605 lines
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605 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django import http as django_http
from django import shortcuts
from django.template import defaultfilters
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import ungettext_lazy
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import forms
from horizon import messages
from horizon import tables
from horizon.utils import filters
from muranoclient.common import exceptions as exc
from oslo_log import log as logging
from muranodashboard import api as api_utils
from muranodashboard.api import packages as pkg_api
from muranodashboard.catalog import views as catalog_views
from muranodashboard.environments import api
from muranodashboard.environments import consts
from muranodashboard.packages import consts as pkg_consts
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_environment_status_and_version(request, table):
environment_id = table.kwargs.get('environment_id')
env = api.environment_get(request, environment_id)
status = getattr(env, 'status', None)
version = getattr(env, 'version', None)
return status, version
def _check_row_actions_allowed(action, request):
envs = action.table.data
if not envs:
return False
for env in envs:
if action.allowed(request, env):
return True
return False
def _environment_has_deployed_services(request, environment_id):
deployments = api.deployments_list(request, environment_id)
if not deployments:
return False
if not deployments[0].description['services']:
return False
return True
class AddApplication(tables.LinkAction):
name = 'AddApplication'
verbose_name = _('Add Component')
icon = 'plus'
def allowed(self, request, environment):
status, version = _get_environment_status_and_version(request,
return status not in consts.NO_ACTION_ALLOWED_STATUSES
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
base_url = reverse('horizon:murano:catalog:switch_env',
redirect_url = reverse('horizon:murano:catalog:index')
return '{0}?next={1}'.format(base_url, redirect_url)
class CreateEnvironment(tables.LinkAction):
name = 'CreateEnvironment'
verbose_name = _('Create Environment')
url = 'horizon:murano:environments:create_environment'
classes = ('btn-launch', 'add_env')
redirect_url = "horizon:project:murano:environments"
icon = 'plus'
def allowed(self, request, datum):
return True if self.table.data else False
def action(self, request, environment):
api.environment_create(request, environment)
except Exception as e:
msg = (_('Unable to create environment {0}'
' due to: {1}').format(environment, e))
redirect = reverse(self.redirect_url)
exceptions.handle(request, msg, redirect=redirect)
class DeleteEnvironment(tables.DeleteAction):
redirect_url = "horizon:project:murano:environments"
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Delete Environment",
u"Delete Environments",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Started Deleting Environment",
u"Started Deleting Environments",
def allowed(self, request, environment):
# table action case: action allowed if any row action allowed
if not environment:
return _check_row_actions_allowed(self, request)
# row action case
return environment.status not in (consts.STATUS_ID_DEPLOYING,
def action(self, request, environment_id):
api.environment_delete(request, environment_id)
except Exception as e:
msg = (_('Unable to delete environment {0}'
' due to: {1}').format(environment_id, e))
redirect = reverse(self.redirect_url)
exceptions.handle(request, msg, redirect=redirect)
class AbandonEnvironment(tables.DeleteAction):
help_text = _("This action cannot be undone. Any resources created by "
"this environment will have to be released manually.")
name = 'abandon'
redirect_url = "horizon:project:murano:environments"
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Abandon Environment",
u"Abandon Environments",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Abandoned Environment",
u"Abandoned Environments",
def allowed(self, request, environment):
"""Limit when 'Abandon Environment' button is shown
'Abandon Environment' button is hidden in several cases:
* environment is new
* app added to env, but not deploy is not started
# table action case: action allowed if any row action allowed
if not environment:
return _check_row_actions_allowed(self, request)
# row action case
status = getattr(environment, 'status', None)
if status in [consts.STATUS_ID_NEW, consts.STATUS_ID_PENDING]:
return False
return True
def action(self, request, environment_id):
api.environment_delete(request, environment_id, True)
except Exception as e:
msg = (_('Unable to abandon an environment {0}'
' due to: {1}').format(environment_id, e))
redirect = reverse(self.redirect_url)
exceptions.handle(request, msg, redirect=redirect)
class DeleteService(tables.DeleteAction):
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Delete Component",
u"Delete Components",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Started Deleting Component",
u"Started Deleting Components",
def allowed(self, request, service=None):
status, version = _get_environment_status_and_version(request,
