Witek Bedyk f9978670b8 Set legacy_kafka_client_enabled = False on default
We change the default value of kafka.legacy_kafka_client_enabled from
True to False. The use of new Confluent Kafka client is recommended.

Change-Id: Ie6a15474ebc1f04b8555ee44d413c19ee26a9227
Story: 2007924
Task: 40339
2020-07-14 15:37:42 +02:00

84 lines
3.5 KiB

# Copyright 2017 FUJITSU LIMITED
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_config import cfg
from monasca_notification.conf import types
_DEFAULT_GROUP = 'monasca-notification'
_DEFAULT_ALARM_TOPIC = 'alarm-state-transitions'
_DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC = 'alarm-notifications'
_DEFAULT_RETRY_TOPIC = 'retry-notifications'
'60': '60-seconds-notifications'
kafka_group = cfg.OptGroup('kafka',
title='Kafka Options',
help='Options under this group allow to configure '
'valid connection or Kafka queue.')
kafka_opts = [
cfg.ListOpt(name='url', item_type=types.HostAddressPortType(),
default=_DEFAULT_URL, required=True,
help='List of addresses (with ports) pointing '
'at Kafka cluster.'),
cfg.StrOpt(name='group', default=_DEFAULT_GROUP,
required=True, advanced=True,
help='Consumer\'s group for monasca-notification client.'),
cfg.StrOpt(name='alarm_topic', default=_DEFAULT_ALARM_TOPIC,
required=True, advanced=True,
help='Topic name in kafka where alarm '
'transitions are stored.'),
cfg.StrOpt(name='notification_topic', default=_DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TOPIC,
required=True, advanced=True,
help='Topic name in kafka where alarm '
'notifications are stored.'),
cfg.StrOpt(name='notification_retry_topic', default=_DEFAULT_RETRY_TOPIC,
required=True, advanced=True,
help='Topic name in kafka where notifications, that have '
'failed to be sent and are waiting for retry operations, '
'are stored.'),
cfg.DictOpt(name='periodic', default=_DEFAULT_PERIODIC_TOPICS,
required=True, advanced=True,
help='Dict of periodic topics. Keys are the period and '
'values the actual topic names in kafka where '
'notifications are stored.'),
cfg.IntOpt(name='max_offset_lag', default=_DEFAULT_MAX_OFFSET_LAG,
required=True, advanced=True,
help='Maximum lag for topic that is acceptable by '
'the monasca-notification. Notifications that are older '
'than this offset are skipped.'),
cfg.BoolOpt(name='legacy_kafka_client_enabled', default=False,
required=True, advanced=True,
help='Enable legacy Kafka client. When set old version of '
'kafka-python library is used. Message format version '
'for the brokers should be set to to avoid '
'performance issues until all consumers are upgraded.')
def register_opts(conf):
conf.register_opts(kafka_opts, group=kafka_group)
def list_opts():
return {
kafka_group: kafka_opts