When Grafana integration is not available, click the action button of Graph Metric will go to a non-existing Grafana page. Added logic to hide the Graph Metric button when Grafana integration is not avaialable. Also added unit tests for the changes. Story: 2005906 Task: 34165 Change-Id: I617a0c609450bf015ddf6e98fd672723a2660071
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289 lines
9.1 KiB
# Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright 2016 Cray Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
from django.conf import settings
from django import template
from django.urls import reverse
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ # noqa
from django.utils.translation import ungettext_lazy
from horizon import tables
from monitoring.alarms import constants
from monitoring import api
from monitoring.overview import constants as ov_constants
def get_status(index):
if index < len(STATUS):
return STATUS[index]
return "UNKNOWN: %d" % index
def show_status(data):
status = data.upper()
img_tag = '<img src="{img}" title="{label}" class="status-icon" />{label}'
if status == 'CRITICAL':
return img_tag.format(img=constants.CRITICAL_ICON, label=status)
if status in ('LOW', 'MEDIUM', 'HIGH'):
return img_tag.format(img=constants.WARNING_ICON, label=status)
if status == 'OK':
return img_tag.format(img=constants.OK_ICON, label=status)
if status == 'UNKNOWN' or status == 'UNDETERMINED':
return img_tag.format(img=constants.UNKNOWN_ICON, label=status)
return status
def show_severity(data):
severity = data['alarm_definition']['severity']
state = data['state']
if state == 'ALARM':
return severity.upper()
return state.upper()
def show_alarm_id(data):
return data['id']
def show_metric_names(data):
names = set(metric['name'] for metric in data['metrics'])
return ', '.join(names)
def show_def_name(data):
return data['alarm_definition']['name']
def show_def_severity(data):
return data['alarm_definition']['severity']
def show_metric_dimensions(data):
if len(data['metrics']) > 1:
commondimensions = data['metrics'][0]['dimensions']
for metric in data['metrics'][1:]:
for k in commondimensions.keys():
if k not in metric['dimensions'].keys() or \
commondimensions[k] != metric['dimensions'][k]:
del commondimensions[k]
return ','.join(["%s=%s" % (n, v) for n, v
in commondimensions.items()])
return ','.join(["%s=%s" % (n, v) for n, v
in data['metrics'][0]['dimensions'].items()])
def get_service(data):
if len(data['metrics']) == 1 and 'service'in\
return data['metrics'][0]['dimensions']['service']
return ''
class ShowAlarmHistory(tables.LinkAction):
name = 'history'
verbose_name = _('Show History')
classes = ('btn-edit',)
def get_link_url(self, datum):
return reverse(constants.URL_PREFIX + 'history',
args=(datum['alarm_definition']['id'], datum['id'], ))
def allowed(self, request, datum=None):
return True
class CreateAlarm(tables.LinkAction):
name = "create_alarm"
verbose_name = _("Create Alarm")
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "plus"
policy_rules = (("alarm", "alarm:create"),)
ajax = True
def get_link_url(self):
return reverse(constants.URL_PREFIX + 'alarm_create',
def allowed(self, request, datum=None):
return True
class EditAlarm(tables.LinkAction):
name = "edit_alarm"
verbose_name = _("Edit Alarm")
classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-create")
def get_link_url(self, datum):
return reverse(constants.URL_PREFIX + 'alarm_edit',
args=(self.table.kwargs['service'], datum['id'], ))
def allowed(self, request, datum=None):
return True
class GraphMetric(tables.LinkAction):
name = "graph_alarm"
verbose_name = _("Graph Metric")
icon = "dashboard"
def render(self):
self.attrs['target'] = 'newtab'
return super(self, GraphMetric).render()
def get_link_url(self, datum):
url = ''
query = ''
self.attrs['target'] = '_blank'
region = self.table.request.user.services_region
grafana_url = getattr(settings, 'GRAFANA_URL').get(region, '')
url = grafana_url + \
metric = datum['metrics'][0]['name']
dimensions = datum['metrics'][0].get('dimensions', {})
query = "?metric=%s" % metric
for key, value in dimensions.items():
query += "&dim_%s=%s" % (key, value)
except AttributeError:
# Catches case where Grafana 2 is not enabled.
name = datum['metrics'][0]['name']
threshold = json.dumps(datum['metrics'])
endpoint = str(reverse_lazy(ov_constants.URL_PREFIX + 'proxy'))
endpoint = self.table.request.build_absolute_uri(endpoint)
url = '/grafana/index.html#/dashboard/script/detail.js'
query = "?name=%s&threshold=%s&api=%s" % \
(name, threshold, endpoint)
return url + query
def allowed(self, request, datum=None):
return (getattr(settings, 'GRAFANA_URL', None) is not None and
class ShowAlarmDefinition(tables.LinkAction):
name = "show_alarm_definition"
verbose_name = _("Show Alarm Definition")
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
url = 'horizon:monitoring:alarmdefs:alarm_detail'
args = (datum['alarm_definition']['id'],)
return reverse_lazy(url, args=args)
class DeleteAlarm(tables.DeleteAction):
name = "delete_alarm"
verbose_name = _("Delete Alarm")
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Delete Alarm",
u"Delete Alarms",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Deleted Alarm",
u"Deleted Alarms",
def allowed(self, request, datum=None):
return True
def delete(self, request, obj_id):
api.monitor.alarm_delete(request, obj_id)
class AlarmsFilterAction(tables.LinkAction):
name = "filter"
verbose_name = _("Filter Alarms")
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "plus"
policy_rules = (("alarm", "alarm:filter"),)
ajax = True
def get_link_url(self):
return reverse(constants.URL_PREFIX + 'alarm_filter', args=())
def allowed(self, request, datum=None):
return True
class AlarmsTable(tables.DataTable):
state = tables.Column(transform=show_severity, verbose_name=_('Status'),
status_choices={(show_status('OK'), True)},
filters=[show_status, template.defaultfilters.safe])
name = tables.Column(transform=show_def_name, verbose_name=_('Name'))
alarmId = tables.Column(transform=show_alarm_id, verbose_name=_('Alarm Id'))
metrics = tables.Column(transform=show_metric_names,
verbose_name=_('Metric Names'))
dimensions = tables.Column(transform=show_metric_dimensions,
verbose_name=_('Metric Dimensions'))
def get_object_id(self, obj):
return obj['id']
def get_object_display(self, obj):
return obj['id']
class Meta(object):
name = "alarms"
verbose_name = _("Alarms")
row_actions = (GraphMetric,
table_actions = (AlarmsFilterAction,
def show_timestamp(data):
return data['timestamp'].replace('.000Z', '').replace('T', ' ')
class AlarmHistoryTable(tables.DataTable):
timestamp = tables.Column(transform=show_timestamp,
attrs={"data-type": "timestamp"})
old_state = tables.Column('old_state', verbose_name=_('Old State'))
new_state = tables.Column('new_state', verbose_name=_('New State'))
alarmDimensions = tables.Column(transform=show_metric_dimensions,
verbose_name=_('Alarm Metric Dimensions'))
reason = tables.Column('reason', verbose_name=_('Reason'))
# reason_data = tables.Column('reason_data', verbose_name=_('Reason Data'))
def get_object_id(self, obj):
return obj['alarm_id'] + obj['timestamp']
class Meta(object):
name = "history"
verbose_name = _("Alarm History")