# Copyright 2017 FUJITSU LIMITED # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import mock from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import importutils import yaml from monasca_notification import conf from monasca_notification import config from tests import base class TestConfig(base.BaseTestCase): @mock.patch('monasca_notification.config.conf') def test_should_load_deprecated_yaml(self, conf): fake_config = """ sayians: - goku - vegeta """ yaml_config = self.create_tempfiles( files=[('notification', fake_config)], ext='.yml' )[0] self.conf_override(yaml_config=yaml_config) config.set_from_yaml() fake_yaml_config = { 'sayians': ['goku', 'vegeta'] } conf.load_from_yaml.assert_called_once_with(fake_yaml_config) @mock.patch('monasca_notification.config.conf') def test_should_not_load_deprecated_yaml(self, conf): config.set_from_yaml() conf.load_from_yaml.assert_not_called() class TestYamlOverriding(base.BaseTestCase): # TOP_LEVEL keys represents old groups in YAML file VERIFIERS = { 'statsd': { 'groups': [ ('statsd', { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 8125 }) ] }, 'retry': { 'groups': [ ('retry_engine', { 'interval': 300, 'max_attempts': 500 }) ] }, 'queues': { 'groups': [ ('queues', { 'alarms_size': 1024, 'finished_size': 1024, 'notifications_size': 1024, 'sent_notifications_size': 1024 }) ] }, 'zookeeper': { 'groups': [ ('zookeeper', { 'url': [''], 'notification_path': '/foo/bar', 'periodic_path': { 666: '/bu/666_bubu' }, }) ] }, 'kafka': { 'groups': [ ('kafka', { 'url': [''], 'group': 'a', 'alarm_topic': 'b', 'notification_topic': 'c', 'notification_retry_topic': 'd', 'periodic': { 60: 'e' }, 'max_offset_lag': 666 }) ] }, 'processors': { 'groups': [ ('alarm_processor', {'number': 666, 'ttl': 666}), ('notification_processor', {'number': 666}) ] }, 'postgresql': { 'groups': [ ('postgresql', { 'host': '', 'port': 9999, 'user': 'goku', 'password': 'kame-ha-me-ha', 'database': 'planet_vegeta' }) ] }, 'mysql': { 'groups': [ ('mysql', { 'host': '', 'port': 3306, 'user': 'goku', 'passwd': 'kame-ha-me-ha', 'db': 'planet_vegeta', 'ssl': {} }) ] }, 'database': { 'groups': [ ('database', {'repo_driver': importutils.import_class( 'monasca_notification.common.repositories.mysql.' 'mysql_repo.MysqlRepo')}), ('orm', {'url': 'postgres://a:b@'}) ] }, 'notification_types': { 'groups': [ ('notification_types', { 'enabled': [ 'monasca_notification.plugins.hipchat_notifier:HipChatNotifier', 'monasca_notification.plugins.slack_notifier:SlackNotifier', 'monasca_notification.plugins.jira_notifier:JiraNotifier', 'monasca_notification.plugins.email_notifier:EmailNotifier', 'monasca_notification.plugins.pagerduty_notifier:PagerdutyNotifier', 'monasca_notification.plugins.webhook_notifier:WebhookNotifier', ] }), ('email_notifier', { 'server': '', 'port': 25, 'user': None, 'password': None, 'timeout': 60, 'from_addr': 'root@localhost', 'grafana_url': '' }), ('webhook_notifier', {'timeout': 123}), ('pagerduty_notifier', { 'timeout': 231, 'url': 'https://a.b.c/d/e/f.json' }), ('hipchat_notifier', { 'timeout': 512, 'ca_certs': "/a.crt", 'insecure': True, 'proxy': 'https://myproxy.corp.invalid:9999' }), ('slack_notifier', { 'timeout': 512, 'ca_certs': "/a.crt", 'insecure': True, 'proxy': 'https://myproxy.corp.invalid:9999' }), ('jira_notifier', { 'user': 'username', 'password': 'password', 'timeout': 666, 'custom_formatter': '/some_yml.yml', 'proxy': 'www.example.org' }) ] } } def setUp(self): super(TestYamlOverriding, self).setUp() self.yaml_config = yaml.safe_load( open('tests/resources/notification.yaml', 'rb') ) def test_overriding(self): conf.load_from_yaml(yaml_config=self.yaml_config, conf=config.CONF) opts = config.CONF for group in self.VERIFIERS.keys(): verifier_details = self.VERIFIERS[group] groups = verifier_details['groups'] for opt_group, opt_values in groups: for key, value in opt_values.items(): try: opt_value = opts[opt_group][key] except (cfg.NoSuchOptError, cfg.NoSuchGroupError) as ex: self.fail(str(ex)) else: msg = ('%s not overridden in group %s' % (key, opt_group)) if (isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(opt_value, list)): for v in value: self.assertIn(v, opt_value, msg) continue self.assertEqual(value, opt_value, msg)