sh.log LOGDIR=$DEST/logs LOG_COLOR=False disable_service ceilometer-alarm-notifier ceilometer-alarm-evaluator disable_service ceilometer-collector disable_service monasca-thresh # The following must be disabled as the test does not work at this point # See https://bugs.launchpad.net/monasca/+bug/1636508 disable_service monasca-smoke-test enable_service rabbit mysql key tempest # The following two variables allow switching between Java and Python for the implementations # of the Monasca API and the Monasca Persister. If these variables are not set, then the # default is to install the Java implementations of both the Monasca API and the Monasca Persister. # Uncomment one of the following two lines to choose Java or Python for the Monasca API. #MONASCA_API_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG=${MONASCA_API_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG:-java} MONASCA_API_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG=${MONASCA_API_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG:-python} # Uncomment one of the following two lines to choose Java or Python for the Monasca Pesister. #MONASCA_PERSISTER_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG=${MONASCA_PERSISTER_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG:-java} MONASCA_PERSISTER_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG=${MONASCA_PERSISTER_IMPLEMENTATION_LANG:-python} # This line will enable all of Monasca. enable_plugin monasca-api https://git.openstack.org/openstack/monasca-api stable/newton enable_plugin ceilometer https://git.openstack.org/openstack/ceilometer stable/newton # Optional #enable_plugin monasca-transform https://git.openstack.org/openstack/monasca-transform master ' > local.conf pushd /home/vagrant/monasca-ceilometer echo "creating a local commit..." git config --global user.email "local.devstack.committer@hpe.com" git config --global user.name "Local devstack committer" git add --all git commit -m "Local commit" echo "creating a local commit done." CURRENT_BRANCH=`git status | grep 'On branch' | sed 's/On branch //'` if [ ${CURRENT_BRANCH} != 'master' ] then echo "Maintaining current branch ${CURRENT_BRANCH}" # set the branch to what we're using in local.conf if [[ -z `grep ${CURRENT_BRANCH} /home/vagrant/devstack/local.conf` ]]; then sed -i "s/enable_plugin ceilosca \/home\/vagrant\/monasca-ceilometer//g" /home/vagrant/devstack/local.conf sed -i "s/# END DEVSTACK LOCAL.CONF CONTENTS//g" /home/vagrant/devstack/local.conf printf "enable_plugin ceilosca /home/vagrant/monasca-ceilometer ${CURRENT_BRANCH}\n" >> /home/vagrant/devstack/local.conf printf "# END DEVSTACK LOCAL.CONF CONTENTS" >> /home/vagrant/devstack/local.conf fi fi popd #Run the stack.sh ./unstack.sh | true ./stack.sh