
39 lines
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# Makefile for murano agent
default_target: all
all: agent-binary producer-binary
# NOTE: Use this if RabbitMQ needs to be linked in as a dynamic library
#agent-binary: murano-agent.o lcfg_static.o utils.o
# gcc -o murano-agent murano-agent.o lcfg_static.o utils.o -lrabbitmq -lrt
agent-binary: murano-agent.o lcfg_static.o utils.o librabbitmq.a
gcc $(CFLAGS) -o murano-agent murano-agent.o lcfg_static.o utils.o -L. -lrabbitmq -lrt
# NOTE: Use this if RabbitMQ needs to be linked in as a dynamic library
#producer-binary: producer.o utils.o
# gcc -o producer producer.o utils.o -lrabbitmq -lrt
producer-binary: producer.o utils.o librabbitmq.a
gcc $(CFLAGS) -o producer producer.o utils.o -L. -lrabbitmq -lrt
murano-agent.o: murano-agent.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I. -fPIC murano-agent.c
producer.o: producer.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I. -fPIC producer.c
lcfg_static.o: lcfg_static.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -fPIC lcfg_static.c
utils.o: utils.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I. -fPIC utils.c
rm -f *.o murano-agent producer