Witek Bedyk 0e502cc463 [GateFix] Ignore false positive bandit B105 test failure
Bandit B105 hardcoded_password_string[1] is causing gate failure,
which is false positive.
Added a # nosec comment to skip Bandit testing of that line.

[1] https://bandit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins/b105_hardcoded_password_string.html

Add local bindep.txt to include PostgreSQL dependendencies for testing.

Story: 2006058
Task: 34771

Change-Id: I579754a0e093e192366ad2783bd766473227e761
2019-06-27 17:57:12 +02:00

130 lines
5.2 KiB

# Copyright 2017 FUJITSU LIMITED
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_config import cfg
from monasca_notification.conf import types
_POSTGRESQL = 'postgresql'
_MYSQL = 'mysql'
_ORM = 'orm'
_POSTGRESQL: 'monasca_notification.common.repositories.'
_MYSQL: 'monasca_notification.common.repositories.'
_ORM: 'monasca_notification.common.repositories.'
_DEFAULT_DB_USER = 'notification'
_DEFAULT_DB_PASSWORD = 'password' # nosec bandit B105
db_group = cfg.OptGroup('database',
title='Database Options',
help='Driver configuration for database connectivity.')
db_opts = [
types.PluginOpt(name='repo_driver', choices=_ACCEPTABLE_DRIVER_KEYS,
default=_MYSQL, plugin_map=_REPO_DRIVERS_MAP,
required=True, advanced=True,
help='Driver name (or full class path) that should be '
'used to handle RDB connections. Accepts either '
'short labels {0} or full class names {1}. '
'Configuring either of them will require presence of '
'one of following sections {0} inside configuration '
orm_group = cfg.OptGroup('orm',
title='ORM Options',
help='Configuration options to configure '
'ORM RBD driver.')
orm_opts = [
cfg.StrOpt(name='url', default=None,
help='Connection string for sqlalchemy.')
mysql_group = cfg.OptGroup('mysql',
title='MySQL Options',
help='Configuration options to configure '
'plain MySQL RBD driver.')
mysql_opts = [
cfg.HostAddressOpt(name='host', default=_DEFAULT_DB_HOST,
help='IP address of MySQL instance.'),
cfg.PortOpt(name='port', default=_DEFAULT_MYSQL_PORT,
help='Port number of MySQL instance.'),
cfg.StrOpt(name='user', default=_DEFAULT_DB_USER,
help='Username to connect to MySQL '
'instance and given database.'),
cfg.StrOpt(name='passwd', default=_DEFAULT_DB_PASSWORD,
ignore_case=True, secret=True,
help='Password to connect to MySQL instance '
'and given database.'),
cfg.DictOpt(name='ssl', default={},
help='A dict of arguments similar '
'to mysql_ssl_set parameters.'),
cfg.StrOpt(name='db', default=_DEFAULT_DB_NAME,
help='Database name available in given MySQL instance.')
postgresql_group = cfg.OptGroup('postgresql',
title='PostgreSQL Options',
help='Configuration options to configure '
'plain PostgreSQL RBD driver.')
postgresql_opts = [
cfg.HostAddressOpt(name='host', default=_DEFAULT_DB_HOST,
help='IP address of PostgreSQL instance.'),
cfg.PortOpt(name='port', default=_DEFAULT_POSTGRESQL_PORT,
help='Port number of PostgreSQL instance.'),
cfg.StrOpt(name='user', default=_DEFAULT_DB_USER,
help='Username to connect to PostgreSQL '
'instance and given database.'),
cfg.StrOpt(name='password', default=_DEFAULT_DB_PASSWORD,
secret=True, help='Password to connect to PostgreSQL '
'instance and given database'),
cfg.StrOpt(name='database', default=_DEFAULT_DB_NAME,
help='Database name available in '
'given PostgreSQL instance.')
def register_opts(conf):
conf.register_opts(db_opts, group=db_group)
conf.register_opts(orm_opts, group=orm_group)
conf.register_opts(mysql_opts, group=mysql_group)
conf.register_opts(postgresql_opts, group=postgresql_group)
def list_opts():
return {
db_group: db_opts,
orm_group: orm_opts,
mysql_group: mysql_opts,
postgresql_group: postgresql_opts,