--- features: - Previously, when pre-deployment garbage collection occurred it executed ``.destroy`` method for objects that were present in the ``ObjectsCopy`` section of the object model (which is the snapshot of the model after last deployment) and not present in the current model anymore (because they were deleted through the API between deployments). If the destroyed objects were to access another object that was not deleted it was accessing its copy from the ``ObjectsCopy``. Thus any changes to the internal state made by that object were lost after the garbage collection finished (that is, before the ``.deploy`` method call) and could not affect the deployment. Now, if the object is present in both ``Objects`` and ``ObjectsCopy``, a single instance (the one from ``Objects``) is used for both garbage collection and deployment. As a consequence, instances (in their ``.destroy`` method) now may observe changes made to other objects they refer if they were not deleted, but modified through the API. In some rare cases, it may break existing applications.