# Copyright 2015-2017 FUJITSU LIMITED # (C) Copyright 2015,2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except # in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License # is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express # or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. from oslo_log import log as logging import pymysql from monasca_notification.common.repositories.base import base_repo from monasca_notification.common.repositories import exceptions as exc log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MysqlRepo(base_repo.BaseRepo): def __init__(self, config): super(MysqlRepo, self).__init__(config) self._mysql_ssl = config['mysql']['ssl'] or None self._mysql_host = config['mysql']['host'] self._mysql_port = config['mysql']['port'] self._mysql_user = config['mysql']['user'] self._mysql_passwd = config['mysql']['passwd'] self._mysql_dbname = config['mysql']['db'] self._mysql = None def _connect_to_mysql(self): self._mysql = None try: self._mysql = pymysql.connect(host=self._mysql_host, port=self._mysql_port, user=self._mysql_user, passwd=self._mysql_passwd, db=self._mysql_dbname, ssl=self._mysql_ssl, use_unicode=True, charset="utf8") self._mysql.autocommit(True) except pymysql.Error as e: log.exception('MySQL connect failed %s', e) raise def fetch_notifications(self, alarm): try: if self._mysql is None: self._connect_to_mysql() cur = self._mysql.cursor() cur.execute(self._find_alarm_action_sql, (alarm['alarmDefinitionId'], alarm['newState'])) for row in cur: yield (row[0], row[1].lower(), row[2], row[3], row[4]) except pymysql.Error as e: self._mysql = None log.exception("Couldn't fetch alarms actions %s", e) raise exc.DatabaseException(e) def get_alarm_current_state(self, alarm_id): try: if self._mysql is None: self._connect_to_mysql() cur = self._mysql.cursor() cur.execute(self._find_alarm_state_sql, alarm_id) row = cur.fetchone() state = row[0] if row is not None else None return state except pymysql.Error as e: self._mysql = None log.exception("Couldn't fetch the current alarm state %s", e) raise exc.DatabaseException(e) def fetch_notification_method_types(self): try: if self._mysql is None: self._connect_to_mysql() cur = self._mysql.cursor() cur.execute(self._find_all_notification_types_sql) for row in cur: yield (row[0]) except pymysql.Error as e: self._mysql = None log.exception("Couldn't fetch notification types %s", e) raise exc.DatabaseException(e) def insert_notification_method_types(self, notification_types): try: if self._mysql is None: self._connect_to_mysql() cur = self._mysql.cursor() cur.executemany(self._insert_notification_types_sql, notification_types) except pymysql.IntegrityError as ignoredException: # If multiple instances of the notification engine tries to write the # same content at the same time, only one of them will succeed and others will # get duplicate primary key, integrity error. We can safely ignore this error. # This may happen only during the first start when the tables are empty. code, mesg = ignoredException.args if code == pymysql.constants.ER.DUP_ENTRY: log.debug("Notification type exists in DB. Ignoring the exception {}".format(mesg)) else: raise exc.DatabaseException(ignoredException) except pymysql.Error as e: self._mysql = None log.exception("Couldn't insert notification types %s", e) raise exc.DatabaseException(e) def get_notification(self, notification_id): try: if self._mysql is None: self._connect_to_mysql() cur = self._mysql.cursor() cur.execute(self._get_notification_sql, notification_id) row = cur.fetchone() if row is None: return None else: return [row[0], row[1].lower(), row[2], row[3]] except pymysql.Error as e: self._mysql = None log.exception("Couldn't fetch the notification method %s", e) raise exc.DatabaseException(e)