Synchronize the eslint and eslint-config-openstack versions with horizon. Change-Id: I117d1e5e418183cc72048a889acbd825a240cfe0
63 lines
1.5 KiB
63 lines
1.5 KiB
# For a detailed list of all options please see here:
# http://eslint.org/docs/configuring/
extends: openstack
# Use jquery global variables
jquery: true
browser: true
# allow accessing horizon
horizon: false
# allow passing TENANT_ID from django templates
TENANT_ID: false
# Below we adjust rules specific to horizon's usage of openstack's linting
# rules, and its own plugin inclusions.
# Disabled Rules from eslint-config-openstack
valid-jsdoc: [1, {
requireParamDescription: false
no-undefined: 1
brace-style: 1
no-extra-parens: 1
callback-return: 1
block-scoped-var: 1
quote-props: 0
space-in-parens: 1
no-use-before-define: 1
no-unneeded-ternary: 1
# Only support ECMA5, disable everything else.
# NOTE(kzaitsev): blatantly copied from horizon
arrowFunctions: false
binaryLiterals: false
blockBindings: false
classes: false
defaultParams: false
destructuring: false
forOf: false
generators: false
modules: false
objectLiteralComputedProperties: false
objectLiteralDuplicateProperties: false
objectLiteralShorthandMethods: false
objectLiteralShorthandProperties: false
octalLiterals: false
regexUFlag: false
regexYFlag: false
restParams: false
spread: false
superInFunctions: false
templateStrings: false
unicodeCodePointEscapes: false
globalReturn: false
jsx: false