diff --git a/monasca_notification/plugins/hipchat_notifier.py b/monasca_notification/plugins/hipchat_notifier.py
index 203c781..c1ca082 100644
--- a/monasca_notification/plugins/hipchat_notifier.py
+++ b/monasca_notification/plugins/hipchat_notifier.py
@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ from monasca_notification.plugins import abstract_notifier
+SEVERITY_COLORS = {"low": 'green',
+                   'medium': 'gray',
+                   'high': 'yellow',
+                   'critical': 'red'}
 class HipChatNotifier(abstract_notifier.AbstractNotifier):
     def __init__(self, log):
@@ -68,12 +73,15 @@ class HipChatNotifier(abstract_notifier.AbstractNotifier):
                 'metrics': notification.metrics}
         hipchat_request = {}
-        hipchat_request['color'] = 'green'
+        hipchat_request['color'] = self._get_color(notification.severity.lower())
         hipchat_request['message_format'] = 'text'
         hipchat_request['message'] = json.dumps(body, indent=3)
         return hipchat_request
+    def _get_color(self, severity):
+        return SEVERITY_COLORS.get(severity, 'purple')
     def send_notification(self, notification):
         """Send the notification via hipchat
             Posts on the given url
@@ -109,9 +117,9 @@ class HipChatNotifier(abstract_notifier.AbstractNotifier):
                 self._log.info("Notification successfully posted.")
                 return True
-                msg = "Received an HTTP code {} when trying to send to  hipchat on URL {} with response {} ."
+                msg = "Received an HTTP code {} when trying to send to hipchat on URL {} with response {}."
                 self._log.error(msg.format(result.status_code, url, result.text))
                 return False
         except Exception:
-            self._log.exception("Error trying to send to hipchat  on URL {}".format(url))
+            self._log.exception("Error trying to send to hipchat on URL {}".format(url))
             return False
diff --git a/tests/test_hipchat_notification.py b/tests/test_hipchat_notification.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..952fdaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_hipchat_notification.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+import mock
+import Queue
+import unittest
+from monasca_notification import notification as m_notification
+from monasca_notification.plugins import hipchat_notifier
+def alarm(metrics):
+    return {"tenantId": "0",
+            "alarmId": "0",
+            "alarmDefinitionId": 0,
+            "alarmName": "test Alarm",
+            "alarmDescription": "test Alarm description",
+            "oldState": "OK",
+            "newState": "ALARM",
+            "severity": "CRITICAL",
+            "link": "some-link",
+            "lifecycleState": "OPEN",
+            "stateChangeReason": "I am alarming!",
+            "timestamp": 1429023453632,
+            "metrics": metrics}
+class requestsResponse(object):
+    def __init__(self, status):
+        self.status_code = status
+class TestHipchat(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.trap = Queue.Queue()
+        self.hipchat_config = {'timeout': 50}
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.assertTrue(self.trap.empty())
+    def _http_post_200(self, url, data, **kwargs):
+        self.trap.put(url)
+        self.trap.put(data)
+        r = requestsResponse(200)
+        return r
+    @mock.patch('monasca_notification.plugins.hipchat_notifier.requests')
+    def notify(self, http_func, mock_requests):
+        mock_log = mock.MagicMock()
+        mock_log.warn = self.trap.put
+        mock_log.error = self.trap.put
+        mock_log.exception = self.trap.put
+        mock_requests.post = http_func
+        hipchat = hipchat_notifier.HipChatNotifier(mock_log)
+        hipchat.config(self.hipchat_config)
+        metric = []
+        metric_data = {'dimensions': {'hostname': 'foo1', 'service': 'bar1'}}
+        metric.append(metric_data)
+        alarm_dict = alarm(metric)
+        notification = m_notification.Notification(0, 'hipchat', 'hipchat notification',
+                                                   'http://mock:3333/', 0, 0, alarm_dict)
+        self.trap.put(hipchat.send_notification(notification))
+    def test_hipchat_success(self):
+        """hipchat success
+        """
+        self.notify(self._http_post_200)
+        url = self.trap.get(timeout=1)
+        data = self.trap.get(timeout=1)
+        self.valid_hipchat_message(url, data)
+        return_value = self.trap.get()
+        self.assertTrue(return_value)
+    def valid_hipchat_message(self, url, data):
+        self.assertEqual(url, "http://mock:3333/")
+        self.assertEqual(data.get('color'), 'red')
+        self.assertEqual(data.get('message_format'), 'text')
+        message = json.loads(data.get('message'))
+        self.assertEqual(message.get('message'), 'I am alarming!')
+        self.assertEqual(message.get('alarm_name'), 'test Alarm')
+        self.assertEqual(message.get('alarm_description'), 'test Alarm description')