# (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP # Copyright 2017 Fujitsu LIMITED # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from debtcollector import removals from jinja2 import Template import jira from oslo_config import cfg import simplejson as json import urllib import yaml from monasca_notification.plugins.abstract_notifier import AbstractNotifier """ Note: This plugin doesn't support multi tenancy. Multi tenancy requires support for multiple JIRA server url. JIRA doesn't support OAUTH2 tokens, we may need to get the user credentials in query params and store them in monasca DB which we don't want to do. That is the reason for not supporting true multitenancy. MultiTenancy can be achieved by creating issues in different project for different tenant on the same JIRA server. notification.address = https:///?project= Jira Configuration 1) jira: user: username password: password Sample notification: monasca notification-create MyIssuer JIRA https://jira.hpcloud.net/?project=MyProject monasca notification-create MyIssuer1 JIRA https://jira.hpcloud.net/?project=MyProject& component=MyComponent """ CONF = cfg.CONF class JiraNotifier(AbstractNotifier): type = 'jira' _search_query = search_query = "project={} and reporter='{}' and summary ~ '{}'" def __init__(self, log): super(JiraNotifier, self).__init__() self._log = log self.jira_fields_format = None @removals.remove( message='Configuration of notifier is available through oslo.cfg', version='1.9.0', removal_version='3.0.0' ) def config(self, config_dict): pass @property def statsd_name(self): return 'jira_notifier' def _get_jira_custom_format_fields(self): jira_fields_format = None formatter = CONF.jira_notifier.custom_formatter if not self.jira_fields_format and formatter: try: with open(formatter, 'r') as f: jira_fields_format = yaml.safe_load(f) except Exception: self._log.exception("Unable to read custom_formatter file. Check file location") raise # Remove the top element jira_fields_format = jira_fields_format["jira_format"] return jira_fields_format def _build_custom_jira_message(self, notification, jira_fields_format): jira_fields = {} # Templatize the message object jira_field_summary_field = jira_fields_format.get("summary", None) if jira_field_summary_field: template = Template(jira_field_summary_field) jira_fields["summary"] = template.render(notification=notification) jira_field_comments_field = jira_fields_format.get("comments", None) if jira_field_comments_field: template = Template(jira_field_comments_field) jira_fields["comments"] = template.render(notification=notification) jira_field_description_field = jira_fields_format.get("description", None) if jira_field_description_field: template = Template(jira_field_description_field) jira_fields["description"] = template.render(notification=notification) return jira_fields def _build_default_jira_message(self, notification): """Builds jira message body """ body = {'alarm_id': notification.alarm_id, 'alarm_definition_id': notification.raw_alarm['alarmDefinitionId'], 'alarm_name': notification.alarm_name, 'alarm_description': notification.raw_alarm['alarmDescription'], 'alarm_timestamp': notification.alarm_timestamp, 'state': notification.state, 'old_state': notification.raw_alarm['oldState'], 'message': notification.message, 'tenant_id': notification.tenant_id, 'metrics': notification.metrics} jira_fields = {} summary_format_string = ("Monasca alarm for alarm_defintion {0} status changed to {1} " "for the alarm_id {2}") jira_fields["summary"] = summary_format_string.format(notification.alarm_name, notification.state, notification.alarm_id) jira_fields["comments"] = "{code}%s{code}" % (json.dumps(body, indent=3)) jira_fields["description"] = 'Monasca alarm' return jira_fields def _build_jira_message(self, notification): formatter = CONF.jira_notifier.custom_formatter if formatter: return self._build_custom_jira_message(notification, self._get_jira_custom_format_fields()) return self._build_default_jira_message(notification) def send_notification(self, notification): """Creates or Updates an issue in Jira """ jira_fields = self._build_jira_message(notification) parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(notification.address) query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed_url.query) # URL without query params url = urllib.parse.urljoin( notification.address, urllib.parse.urlparse( notification.address).path) jira_fields["project"] = query_params["project"][0] if query_params.get("component"): jira_fields["component"] = query_params["component"][0] auth = ( CONF.jira_notifier.user, CONF.jira_notifier.password ) proxy = CONF.jira_notifier.proxy proxy_dict = None if proxy is not None: proxy_dict = {"https": proxy} try: jira_obj = jira.JIRA(url, basic_auth=auth, proxies=proxy_dict) self.jira_workflow(jira_fields, jira_obj, notification) except Exception: self._log.exception("Error creating issue in Jira at URL {}".format(url)) return False return True def jira_workflow(self, jira_fields, jira_obj, notification): """How does Jira plugin work? 1) Check whether the issue with same description exists? 2) If issue exists, and if it is closed state, open it 3) if the issue doesn't exist, then create the issue 4) Add current alarm details in comments """ issue_dict = {'project': {'key': jira_fields["project"]}, 'summary': jira_fields["summary"], 'description': jira_fields["description"], 'issuetype': {'name': 'Bug'}, } # If the JIRA workflow is created with mandatory components if jira_fields.get("component"): issue_dict["components"] = [{"name": jira_fields.get("component")}] search_term = self._search_query.format(issue_dict["project"]["key"], CONF.jira_notifier.user, notification.alarm_id) issue_list = jira_obj.search_issues(search_term) if not issue_list: self._log.debug("Creating an issue with the data {}".format(issue_dict)) issue = jira_obj.create_issue(fields=issue_dict) else: issue = issue_list[0] self._log.debug("Found an existing issue {} for this notification".format(issue)) current_state = issue.fields.status.name if current_state.lower() in ["resolved", "closed"]: # Open the issue transitions = jira_obj.transitions(issue) allowed_transistions = [(t['id'], t['name']) for t in transitions if "reopen" in t['name'].lower()] if allowed_transistions: # Reopen the issue jira_obj.transition_issue(issue, allowed_transistions[0][0]) jira_comment_message = jira_fields.get("comments") if jira_comment_message: jira_obj.add_comment(issue, jira_comment_message) jira_notifier_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='%s_notifier' % JiraNotifier.type) jira_notifier_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt(name='timeout', default=5, min=1), cfg.StrOpt(name='user', required=False), cfg.StrOpt(name='password', required=False, secret=True), cfg.StrOpt(name='custom_formatter', default=None), cfg.StrOpt(name='proxy', default=None) ] def register_opts(conf): conf.register_group(jira_notifier_group) conf.register_opts(jira_notifier_opts, group=jira_notifier_group) def list_opts(): return { jira_notifier_group: jira_notifier_opts }