Guacamole --------- Guacamole is an HTML5 web application that provides access to desktop environments using remote desktop protocols (such as VNC or RDP). Logging In To Guacamole ----------------------- The web login screen for Guacamole is available at To login to Guacamole use the username and password which you have specified before installing. Logging In To Your Host ----------------------- By default there will be three connections available: localhost-ssh, otherhost-vnc, otherhost-rdp. Connections otherhost-vnc, otherhost-rdp are used as examples and can be useful later. So to get started use **localhost-ssh** and the same username and password that you have used to login to Guacamole. After that you will already be at /etc/guacamole. Here you can modify configuration if you need to use a different authentication module or if you need to veer from the defaults. Configuring Guacamole Default Authentication -------------------------------------------- The default authentication provider used by Guacamole reads all username, password, and configuration information from a file called the "user mapping". By default, Guacamole will look for this file at **/etc/guacamole/user-mapping.xml**. Default user mapping file looks something like this: .. code-block:: xml ssh 22 vnc otherhost 5901 rdp otherhost 3389 Each user is specified with a corresponding tag. This tag contains all authorized connections for that user, each denoted with a tag. Each tag contains a corresponding protocol and set of protocol-specific parameters, specified with the and tags respectively. Applying configuration changes ------------------------------ There is no need to restart Tomcat or Guacamole services, all configuration changes will be applied after relogin. For more info please visit -