
101 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from muranopkgcheck import error
from muranopkgcheck.i18n import _
from muranopkgcheck.validators import base
UI_VERSION = frozenset(('1.0', '1', '2', '2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.4'))
FIELDS_TYPE = frozenset(('string', 'boolean', 'text', 'integer', 'password',
'clusterip', 'floatingip', 'domain', 'databaselist',
'table', 'flavor', 'keypair', 'image', 'azone',
'psqlDatabase', 'network', 'choice', 'volume',
BOOL_FIELDS = frozenset(('required', 'hidden'))
STR_FIELDS = frozenset(('name', 'label', 'description',
'descriptionTitle', 'regexpValidator', 'helpText'))
INT_FIELDS = frozenset(('minLength', 'maxLength', 'minValue', 'maxValue'))
error.register.E081(description='Value should be boolean')
error.register.E083(description='Wrong name in UI file')
error.register.E084(description='Application is not a dict')
error.register.E100(description='Not valid FQN or known type')
error.register.W082(description='Incorrect version of UI file')
error.register.W100(description='Not known type. Probably typo')
class UiValidator(base.YamlValidator):
def __init__(self, loaded_package):
super(UiValidator, self).__init__(loaded_package, r'UI/.*\.yaml$')
self.add_checker(self._valid_forms, 'Forms', False)
self.add_checker(self._null_checker, 'Templates', False)
self.add_checker(self._valid_application, 'Application', False)
self.add_checker(self._valid_version, 'Version', False)
def _valid_application(self, application):
if not isinstance(application, dict):
yield'Application is not a dict'),
for name, value in application.items():
if not self._check_name(name):
if name != '?':
yield'Wrong name in UI file "{}"')
.format(name), name)
def _valid_version(self, version):
if str(version) not in UI_VERSION:
yield'Incorrect version of UI file "{}"')
.format(version), version)
def _valid_forms(self, forms):
for named_form in forms:
for name, form in named_form.items():
yield self._valid_form(form['fields'])
yield self._valid_keywords(form.keys(),
('fields', 'validators'))
def _valid_form(self, form):
for named_params in form:
for key, value in named_params.items():
if key in STR_FIELDS:
if not isinstance(value, str):
yield'Value of {} should be '
'string not "{}"')
.format(key, value), key)
elif key in BOOL_FIELDS:
if not isinstance(value, bool):
yield'Value of {} should be '
'boolean not "{}"')
.format(key, value), key)
elif key in INT_FIELDS:
if not isinstance(value, int):
yield'Value of {} should be '
'int not "{}"')
.format(key, value), key)
elif key == 'type':
yield self._valid_field_type(value)
def _valid_field_type(self, fqn, can_be_list=True):
if isinstance(fqn, list):
for elem in fqn:
yield self._valid_field_type(elem, False)
elif self._check_fqn_name(fqn):
if '.' not in fqn and fqn not in FIELDS_TYPE:
yield'"{0}" is not known type. '
'Probably a typo'.format(fqn), fqn)
yield'"{0}" is not valid FQN or known type'
.format(fqn), fqn)