Tim Kuhlman 3d1deca139 Move from using zookeeper to track partition offsets to kafka
With kafka 0.8.1 it is now possible for non-java clients to track
offsets with kafka. Previously the code had built this using zookeeper.
This relies on kafka-python > 0.9.1

Change-Id: Ia42e713cc5d9ca61d8f8df2adc454f1e2579a229
2014-08-28 08:25:47 -06:00

218 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
import kafka.client
import kafka.common
import kazoo.client
import kazoo.exceptions
import logging
import Queue
import statsd
import time
from monasca_notification import notification_exceptions
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class KafkaStateTracker(object):
"""Tracks message offsets for a kafka topic and partitions.
As messages are finished with processing the committed offset is updated periodically.
The messages are not necessarily finished in order, but the committed offset includes
all previous messages so this object tracks any gaps updating as needed.
Uses zookeeper to keep track of the last committed offset.
def __init__(self, finished_queue, kafka_url, group, topic, max_lag, zookeeper_url):
"""Setup the finished_queue
finished_queue - queue containing all processed alarms
kafka_url, group, topic - kafka connection details
zookeeper_url is the zookeeper hostname:port
self.finished_queue = finished_queue
self.max_lag = max_lag
self.topic = topic
self.has_lock = False
self.stop = False
# The kafka client is used solely for committing offsets, the consuming is done in the kafka_consumer
self.kafka_group = group
self.kafka = kafka.client.KafkaClient(kafka_url)
# The consumer is not needed but after my pull request is merged using it for get_offsets simplifies this code
# import kafka.consumer
# self.consumer = kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer(self.kafka, group, topic, auto_commit=False)
self.zookeeper = kazoo.client.KazooClient(zookeeper_url)
self.lock_retry_time = 15 # number of seconds to wait for retrying for the lock
self.lock_path = '/locks/monasca-notification/%s' % topic
self._offsets = None # Initialized in the beginning of the run
# This is a dictionary of sets used for tracking finished offsets when there is a gap and the committed offset
# can not yet be advanced
self._uncommitted_offsets = collections.defaultdict(set)
self._last_commit_time = collections.defaultdict(time.time)
self.zk_timer = statsd.Timer('OffsetCommitTime')
self.offset_update_count = statsd.Counter('AlarmsOffsetUpdated')
def _drop_lock(self):
"""Drop the lock file kept in zookeeper
This should only ever be run when all processing of the finished queue has completed.
if self.zookeeper.exists(self.lock_path):
self.has_lock = False
def lock(self, exit_method):
"""Grab a lock within zookeeper, if not available retry.
while True:
# The path is ephemeral so if it exists wait then cycle again
if self.zookeeper.exists(self.lock_path):'Another process has the lock for topic %s, waiting then retrying.' % self.topic)
self.zookeeper.create(self.lock_path, ephemeral=True, makepath=True)
except kazoo.exceptions.KazooException as e:
# If creating the path fails something beat us to it most likely, try again
log.warn('Error creating lock path %s\n%s' % (self.lock_path, e))
# Succeeded in grabbing the lock continue'Grabbed lock for topic %s' % self.topic)
self.has_lock = True
# Set up a listener to exit if we lose connection, this always exits even if the zookeeper connection is only
# suspended, the process should be supervised so it starts right back up again.
def offsets(self):
"""Return self._offsets, this is a property because generally only initialize the offsets after the lock has
been pulled
if not self.has_lock:
log.warn('Reading offsets before the tracker has the lock, they could change')
if self._offsets is None:
# After my pull request is merged I can setup self.consumer as is done in kafka_consumer
# then simply use the get_offsets command as below
# self._offsets = self.consumer.get_offsets()
self._offsets = {}
def get_or_init_offset_callback(resp):
return resp.offset
except kafka.common.UnknownTopicOrPartitionError:
return 0
for partition in self.kafka.topic_partitions[self.topic]:
req = kafka.common.OffsetFetchRequest(self.topic, partition)
(offset,) = self.kafka.send_offset_fetch_request(self.kafka_group, [req],
self._offsets[partition] = offset
return self._offsets
def run(self):
"""Mark a message as finished and where possible commit the new offset to zookeeper.
There is no mechanism here to deal with the situation where a single alarm is extremely slow to finish
holding up all others behind it. It is assumed the notification will time out allowing things to finish.
if not self.has_lock:
raise notification_exceptions.NotificationException('Attempt to begin run without Zookeeper Lock')
finished_count = statsd.Counter('AlarmsFinished')
while True:
# If self.stop is True run the queue until it is empty, do final commits then exit
if self.stop and self.finished_queue.empty():
log.debug('self.stop set and the finished_queue is empty, doing final wait')
time.sleep(10) # Before final exit wait a bit to verify the queue is still empty
if self.finished_queue.empty():
if self.max_lag is not None:
# if the max_lag has been hit at this point commit the last received offset
for partition in self._last_commit_time.iterkeys():
if ((time.time() - self._last_commit_time[partition]) > self.max_lag) and\
(len(self._uncommitted_offsets[partition]) > 0):
log.error('Max Lag has been reached! Skipping offsets for partition %s' % partition)
self.update_offset(partition, max(self._uncommitted_offsets[partition]))
msg = self.finished_queue.get(timeout=10)
except Queue.Empty:
continue # This is non-blocking so the self.stop signal has a chance to take affect
finished_count += 1
partition = int(msg[0])
offset = int(msg[1])
log.debug('Received commit finish for partition %d, offset %d' % (partition, offset))
# Update immediately if the offset is 1 above current offset
if self.offsets[partition] == offset - 1:
new_offset = offset
for x in range(offset + 1, offset + 1 + len(self._uncommitted_offsets[partition])):
if x in self._uncommitted_offsets[partition]:
new_offset = x
self.update_offset(partition, new_offset)
if offset == new_offset:
log.debug('Updating offset for partition %d, offset %d' % (partition, new_offset))
log.debug('Updating offset for partition %d, offset %d covering this update and older offsets'
% (partition, new_offset))
elif self.offsets[partition] > offset:
log.warn('An offset was received that was lower than the committed offset.' +
'Possibly a result of skipping lagging notifications')
else: # This is skipping offsets so add to the uncommitted set unless max_lag has been hit
log.debug('Added partition %d, offset %d to uncommited set' % (partition, offset))
if (self.max_lag is not None) and ((time.time() - self._last_commit_time[partition]) > self.max_lag):
log.error('Max Lag has been reached! Skipping offsets for partition %s' % partition)
self.update_offset(partition, max(self._uncommitted_offsets[partition]))
def update_offset(self, partition, value):
"""Update the object and kafka offset number for a partition to value
if self._offsets is None: # Initialize offsets if needed
self.offset_update_count += value - self._offsets[partition]
self._offsets[partition] = value
req = kafka.common.OffsetCommitRequest(self.topic, partition, value, None)
responses = self.kafka.send_offset_commit_request(self.kafka_group, [req])
log.debug('Updated committed offset for partition %s, offset %s' % (partition, value))
except kafka.common.KafkaError:
log.exception('Error updating the committed offset in kafka, partition %s, value %s' % (partition, value))
self._last_commit_time[partition] = time.time()