Valerii Kovalchuk adab734e8f Convert dynamic UI form names to string type
In case form name is in unicode in python2 or bytes in python3,
we need to convert it to str to make form creation possible.

Change-Id: I9ddf4928db9ecf0242f0503888bba56a2a0fdf56
Closes-bug: #1596177
2016-07-01 11:26:25 +03:00

251 lines
9.5 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import re
import semantic_version
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
from yaql import legacy
from muranodashboard.api import packages as pkg_api
from muranodashboard.catalog import forms as catalog_forms
from muranodashboard.dynamic_ui import helpers
from muranodashboard.dynamic_ui import version
from muranodashboard.dynamic_ui import yaql_functions
from muranodashboard.environments import consts
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if not os.path.exists(consts.CACHE_DIR):
os.mkdir(consts.CACHE_DIR)'Creating cache directory located at {dir}'.format(
dir=consts.CACHE_DIR))'Using cache directory located at {dir}'.format(
_apps = {}
class Service(object):
"""Murano Service representation object
Class for keeping service persistent data, the most important are two:
``self.forms`` list of service's steps (as Django form classes) and
``self.cleaned_data`` dictionary of data from service validated steps.
Attribute ``self.cleaned_data`` is needed for, e.g. ServiceA.Step2, be
able to reference data at ServiceA.Step1 while actual form instance
representing Step1 is already gone. That attribute is stored per-user,
so sessions are employed - the reference to a dictionary with forms data
stored in a session is passed to Service during its initialization,
because Service instance is re-created on each request from UI definition
stored at local file-system cache .
def __init__(self, cleaned_data, version, fqn, forms=None, templates=None,
application=None, **kwargs):
self.cleaned_data = cleaned_data
self.templates = templates or {}
self.spec_version = str(version)
if application is None:
raise ValueError('Application section is required')
self.application = application
self.context = legacy.create_context()
self.forms = []
for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):
setattr(self, key, value)
for form in forms:
name, field_specs, validators = self.extract_form_data(form)
# NOTE(kzaitsev) should be str (not unicode) under python2
# however it also works as str under python3
name = helpers.to_str(name)
self._add_form(name, field_specs, validators)
# Add ManageWorkflowForm
workflow_form = catalog_forms.WorkflowManagementForm()
if semantic_version.Version.coerce(self.spec_version) >= \
app_name_field = workflow_form.name_field(fqn)
workflow_form.field_specs.insert(0, app_name_field)
def _add_form(self, _name, _specs, _validators, _verbose_name=None):
import muranodashboard.dynamic_ui.forms as forms
class Form(six.with_metaclass(forms.DynamicFormMetaclass,
service = self
name = _name
verbose_name = _verbose_name
field_specs = _specs
validators = _validators
def extract_form_data(data):
for form_name, form_data in six.iteritems(data):
return form_name, form_data['fields'], form_data.get('validators',
def extract_attributes(self):
self.context['$'] = self.cleaned_data
for name, template in six.iteritems(self.templates):
self.context[name] = template
if semantic_version.Version.coerce(self.spec_version) \
>= semantic_version.Version.coerce('2.2'):
management_form = catalog_forms.WF_MANAGEMENT_NAME
name = self.context['$'][management_form]['application_name']
self.application['?']['name'] = name
attributes = helpers.evaluate(self.application, self.context)
return attributes
def get_data(self, form_name, expr, data=None):
"""Try to get value from cleaned data, if none found, use raw data."""
if data:
self.update_cleaned_data(data, form_name=form_name)
data = self.cleaned_data
value = data and expr.evaluate(data=data, context=self.context)
return data != {}, value
def update_cleaned_data(self, data, form=None, form_name=None):
form_name = form_name or form.__class__.__name__
if data:
self.cleaned_data[form_name] = data
return self.cleaned_data
def set_data(self, data):
self.cleaned_data = data
def get_apps_data(request):
return request.session.setdefault('apps_data', {})
def import_app(request, app_id):
app_data = get_apps_data(request).setdefault(app_id, {})
ui_desc = pkg_api.get_app_ui(request, app_id)
fqn = pkg_api.get_app_fqn(request, app_id)
LOG.debug('Using data {0} for app {1}'.format(app_data, fqn))
app_version = ui_desc.pop('Version', version.LATEST_FORMAT_VERSION)
service = dict(
(helpers.decamelize(k), v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(ui_desc))
global _apps # In-memory caching of dynamic UI forms
if app_id in _apps:
LOG.debug('Using in-memory forms for app {0}'.format(fqn))
app = _apps[app_id]
LOG.debug('Creating new forms for app {0}'.format(fqn))
app = _apps[app_id] = Service(app_data, app_version, fqn, **service)
return app
def condition_getter(request, kwargs):
"""Define wizard conditional dictionary.
This function generates conditional dictionary for application creation
wizard. The last form of the wizard may be a management form, that
is provided by murano, not by a user. But in some cases this field
should be hidden. So here all situations are proceeded.
Management form may contain the following fields:
* continue adding applications chechkbox
Hidden, when user adds an app from 'quick deploy' and from
the other form (while creating depending app with '+' sign
* automatic inserted name
Hidden, if app version not higher then 2.0
So if both fields should not be shown - the management form is hidden.
def _func(wizard):
# Get last key in OrderDict
last_step = next(reversed(wizard.form_list))
app_spec_version = wizard.form_list[last_step].service.spec_version
hide_stay_at_catalog_dialog = wizard.get_wizard_flag('drop_wm_form')
# Hide management form if version is old and additional dialog should
# not be shown
if not semantic_version.Version.coerce(app_spec_version) >= \
and hide_stay_at_catalog_dialog:
return False
last_form_fields = wizard.form_list[last_step].base_fields
# If version is old, do not ask for app name
if not semantic_version.Version.coerce(app_spec_version) >= \
if 'application_name' in last_form_fields.keys():
del last_form_fields['application_name']
# If workflow checkbox is not needed, remove it
if hide_stay_at_catalog_dialog:
if 'stay_at_the_catalog' in last_form_fields.keys():
del last_form_fields['stay_at_the_catalog']
return True
app = import_app(request, kwargs['app_id'])
key = force_text(_get_form_name(len(app.forms) - 1, app.forms[-1]()))
return {key: _func}
def _get_form_name(i, form, step_tmpl='Step {0}'):
name = form.verbose_name
return step_tmpl.format(i + 1) if name is None else name
def get_app_forms(request, kwargs):
app = import_app(request, kwargs.get('app_id'))
def get_form_name(i, form):
return _get_form_name(i, form, _('Step {0}'))
step_names = [get_form_name(*pair) for pair in enumerate(app.forms)]
return zip(step_names, app.forms)
def service_type_from_id(service_id):
match = re.match('(.*)-[0-9]+', service_id)
if match:
else: # if no number suffix found, it was service_type itself passed in
return service_id
def get_app_field_descriptions(request, app_id, index):
app = import_app(request, app_id)
form_cls = app.forms[index]
descriptions = []
for name, field in six.iteritems(form_cls.base_fields):
title = field.description_title
description = field.description
if description:
descriptions.append((name, title, description))
return descriptions