# (C) Copyright 2014-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP # Copyright 2017 Fujitsu LIMITED # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests NotificationProcessor""" import mock import time from monasca_notification import notification as m_notification from monasca_notification.plugins import email_notifier from monasca_notification.processors import notification_processor as np from tests import base class smtpStub(object): def __init__(self, log_queue): self.queue = log_queue def sendmail(self, from_addr, to_addr, msg): self.queue.put("%s %s %s" % (from_addr, to_addr, msg)) class requestsResponse(object): def __init__(self, status): self.status_code = status class TestNotificationProcessor(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestNotificationProcessor, self).setUp() self.trap = [] email_notifier.register_opts(base.config.CONF) self.conf_default(group='email_notifier', server='my.smtp.server', port=25, user=None, password=None, timeout=60, from_addr='hpcs.mon@hp.com') self.conf_default(group='mysql', ssl=None, host='localhost', port='3306', user='mysql_user', db='dbname', passwd='mysql_passwd') self.conf_default(group='statsd', host='localhost', port=8125) self.conf_default(group='notification_types', enabled=[]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Test helper functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @mock.patch('pymysql.connect') @mock.patch('monasca_notification.common.utils.monascastatsd') @mock.patch('monasca_notification.types.notifiers.email_notifier.smtplib') @mock.patch('monasca_notification.processors.notification_processor.notifiers.log') def _start_processor(self, notifications, mock_log, mock_smtp, mock_statsd, mock_pymsql): """Start the processor with the proper mocks """ # Since the log runs in another thread I can mock it directly, # instead change the methods to put to a queue mock_log.warn = self.trap.append mock_log.error = self.trap.append mock_smtp.SMTP = self._smtpStub np.NotificationProcessor.insert_configured_plugins = mock.Mock() processor = np.NotificationProcessor() processor.send(notifications) def _smtpStub(self, *arg, **kwargs): return smtpStub(self.trap) def email_setup(self, metric): alarm_dict = {"tenantId": "0", "alarmId": "0", "alarmName": "test Alarm", "oldState": "OK", "newState": "ALARM", "severity": "LOW", "link": "some-link", "lifecycleState": "OPEN", "stateChangeReason": "I am alarming!", "timestamp": time.time(), "metrics": metric} notification = m_notification.Notification(0, 'email', 'email notification', 'me@here.com', 0, 0, alarm_dict) self._start_processor([notification]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Unit tests # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_invalid_notification(self): """Verify invalid notification type is rejected. """ alarm_dict = {"tenantId": "0", "alarmId": "0", "alarmName": "test Alarm", "oldState": "OK", "newState": "ALARM", "stateChangeReason": "I am alarming!", "timestamp": time.time(), "metrics": "cpu_util", "severity": "LOW", "link": "http://some-place.com", "lifecycleState": "OPEN"} invalid_notification = m_notification.Notification(0, 'invalid', 'test notification', 'me@here.com', 0, 0, alarm_dict) self._start_processor([invalid_notification]) self.assertIn('attempting to send unconfigured notification: invalid', self.trap) def test_email_notification_single_host(self): """Email with single host """ metrics = [] metric_data = {'dimensions': {'hostname': 'foo1', 'service': 'bar1'}} metrics.append(metric_data) self.email_setup(metrics) for msg in self.trap: if "From: hpcs.mon@hp.com" in msg: self.assertRegex(msg, "From: hpcs.mon@hp.com") self.assertRegex(msg, "To: me@here.com") self.assertRegex(msg, "Content-Type: text/plain") self.assertRegex(msg, "Alarm .test Alarm.") self.assertRegex(msg, "On host .foo1.")