# (C) Copyright 2014-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import mock import requests import unittest import six import ujson as json from monasca_notification import notification as m_notification from monasca_notification.plugins import webhook_notifier if six.PY2: import Queue as queue else: import queue def alarm(metrics): return {"tenantId": "0", "alarmId": "0", "alarmDefinitionId": 0, "alarmName": "test Alarm", "alarmDescription": "test Alarm description", "oldState": "OK", "newState": "ALARM", "severity": "LOW", "link": "some-link", "lifecycleState": "OPEN", "stateChangeReason": "I am alarming!", "timestamp": 1429023453632, "metrics": metrics} class requestsResponse(object): def __init__(self, status): self.status_code = status class TestWebhook(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.trap = queue.Queue() self.webhook_config = {'timeout': 50} def tearDown(self): self.assertTrue(self.trap.empty()) def _http_post_200(self, url, data, headers, **kwargs): self.trap.put(url) self.trap.put(data) self.trap.put(headers) r = requestsResponse(200) return r def _http_post_404(self, url, data, headers, **kwargs): r = requestsResponse(404) return r def _http_post_exception(self, url, data, headers, **kwargs): self.trap.put("timeout %s" % kwargs["timeout"]) raise requests.exceptions.Timeout @mock.patch('monasca_notification.plugins.webhook_notifier.requests') def notify(self, http_func, mock_requests): mock_log = mock.MagicMock() mock_log.warn = self.trap.put mock_log.error = self.trap.put mock_log.exception = self.trap.put mock_requests.post = http_func webhook = webhook_notifier.WebhookNotifier(mock_log) webhook.config(self.webhook_config) metric = [] metric_data = {'dimensions': {'hostname': 'foo1', 'service': 'bar1'}} metric.append(metric_data) alarm_dict = alarm(metric) notification = m_notification.Notification(0, 'webhook', 'webhook notification', 'http://mock:3333/', 0, 0, alarm_dict) self.trap.put(webhook.send_notification(notification)) def test_webhook_good_http_response(self): """webhook 200 """ self.notify(self._http_post_200) url = self.trap.get(timeout=1) data = self.trap.get(timeout=1) headers = self.trap.get(timeout=1) self.assertEqual(url, "http://mock:3333/") self.maxDiff = None # timestamp is in milliseconds while alarm_timestamp is in seconds self.assertEqual(json.loads(data), {"metrics": [{"dimensions": {"hostname": "foo1", "service": "bar1"}}], "alarm_id": "0", "state": "ALARM", "alarm_timestamp": 1429023453, "tenant_id": "0", "old_state": "OK", "alarm_description": "test Alarm description", "message": "I am alarming!", "alarm_definition_id": 0, "alarm_name": "test Alarm"}) self.assertEqual(headers, {'content-type': 'application/json'}) return_value = self.trap.get() self.assertTrue(return_value) def test_webhook_bad_http_response(self): """webhook bad response """ self.notify(self._http_post_404) error = self.trap.get() self.assertNotRegexpMatches(error, "alarm_id.: .test Alarm") self.assertNotRegexpMatches(error, "content-type.: .application/json") self.assertRegexpMatches(error, "HTTP code 404") self.assertRegexpMatches(error, "post on URL http://mock:3333/") return_value = self.trap.get() self.assertFalse(return_value) def test_webhook_timeout_exception_on_http_response(self): """webhook timeout exception """ self.notify(self._http_post_exception) result = self.trap.get() self.assertEqual(result, "timeout 50") result = self.trap.get() self.assertNotRegexpMatches(result, "alarm_id.: .test Alarm") self.assertNotRegexpMatches(result, "content-type.: .application/json") self.assertRegexpMatches(result, "Error trying to post on URL http://mock:3333/") self.assertRaises(requests.exceptions.Timeout) return_value = self.trap.get() self.assertFalse(return_value)