Witek Bedyk db01fe425b Migrate from ujson to simplejson
Additionally, temporarily set build-monasca-docker-image as non-voting
due to problems with buggy confluent-kafka 1.4.0 release, which prevents
building the Docker image.

Change-Id: I561ea633a09eb3d7468d2d55aa46d6fb3b2380ff
Story: 2007549
Task: 39390
2020-04-18 10:42:39 +02:00

220 lines
8.2 KiB

# (C) Copyright 2016-2017 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
# Copyright 2017 Fujitsu LIMITED
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
from debtcollector import removals
import jinja2
from oslo_config import cfg
import requests
import simplejson as json
from six.moves import urllib
from monasca_notification.plugins import abstract_notifier
class SlackNotifier(abstract_notifier.AbstractNotifier):
"""This module is a notification plugin to integrate with Slack.
This plugin supports 2 types of APIs below.
1st: Slack API
notification.address = https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage?token={token}&channel=#foobar
You need to specify your token and channel name in the address.
Regarding {token}, login to your slack account via browser and check the following page.
2nd: Incoming webhook
notification.address = https://hooks.slack.com/services/foo/bar/buz
You need to get the Incoming webhook URL.
Login to your slack account via browser and check the following page.
Slack document about incoming webhook:
type = 'slack'
_raw_data_url_caches = []
def __init__(self, log):
super(SlackNotifier, self).__init__()
self._log = log
message='Configuration of notifier is available through oslo.cfg',
def config(self, config_dict):
def statsd_name(self):
return 'sent_slack_count'
def _build_slack_message(self, notification):
"""Builds slack message body
body = {'alarm_id': notification.alarm_id,
'alarm_definition_id': notification.raw_alarm['alarmDefinitionId'],
'alarm_name': notification.alarm_name,
'alarm_description': notification.raw_alarm['alarmDescription'],
'alarm_timestamp': notification.alarm_timestamp,
'state': notification.state,
'old_state': notification.raw_alarm['oldState'],
'message': notification.message,
'tenant_id': notification.tenant_id,
'metrics': notification.metrics}
slack_request = {}
if CONF.slack_notifier.message_template:
slack_request['text'] = self._render_message_template(body)
slack_request['text'] = json.dumps(body, indent=3)
return slack_request
def _render_message_template(self, params):
path, name = os.path.split(CONF.slack_notifier.message_template)
loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(path)
env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader, autoescape=True)
return env.get_template(name).render(params)
def _check_response(self, result):
if 'application/json' in result.headers.get('Content-Type'):
response = result.json()
if response.get(self.RESPONSE_OK):
return True
self._log.error('Received an error message when trying to send to slack. error={}'
return False
elif self.RESPONSE_OK == result.text:
return True
self._log.error('Received an error message when trying to send to slack. error={}'
return False
def _send_message(self, request_options):
url = request_options.get('url')
result = requests.post(**request_options)
if result.status_code not in range(200, 300):
self._log.error('Received an HTTP code {} when trying to post on URL {}.'
.format(result.status_code, url))
return False
# Slack returns 200 ok even if the token is invalid. Response has valid error message
if self._check_response(result):
self._log.info('Notification successfully posted.')
return True
self._log.error('Failed to send to slack on URL {}.'.format(url))
return False
except Exception as err:
self._log.exception('Error trying to send to slack on URL {}. Detail: {}'
.format(url, err))
return False
def send_notification(self, notification):
"""Send the notification via slack
Posts on the given url
slack_message = self._build_slack_message(notification)
address = notification.address
# '#' is reserved character and replace it with ascii equivalent
# Slack room has '#' as first character
address = address.replace('#', '%23')
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(address)
query_params = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed_url.query)
# URL without query params
url = urllib.parse.urljoin(address, urllib.parse.urlparse(address).path)
# Default option is to do cert verification
# If ca_certs is specified, do cert validation and ignore insecure flag
verify = CONF.slack_notifier.ca_certs or not CONF.slack_notifier.insecure
proxy = CONF.slack_notifier.proxy
proxy_dict = None
if proxy is not None:
proxy_dict = {'https': proxy}
data_format_list = ['json', 'data']
if url in SlackNotifier._raw_data_url_caches:
data_format_list = ['data']
for data_format in data_format_list:
self._log.info('Trying to send message to {} as {}'
.format(url, data_format))
request_options = {
'url': url,
'verify': verify,
'params': query_params,
'proxies': proxy_dict,
'timeout': CONF.slack_notifier.timeout,
data_format: slack_message
if self._send_message(request_options):
if (data_format == 'data' and
url not in SlackNotifier._raw_data_url_caches and
len(SlackNotifier._raw_data_url_caches) < self.MAX_CACHE_SIZE):
# There are a few URLs which can accept only raw data, so
# only the URLs with raw data are kept in the cache. When
# too many URLs exists, it can be considered malicious
# user registers them.
# In this case, older ones should be safer than newer
# ones. When exceeding the cache size, do not replace the
# the old cache with the newer one.
return True
self._log.info('Failed to send message to {} as {}'
.format(url, data_format))
return False
slack_notifier_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='%s_notifier' % SlackNotifier.type)
slack_notifier_opts = [
cfg.IntOpt(name='timeout', default=5, min=1),
cfg.BoolOpt(name='insecure', default=True),
cfg.StrOpt(name='ca_certs', default=None),
cfg.StrOpt(name='proxy', default=None),
cfg.StrOpt(name='message_template', default=None)
def register_opts(conf):
conf.register_opts(slack_notifier_opts, group=slack_notifier_group)
def list_opts():
return {
slack_notifier_group: slack_notifier_opts