Michal Piotrowski c34f3ef74b Fixed docker configuration template
- Added logging configuration
- Added env variables for puglins configuration
- Added env variables for Statsd configuration
- Removing Hipchat. This service doesn't exist anymore
- Removing deprecated ALARM_PROCESSORS env var

Change-Id: Ia35c7da1c306cdd1c14d787f1c54504d6df49080
Story: 2003180
Task: 39090
2020-11-11 13:00:32 +01:00
2020-09-30 09:10:27 +00:00
2020-11-11 13:00:32 +01:00
2020-11-11 13:00:32 +01:00
2020-11-11 13:00:32 +01:00

Docker image for Monasca notification

The Monasca notification image is based on the monasca-base image.

Building monasca-base image

See https://opendev.org/openstack/monasca-common/src/branch/master/docker/README.rst

Building Monasca notification image


$ ./build_image.sh <repository_version> <upper_constrains_branch> <common_version>

Everything after ./build_image.sh is optional and by default configured to get versions from Dockerfile. ./build_image.sh also contain more detailed build description.

Environment variables

Variable Default Description
LOG_LEVEL WARNING Log level for main logging
LOG_LEVEL_PLUGINS WARNING Log level for plugins (email, webhook, etc)
KAFKA_URI kafka:9092 The host and port for kafka
KAFKA_LEGACY_CLIENT_ENABLED false Enable legacy Kafka client
ZOOKEEPER_URL zookeeper:2181 URL to Zookeeper
NOTIFICATION_PROCESSORS 2 Number of notification processing threads
RETRY_INTERVAL 30 Retry interval in seconds
RETRY_MAX_ATTEMPTS 5 Max number of notification retries
STATSD_ENABLED true Monasca agent StatsD enable or disable
STATSD_HOST monasca-statsd Monasca agent StatsD host for self-monitoring
STATSD_PORT 8125 Monasca agent StatsD port for self-monitoring
NF_PLUGINS <not set> See below "Notification Plugins"
MYSQL_HOST mysql The host for MySQL
MYSQL_PORT 3306 The port for MySQL
MYSQL_USER notification The MySQL username
MYSQL_PASSWORD password The MySQL password
MYSQL_DB mon The MySQL database name
STAY_ALIVE_ON_FAILURE false If true, container runs 2 hours even start fails

Wait scripts environment variables

Variable Default Description
KAFKA_URI kafka:9092 URI to Apache Kafka


retry-notifications, alarm-state-transitions, alarm-notifications, 60-seconds-notifications

The topics where metric-api streams the metric messages and alarm-states

KAFKA_WAIT_RETRIES 24 Number of kafka connect attempts
KAFKA_WAIT_DELAY 5 Seconds to wait between attempts
MYSQL_HOST mysql The host for MySQL
MYSQL_PORT 3306 The port for MySQL
MYSQL_USER notification The MySQL username
MYSQL_PASSWORD password The MySQL password
MYSQL_DB mon The MySQL database name
MYSQL_WAIT_RETRIES 24 Number of MySQL connection attempts
MYSQL_WAIT_DELAY 5 Seconds to wait between attempts



In this starting script provide all steps that lead to the proper service start. Including usage of wait scripts and templating of configuration files. You also could provide the ability to allow running container after service died for easier debugging.


This file will be used for checking the status of the application.

Notification Plugins

A list of notification plugins can be provided by setting NF_PLUGINS to a comma-separated list of plugin names e.g. email,webhook,hipchat.


Name: email

This plugin sends email notifications when an alarm is triggered.

  • NF_EMAIL_SERVER: SMTP server address, required, unset by default
  • NF_EMAIL_PORT: SMTP server port, default: 25
  • NF_EMAIL_USER: SMTP username, optional, unset by default
  • NF_EMAIL_PASSWORD, SMTP password, required only if NF_EMAIL_USER is set
  • NF_EMAIL_FROM_ADDR: "from" field for emails sent, e.g. "Name" <name@example.com>
  • NF_EMAIL_GRAFANA_URL: grafana url, required, unset by default


Name: webhook

This plugin calls a webhook when an alarm is triggered. Specific parameters, like the URL to load, are part of the notification rather than the notification plugin.

  • NF_WEBHOOK_TIMEOUT: timeout in seconds, default: 5


Name: pagerduty

Creates a PagerDuty event for the given alarm.

  • NF_PAGERDUTY_TIMEOUT: timeout in seconds, default: 5
  • NF_PAGERDUTY_URL: PagerDuty Event API endpoint, defaults to official URL


Name: slack

Notifies via a Slack message.

  • NF_SLACK_TIMEOUT: timeout in seconds, default: 5
  • NF_SLACK_CERTS: path to SSL certs, default: system certs
  • NF_SLACK_INSECURE: if true, don't verify SSL
  • NF_SLACK_PROXY: if set, use the given HTTP(S) proxy server to send notifications

Provide Configuration templates

  • monasca-notification.conf.j2
  • notification-logging.conf.j2
