# Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import psutil import signal import socket import subprocess import sys import threading import time import traceback from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from oslo_service import loopingcall from oslo_service import service as os_service from tooz import coordination from monasca_transform.config.config_initializer import ConfigInitializer from monasca_transform.log_utils import LogUtils CONF = cfg.CONF SPARK_SUBMIT_PROC_NAME = "spark-submit" def main(): transform_service = TransformService() transform_service.start() def shutdown_all_threads_and_die(): """Shut down all threads and exit process. Hit it with a hammer to kill all threads and die. """ LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) LOG.info('Monasca Transform service stopping...') os._exit(1) def get_process(proc_name): """Get process given string in process cmd line.""" LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) proc = None try: for pr in psutil.process_iter(): for args in pr.cmdline(): if proc_name in args.split(" "): proc = pr return proc except BaseException: # pass LOG.error("Error fetching {%s} process..." % proc_name) return None def stop_spark_submit_process(): """Stop spark submit program.""" LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) try: # get the driver proc pr = get_process(SPARK_SUBMIT_PROC_NAME) if pr: # terminate (SIGTERM) spark driver proc for cpr in pr.children(recursive=False): LOG.info("Terminate child pid {%s} ..." % str(cpr.pid)) cpr.terminate() # terminate spark submit proc LOG.info("Terminate pid {%s} ..." % str(pr.pid)) pr.terminate() except Exception as e: LOG.error("Error killing spark submit " "process: got exception: {%s}" % str(e)) class Transform(os_service.Service): """Class used with Openstack service.""" LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self, threads=1): super(Transform, self).__init__(threads) def signal_handler(self, signal_number, stack_frame): # Catch stop requests and appropriately shut down shutdown_all_threads_and_die() def start(self): try: # Register to catch stop requests signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.signal_handler) main() except BaseException: self.LOG.exception("Monasca Transform service " "encountered fatal error. " "Shutting down all threads and exiting") shutdown_all_threads_and_die() def stop(self): stop_spark_submit_process() super(os_service.Service, self).stop() class TransformService(threading.Thread): previously_running = False LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self): super(TransformService, self).__init__() self.coordinator = None self.group = CONF.service.coordinator_group # A unique name used for establishing election candidacy self.my_host_name = socket.getfqdn() # periodic check leader_check = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall( self.periodic_leader_check) leader_check.start(interval=float( CONF.service.election_polling_frequency)) def check_if_still_leader(self): """Return true if the this host is the leader""" leader = None try: leader = self.coordinator.get_leader(self.group).get() except BaseException: self.LOG.info('No leader elected yet for group %s' % (self.group)) if leader and self.my_host_name == leader: return True # default return False def periodic_leader_check(self): self.LOG.debug("Called periodic_leader_check...") try: if self.previously_running: if not self.check_if_still_leader(): # stop spark submit process stop_spark_submit_process() # stand down as a leader try: self.coordinator.stand_down_group_leader( self.group) except BaseException as e: self.LOG.info("Host %s cannot stand down as " "leader for group %s: " "got exception {%s}" % (self.my_host_name, self.group, str(e))) # reset state self.previously_running = False except BaseException as e: self.LOG.info("periodic_leader_check: " "caught unhandled exception: {%s}" % str(e)) def when_i_am_elected_leader(self, event): """Callback when this host gets elected leader.""" # set running state self.previously_running = True self.LOG.info("Monasca Transform service running on %s " "has been elected leader" % str(self.my_host_name)) if CONF.service.spark_python_files: pyfiles = (" --py-files %s" % CONF.service.spark_python_files) else: pyfiles = '' event_logging_dest = '' if (CONF.service.spark_event_logging_enabled and CONF.service.spark_event_logging_dest): event_logging_dest = ( "--conf spark.eventLog.dir=" "file://%s" % CONF.service.spark_event_logging_dest) # Build the command to start the Spark driver spark_cmd = "".join(( "export SPARK_HOME=", CONF.service.spark_home, " && ", "spark-submit --master ", CONF.service.spark_master_list, " --conf spark.eventLog.enabled=", CONF.service.spark_event_logging_enabled, event_logging_dest, " --jars " + CONF.service.spark_jars_list, pyfiles, " " + CONF.service.spark_driver)) # Start the Spark driver # (specify shell=True in order to # correctly handle wildcards in the spark_cmd) subprocess.call(spark_cmd, shell=True) def run(self): self.LOG.info('The host of this Monasca Transform service is ' + self.my_host_name) # Loop until the service is stopped while True: try: self.previously_running = False # Start an election coordinator self.coordinator = coordination.get_coordinator( CONF.service.coordinator_address, self.my_host_name) self.coordinator.start() # Create a coordination/election group try: request = self.coordinator.create_group(self.group) request.get() except coordination.GroupAlreadyExist: self.LOG.info('Group %s already exists' % self.group) # Join the coordination/election group try: request = self.coordinator.join_group(self.group) request.get() except coordination.MemberAlreadyExist: self.LOG.info('Host already joined to group %s as %s' % (self.group, self.my_host_name)) # Announce the candidacy and wait to be elected self.coordinator.watch_elected_as_leader( self.group, self.when_i_am_elected_leader) while self.previously_running is False: self.LOG.debug('Monasca Transform service on %s is ' 'checking election results...' % self.my_host_name) self.coordinator.heartbeat() self.coordinator.run_watchers() if self.previously_running is True: try: # Leave/exit the coordination/election group request = self.coordinator.leave_group(self.group) request.get() except coordination.MemberNotJoined: self.LOG.info("Host has not yet " "joined group %s as %s" % (self.group, self.my_host_name)) time.sleep(float(CONF.service.election_polling_frequency)) self.coordinator.stop() except BaseException as e: # catch any unhandled exception and continue self.LOG.info("Ran into unhandled exception: {%s}" % str(e)) self.LOG.info("Going to restart coordinator again...") traceback.print_exc() def main_service(): """Method to use with Openstack service.""" ConfigInitializer.basic_config() LogUtils.init_logger(__name__) launcher = os_service.ServiceLauncher(cfg.CONF, restart_method='mutate') launcher.launch_service(Transform()) launcher.wait() # Used if run without Openstack service. if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())