# (C) Copyright 2019 StackHPC Limited. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Monasca InfluxDB tool for migration to database per tenant Used to move data from monolithic database e.g. `monasca` to a database per tenant model, e.g. `monasca_`. Please see the included README.rst for more details about creating an appropriate configuration file. """ import os import re import sys from monasca_persister import config from monasca_persister.repositories.influxdb import metrics_repository from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) MIGRATE_QUERY = ('SELECT * INTO "{target_db}"..:MEASUREMENT' ' FROM "{measurement}"' ' WHERE _tenant_id=\'{tenant_id}\'' ' AND time > {lower_time_offset}' ' AND time <= {upper_time_offset}' ' GROUP BY *') class MigrationHelper(object): def __init__(self): repo = metrics_repository.MetricInfluxdbRepository() self.conf = repo.conf self.client = repo._influxdb_client self.client.switch_database(self.conf.influxdb.database_name) def _migrate(self, measurement, tenant_id, start_time_offset, end_time_offset, retention_policy={}, time_unit='w', db_per_tenant=True, **kwargs): total_written = 0 first_upper_time_offset = None last_lower_time_offset = None time_offset = start_time_offset if db_per_tenant: target_db = "{}_{}".format(self.conf.influxdb.database_name, tenant_id) self.client.create_database(target_db) if retention_policy: self.client.create_retention_policy(database=target_db, **retention_policy) LOG.info(' into {}:'.format(target_db)) while end_time_offset > 0 and time_offset < end_time_offset: lower_time_offset = 'now()-{}{}'.format(time_offset + 1, time_unit) upper_time_offset = 'now()-{}{}'.format(time_offset, time_unit) if not first_upper_time_offset: first_upper_time_offset = upper_time_offset migrate_query = MIGRATE_QUERY.format( target_db=target_db, measurement=measurement, tenant_id=tenant_id, lower_time_offset=lower_time_offset, upper_time_offset=upper_time_offset, ) LOG.debug(migrate_query) written = next(self.client.query(migrate_query).get_points('result')).get('written') total_written += written time_offset += 1 if written > 0: last_lower_time_offset = lower_time_offset LOG.info(" migrated {} entries from {} -> {} (cumulative {})".format( written, lower_time_offset, upper_time_offset, total_written, )) LOG.info(" finished migrating a total of {} entries from {} -> {}.".format( total_written, last_lower_time_offset, first_upper_time_offset, )) def get_measurements(self, fname): measurements = [] if fname: with open(fname, 'a+') as f: measurements = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()] if not measurements: result = self.client.query('SHOW MEASUREMENTS').get_points('measurements') measurements = [m.get('name') for m in result] if fname: with open(fname, 'w') as f: for r in measurements: f.write(r + '\n') return measurements def get_tenancies(self, measurements): result = self.client.query("SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = _tenant_id") return {m: [t.get('value') for t in result.get_points(m)] for m in measurements} def get_complete(self, fname): if fname: with open(fname, 'a+') as fd: return {l.strip() for l in fd.readlines()} else: return {} def migrate(self, tenant_defaults={}, default_start_time_offset=0, # Default: now default_end_time_offset=520, # Default: 10 years skip_regex=[], measurements_file=None, success_file=None, failure_file=None, **kwargs): measurements = self.get_measurements(measurements_file) tenancy = self.get_tenancies(measurements) done = self.get_complete(success_file) default_rp = {} hours = self.conf.influxdb.default_retention_hours if hours > 0: rp = '{}h'.format(hours) default_rp = dict(name=rp, duration=rp, replication='1', default=True) skip = set() fail = set() if failure_file: if os.path.exists(failure_file): os.remove(failure_file) filtered_measurements = [] for measurement in measurements: if any([f.match(measurement) for f in skip_regex]): skip.add(measurement) LOG.debug('Skipping {} because it matches a skip regex.'.format(measurement)) continue elif measurement in done: LOG.debug('Skipping {} because its already done.'.format(measurement)) continue else: filtered_measurements.append(measurement) for i, measurement in enumerate(filtered_measurements): LOG.info('Migrating {}'.format(measurement)) try: for tenant_id in tenancy.get(measurement): start_time_offset = tenant_defaults.get( tenant_id, {}).get('start_time_offset_override', default_start_time_offset) end_time_offset = tenant_defaults.get( tenant_id, {}).get('end_time_offset_override', default_end_time_offset) # NOTE (brtknr): Ensure that the default upper and lower # time offsets are respected during migration by the # projects with custom retention policies. start_time_offset = max(default_start_time_offset, start_time_offset) end_time_offset = min(default_end_time_offset, end_time_offset) retention_policy = tenant_defaults.get( tenant_id, {}).get('rp', default_rp) self._migrate(measurement, tenant_id, start_time_offset=start_time_offset, end_time_offset=end_time_offset, retention_policy=retention_policy, **kwargs) if success_file: with open(success_file, 'a+') as fd: fd.write('{}\n'.format(measurement)) done.add(measurement) except Exception as e: LOG.error(e) if failure_file: with open(failure_file, 'a+') as fe: fe.write('{}\t{}\n'.format(measurement, e)) fail.add(measurement) LOG.info("{}/{} (done {} + skip {} + fail {})/{}".format( i + 1, len(filtered_measurements), len(done), len(skip), len(fail), len(measurements))) def main(): CONF = cfg.CONF cli_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('migrate-time-unit', choices=['h', 'd', 'w'], default='w', help='Unit of time, h=hour, d=day, w=week (default: "w").'), cfg.IntOpt('migrate-start-time-offset', default=0, help='Start time offset in the given unit of time (default: 0).'), cfg.IntOpt('migrate-end-time-offset', default=520, help='End time offset in the given unit of time (default: 520).'), cfg.DictOpt('migrate-retention-policy', default={}, help=('Custom retention policy for projects in the provided' 'time unit. (e.g. project-id-x:2,project-id-y:4)')), cfg.ListOpt('migrate-skip-regex', default=[], help=('Skip metrics that match this comma separated list of regex patterns.' '(e.g. ^log\\\\..+,^cpu\\\\..+ to skip metrics beginning with log.)')), ] CONF.register_cli_opts(cli_opts) config.parse_args("Monasca InfluxDB database per tenant migration tool") # Configure custom retention policy for your existing projects. For # example, rp2w is a retention policy of two weeks which we can assign to # project example-project-id. tenant_defaults = dict() for k, v in CONF.migrate_retention_policy.items(): if v.isdigit(): rp = '{}{}'.format(v, CONF.migrate_time_unit) tenant_defaults[k] = dict( end_time_offset_override=int(v), rp=dict(name=rp, duration=rp, replication='1', default=True), ) LOG.info('Project {} will be applied retention policy: {}.'.format(k, rp)) else: raise ValueError('Retention policy for project {} must be an' 'integer of given time unit. Current value:' '{}.'.format(k, v)) skip_regex = [] for p in CONF.migrate_skip_regex: skip_regex.append(re.compile(str(p))) LOG.info('Metrics matching pattern "{}" will be skipped.'.format(p)) helper = MigrationHelper() helper.migrate(skip_regex=skip_regex, tenant_defaults=tenant_defaults, default_end_time_offset=CONF.migrate_end_time_offset, default_start_time_offset=CONF.migrate_start_time_offset, time_unit=CONF.migrate_time_unit, measurements_file='migrate-measurements', success_file='migrate-success', failure_file='migrate-failure') return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())