kafka: url: # or comma seperated list of multiple hosts group: monasca-notification alarm_topic: alarm-state-transitions notification_topic: alarm-notifications max_offset_lag: 600 # In seconds, undefined for none mysql: host: user: notification passwd: password db: mon # A dictionary set according to the params defined in, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-ssl-set.html # ssl: {'ca': '/path/to/ca'} notification_types: email: server: port: 25 user: password: timeout: 60 from_addr: hpcs.mon@hp.com webhook: timeout: 5 pagerduty: timeout: 5 url: "https://events.pagerduty.com/generic/2010-04-15/create_event.json" processors: alarm: number: 2 ttl: 14400 # In seconds, undefined for none. Alarms older than this are not processed notification: number: 4 queues: alarms_size: 256 finished_size: 256 notifications_size: 256 sent_notifications_size: 50 # limiting this size reduces potential # of re-sent notifications after a failure zookeeper: url: # or comma seperated list of multiple hosts logging: # Used in logging.dictConfig version: 1 disable_existing_loggers: False formatters: default: format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s" handlers: console: class: logging.StreamHandler formatter: default file: class : logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler filename: /tmp/notification.log formatter: default maxBytes: 10485760 # Rotate at file size ~10MB backupCount: 5 # Keep 5 older logs around loggers: kazoo: level: WARN kafka: level: WARN statsd: level: WARN root: handlers: - console level: DEBUG