# (C) Copyright 2017 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP # Copyright 2018 Fujitsu LIMITED # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. kafka: url: {{ KAFKA_URI | default('kafka:9092') }} group: "monasca-notification" alarm_topic: "alarm-state-transitions" notification_topic: "alarm-notifications" notification_retry_topic: "retry-notifications" periodic: 60: 60-seconds-notifications max_offset_lag: 600 # In seconds, undefined for none mysql: host: "{{ MYSQL_HOST | default('mysql') }}" port: {{ MYSQL_PORT | default('3306') }} user: "{{ MYSQL_USER | default('notification') }}" passwd: "{{ MYSQL_PASSWORD | default('password') }}" db: "{{ MYSQL_DB | default('mon') }}" notification_types: {% if NF_PLUGINS %} {% set plugins = NF_PLUGINS.split(',')|map('trim')|list %} plugins: {% if 'email' in plugins %} - monasca_notification.plugins.email_notifier:EmailNotifier {% endif %} {% if 'webhook' in plugins %} - monasca_notification.plugins.webhook_notifier:WebhookNotifier {% endif %} {% if 'pagerduty' in plugins %} - monasca_notification.plugins.pagerduty_notifier:PagerdutyNotifier {% endif %} {% if 'hipchat' in plugins %} - monasca_notification.plugins.hipchat_notifier:HipChatNotifier {% endif %} {% if 'slack' in plugins %} - monasca_notification.plugins.slack_notifier:SlackNotifier {% endif %} {% else %} plugins: [] {% set plugins = [] %} {% endif %} {% if 'email' in plugins %} email: server: "{{ NF_EMAIL_SERVER }}" port: {{ NF_EMAIL_PORT | default(25) }} user: "{{ NF_EMAIL_USER }}" password: "{{ NF_EMAIL_PASSWORD }}" timeout: {{ NF_EMAIL_TIMEOUT | default(15) }} from_addr: "{{ NF_EMAIL_FROM_ADDR }}" grafana_url: "{{ NF_EMAIL_GRAFANA_URL }}" {% endif -%} {% if 'webhook' in plugins %} webhook: timeout: {{ NF_WEBHOOK_TIMEOUT | default(5) }} {% endif -%} {% if 'pagerduty' in plugins %} pagerduty: timeout: {{ NF_PAGERDUTY_TIMEOUT | default(5) }} url: "{{ NF_PAGERDUTY_URL | default('https://events.pagerduty.com/generic/2010-04-15/create_event.json') }}" {% endif -%} {% if 'hipchat' in plugins %} hipchat: timeout: {{ NF_HIPCHAT_TIMEOUT | default(5) }} ca_certs: "{{ NF_HIPCHAT_SSL_CERTS | default('/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt') }}" insecure: {{ NF_HIPCHAT_INSECURE | default('false') }} {% if NF_HIPCHAT_PROXY %} proxy: {{ NF_HIPCHAT_PROXY }} {% endif %} {% if NF_HIPCHAT_TEMPLATE %} template: "{{ NF_HIPCHAT_TEMPLATE }}" {% endif %} {% endif -%} {% if 'slack' in plugins %} slack: timeout: {{ NF_SLACK_TIMEOUT | default(5) }} ca_certs: "{{ NF_SLACK_CA_CERTS | default('/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt') }}" insecure: {{ NF_SLACK_INSECURE | default('false') }} {% if NF_SLACK_PROXY %} proxy: {{ NF_SLACK_PROXY }} {% endif %} {% endif %} processors: alarm: number: {{ ALARM_PROCESSORS | default(2) }} # In seconds, undefined for none. Alarms older than this are not processed ttl: 14400 notification: number: {{ NOTIFICATION_PROCESSORS | default(2) }} retry: interval: {{ RETRY_INTERVAL | default(30) }} max_attempts: {{ RETRY_MAX_ATTEMPTS | default(5) }} queues: alarms_size: 256 finished_size: 256 notifications_size: 256 sent_notifications_size: 50 zookeeper: url: "{{ ZOOKEEPER_URL | default('zookeeper:2181') }}" notification_path: "/notification/alarms" notification_retry_path: "/notification/retry" periodic_path: 60: /notification/60_seconds logging: # Used in logging.dictConfig version: 1 disable_existing_loggers: False formatters: default: format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s" handlers: console: class: logging.StreamHandler formatter: default loggers: kazoo: level: WARN kafka: level: WARN statsd: level: WARN root: handlers: - console level: {{ LOG_LEVEL | default('WARN') }} statsd: enable: {{ STATSD_ENABLE }} host: "{{ STATSD_HOST }}" port: {{ STATSD_PORT }}