return status != consts.STATUS_ID_DEPLOYING
def action(self, request, service_id):
environment_id = self.table.kwargs.get('environment_id')
for service in self.table.data:
if service['?']['id'] == service_id:
except Exception:
msg = _('Sorry, you can\'t delete service right now')
redirect = reverse("horizon:murano:environments:index")
exceptions.handle(request, msg, redirect=redirect)
class DeployEnvironment(tables.BatchAction):
name = 'deploy'
classes = ('btn-launch',)
icon = "play"
def action_present_deploy(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Deploy Environment",
u"Deploy Environments",
def action_past_deploy(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Started deploying Environment",
u"Started deploying Environments",
def action_present_update(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Update Environment",
# there can be cases when some of the envs are new and some are not
# so it is better to just leave "Deploy" for multiple envs
u"Deploy Environments",
def action_past_update(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Updated Environment",
u"Deployed Environments",
action_present = action_present_deploy
action_past = action_past_deploy
def allowed(self, request, environment):
"""Limit when 'Deploy Environment' button is shown
'Deploy environment' is not shown in several cases:
* when deploy is already in progress
* delete is in progress
* no new services added to the environment (after env creation
or successful deploy or delete failure)
If environment has already deployed services,
button is shown as 'Update environment'
# table action case: action allowed if any row action allowed
if not environment:
return _check_row_actions_allowed(self, request)
# row action case
if _environment_has_deployed_services(request, environment.id):
self.action_present = self.action_present_update
self.action_past = self.action_past_update
self.action_present = self.action_present_deploy
self.action_past = self.action_past_deploy
status = getattr(environment, 'status', None)
if (status != consts.STATUS_ID_DEPLOY_FAILURE and
not environment.has_new_services):
return False
if (status in consts.NO_ACTION_ALLOWED_STATUSES or
status == consts.STATUS_ID_READY):
return False
return True
def action(self, request, environment_id):
api.environment_deploy(request, environment_id)
except Exception:
msg = _('Unable to deploy. Try again later')
redirect = reverse('horizon:murano:environments:index')
exceptions.handle(request, msg, redirect=redirect)
class DeployThisEnvironment(tables.Action):
name = 'deploy_env'
verbose_name = _('Deploy This Environment')
requires_input = False
classes = ('btn-launch',)
icon = "play"
def allowed(self, request, service):
"""Limit when 'Deploy This Environment' button is shown
'Deploy environment' is not shown in several cases:
* when deploy is already in progress
* delete is in progress
* env was just created and no apps added
* previous deployment finished successfully
If environment has already deployed services, button is shown
as 'Update This Environment'
environment_id = self.table.kwargs['environment_id']
if _environment_has_deployed_services(request, environment_id):
self.verbose_name = _('Update This Environment')
self.verbose_name = _('Deploy This Environment')
status, version = _get_environment_status_and_version(request,
if (status in consts.NO_ACTION_ALLOWED_STATUSES or
status == consts.STATUS_ID_READY):
return False
apps = self.table.data
if version == 0 and not apps:
return False
return True
def single(self, data_table, request, service_id):
environment_id = data_table.kwargs['environment_id']
api.environment_deploy(request, environment_id)
messages.success(request, _('Deploy started'))
except Exception:
msg = _('Unable to deploy. Try again later')
request, msg,
return shortcuts.redirect(
class ShowEnvironmentServices(tables.LinkAction):
name = 'show'
verbose_name = _('Manage Components')
url = 'horizon:murano:environments:services'
def allowed(self, request, environment):
return True
class UpdateEnvironmentRow(tables.Row):
ajax = True
def get_data(self, request, environment_id):
return api.environment_get(request, environment_id)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
# returning 404 to the ajax call removes the
# row from the table on the ui
raise django_http.Http404
except Exception:
# let our unified handler take care of errors here
with api_utils.handled_exceptions(request):
class UpdateServiceRow(tables.Row):
ajax = True
def get_data(self, request, service_id):
environment_id = self.table.kwargs['environment_id']
return api.service_get(request, environment_id, service_id)
class UpdateName(tables.UpdateAction):
def update_cell(self, request, datum, obj_id, cell_name, new_cell_value):
if not new_cell_value or new_cell_value.isspace():
message = _("The environment name field cannot be empty.")
messages.warning(request, message)
raise ValueError(message)
mc = api_utils.muranoclient(request)
mc.environments.update(datum.id, name=new_cell_value)
except exc.HTTPConflict:
message = _("This name is already taken.")
