ARG DOCKER_IMAGE=monasca/notification ARG APP_REPO= # Branch, tag or git hash to build from. ARG REPO_VERSION=master ARG CONSTRAINTS_BRANCH=master ARG COMMON_VERSION=master # Extra Python3 dependencies. ARG EXTRA_DEPS="netaddr gevent==1.3.5 greenlet" # Always start from `monasca-base` image and use specific tag of it. ARG BASE_TAG=master FROM monasca/base:$BASE_TAG # Environment variables used for our service or wait scripts. ENV \ LOG_LEVEL=WARNING \ LOG_LEVEL_KAFKA=WARNING \ LOG_LEVEL_PLUGINS=WARNING \ KAFKA_URI=kafka:9092 \ KAFKA_LEGACY_CLIENT_ENABLED=false \ KAFKA_WAIT_FOR_TOPICS=retry-notifications,alarm-state-transitions,alarm-notifications,60-seconds-notifications \ ZOOKEEPER_URL=zookeeper:2181 \ NOTIFICATION_PROCESSORS=2 \ RETRY_INTERVAL=30 \ RETRY_MAX_ATTEMPTS=5 \ MYSQL_HOST=mysql \ MYSQL_PORT=3306 \ MYSQL_USER=notification \ MYSQL_PASSWORD=password \ MYSQL_DB=mon \ STATSD_ENABLED=true \ STATSD_HOST=monasca-statsd \ STATSD_PORT=8125 \ STAY_ALIVE_ON_FAILURE="false" # Copy all necessary files to proper locations. COPY monasca-notification.conf.j2 notification-logging.conf.j2 /etc/monasca/ # Implement start script in `` file. CMD ["/"]