messages.warning(request, message)
LOG.warning(_("Couldn't update environment. Reason: ") + message)
# FIXME(kzaitsev): There is a bug in horizon and inline error
# icons are missing. This means, that if we return 400 here, by
# raising django.core.exceptions.ValidationError(message) the UI
# will break a little. Until the bug is fixed this will raise 500
# bug link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1359399
# Alternatively this could somehow raise 409, which would result
# in the same behaviour.
raise ValueError(message)
except Exception:
exceptions.handle(request, ignore=True)
return False
return True
class EnvironmentsTable(tables.DataTable):
name = tables.Column('name',
status = tables.Column('status',
class Meta(object):
name = 'environments'
verbose_name = _('Environments')
template = 'environments/_data_table.html'
row_class = UpdateEnvironmentRow
status_columns = ['status']
no_data_message = _('NO ENVIRONMENTS')
table_actions = (CreateEnvironment, DeployEnvironment,
DeleteEnvironment, AbandonEnvironment)
row_actions = (ShowEnvironmentServices, DeployEnvironment,
DeleteEnvironment, AbandonEnvironment)
def get_service_details_link(service):
return reverse('horizon:murano:environments:service_details',
args=(service.environment_id, service['?']['id']))
def get_service_type(datum):
return datum['?'].get(consts.DASHBOARD_ATTRS_KEY, {}).get('name')
class ServicesTable(tables.DataTable):
name = tables.Column('name',
_type = tables.Column(get_service_type,
status = tables.Column(lambda datum: datum['?'].get('status'),
operation = tables.Column('operation',
verbose_name=_('Last operation'),
filters=(defaultfilters.urlize, ))
operation_updated = tables.Column('operation_updated',
verbose_name=_('Time updated'),
def get_object_id(self, datum):
return datum['?']['id']
def get_apps_list(self):
packages = []
with api_utils.handled_exceptions(self.request):
packages, self._more = pkg_api.package_list(
filters={'type': 'Application', 'catalog': True})
return json.dumps([package.to_dict() for package in packages])
def actions_allowed(self):
status, version = _get_environment_status_and_version(
self.request, self)
return status not in consts.NO_ACTION_ALLOWED_STATUSES
def get_categories_list(self):
return catalog_views.get_categories_list(self.request)
def get_row_actions(self, datum):
actions = super(ServicesTable, self).get_row_actions(datum)
environment_id = self.kwargs['environment_id']
app_actions = []
for action_datum in api.extract_actions_list(datum):
_classes = ('murano_action',)
class CustomAction(tables.LinkAction):
name = action_datum['name']
verbose_name = action_datum['name']
url = reverse('horizon:murano:environments:start_action',
args=(environment_id, action_datum['id']))
classes = _classes
table = self
def allowed(self, request, datum):
status, version = _get_environment_status_and_version(
request, self.table)
if status in consts.NO_ACTION_ALLOWED_STATUSES:
return False
return True
bound_action = CustomAction()
if not bound_action.allowed(self.request, datum):
bound_action.datum = datum
if issubclass(bound_action.__class__, tables.LinkAction):
bound_action.bound_url = bound_action.get_link_url(datum)
if app_actions:
# Show native actions first (such as "Delete Component") and
# then add sorted application actions
actions.extend(sorted(app_actions, key=lambda x: x.name))
return actions
def get_repo_url(self):
return pkg_consts.MURANO_REPO_URL
def get_pkg_def_url(self):
return reverse('horizon:murano:packages:index')
class Meta(object):
name = 'services'
verbose_name = _('Component List')
no_data_message = _('No components')
status_columns = ['status']
row_class = UpdateServiceRow
table_actions = (AddApplication, DeployThisEnvironment)
row_actions = (DeleteService,)
multi_select = False
class ShowDeploymentDetails(tables.LinkAction):
name = 'show_deployment_details'
verbose_name = _('Show Details')
def get_link_url(self, deployment=None):
kwargs = {'environment_id': deployment.environment_id,
'deployment_id': deployment.id}
return reverse('horizon:murano:environments:deployment_details',
def allowed(self, request, environment):
return True
class DeploymentsTable(tables.DataTable):
started = tables.Column('started',
verbose_name=_('Time Started'),
finished = tables.Column('finished',
verbose_name=_('Time Finished'),
status = tables.Column(
class Meta(object):
name = 'deployments'
verbose_name = _('Deployments')
row_actions = (ShowDeploymentDetails,)
class EnvConfigTable(tables.DataTable):
name = tables.Column('name',
_type = tables.Column(
lambda datum: get_service_type(datum) or 'Unknown',
def get_object_id(self, datum):
return datum['?']['id']
class Meta(object):
name = 'environment_configuration'
verbose_name = _('Deployed Components')